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November 27th, 2011

[info]weasley_rox in [info]feintedooc



So other than doing a lot more Christmas decorating tomorrow I'm pretty much back and with a vengeance!! So happy about it!!! Anyway - We have a ton new characters and since all the intro posts got lost in the mix I am just going to reintroduce my two and hope to hear from all of you newbies!!

So we have the incomparable Roxanne Weasley (5th year Hufflepuff)!! One half of the George and Angelina Weasley twins, Roxie is the prankster, where Fred is the brains. She loves quidditch, her frog Bunny, her best friends (Liam, Anna, and Fred), and all of her family (which there's a LOT of). She's psyched about the other schools being here. She's outspoken and fun - and she's always looking for new ways to get into trouble. A friend of detentions and magical creatures, this girl kicks ass and we love her. I'd love for her to have more friends, possibly an enemy if you feel so moved, or maybe just someone who thinks she's crazy? Wherever you land I'm sure it will be in a good place!

Then there's Caer Kovalenko ([info]kovert 7th year Durmstrang Chaser). He has a tendency to act/speak before thinking and for that is a little brash sometimes, but never really rude. He comes from a couple old pureblood lines so he has impeccable breeding, tends to be over formal upon first meeting someone, but he loves to meet new people and makes friends fast. He is not overly social, but he's no loner. He's badass in his own way. He lives for his morning runs, training, quidditch, and really loves dragons. His goal is to be a dragon rider. He has a bit of a tragic background story so you should read his app history for that. He loves his family and will fight for his friends to the death. He's all sorts of noble. He'd love to have some more close friends or new friendships that came about because of the tournament!! I'll need to talk to the new Durmstrangers asap!!

As always I can be reached on aim - even if it says away try sending me a message. I usually keep one up because I tend to just walk away without saying anything. ;D


♥ Steph

[info]feintedmods in [info]feintedooc

run the button please!

Mod!Lauren adds Ruby Wilder ([info]reckoned), a Salem Reserve.

[info]reckoned in [info]feintedooc

So my lovelies. I have brought you a foreigner. And not just any foreigner—a Texan.

cut for ramblies )

Annnd in case you don't want to wait until I respond to your intro posts (which I WILL, I promise), my others are:

Aggie McLaggen, 7th year Gryffindor
Garrett Flint, 7th year Slytherin
Sam Carmichael, 6th year Hufflepuff
Hal Gillespie, 5th year Ravenclaw

And I am at FamiliarGleam (AIM) and familiargleam@gmail.com and now that my family is gone, I am back in full swing! <333 GIMME YOUR PLOTSES PLS.

[info]strictlygame in [info]feintedooc

So this weekend, Aggie talked to James about seeing Eirik. Lauren and I are threading it, but as we are slow, it may not be up for awhile. But basically, this means that James will be a sad puppy for awhile and he will be angsting it up like a champ. This will be interrupted by bouts of anger because he also wants to kill Eirik because dude, bro code~ there will be a showdown at some point, methinks. James may also actually explode. So. Fun times all around.

Lauren says Aggie will be more humble, mostly shown in her posture but she'll also try to be with Eirik more because, you know, don't have to hide. Anything to add, Lauren?

So yeah. That is all. I apologize to James's friends because he will be Angsty McAngstypants
