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November 3rd, 2011

[info]afineday in [info]feintedooc

ATTN: Hufflepuffs

You might recall a few days back that Theo put up a ward to Alice about doing something for Halloween. Thanks to my spacey mind and busy schedules, I'm a WEE bit late on putting the OOC over this. However, basically they would have started working on it over the weekend. With first to second years (third and fourth invited, if they wish) from Hufflepuffs they would have spent Saturday evening and most of Sunday setting up decorations for Halloween (Monday). They kept the decorations up and they're still up, they'll be taken down this evening. They did something on All Soul's Day (Nov. 2) as a sort of honor to the whole different cultures angle Hogwarts is doing (Not just Mexico but Spain, Poland, and others). Theo was pretty big on having the ickles help since it'd be the first years first Halloween from home. I have yet to decide if he's done this before. Maybe last Christmas? So, Hufflepuffs, vistors to Hufflepuff, people with sibs in Hufflepuff feel free to have noticed. Grabbed a snack (sorry to say those were only there on Monday and yesterday). Whichever.

Here are so pictures of Theo and Alice's (and the ickle's .. and of course the House-Elves, poor over-worked creatures combined efforts). The theme was graveyards/cemeteries which works for the skeletal decorations of yesterday.

Here (mostly links but has some pictures) )

Thanks to Stevie for some of the links, also if you want the URL for the pics, just ask! <3

[info]weasley_rox in [info]feintedooc

Hey guys! My apologies for being super absent lately. RL has been kind of a bitch and I've been busy as hell. I have a couple things of note to let you guys know about cause I went awol just before Halloween and I figure this is the easiest way to get all the info out to all of you at once without having to backtrack:

Caer went to the Ball with Dani but instead of showing up as Mr. Darcy, as he had originally intended, he showed up as Khal Drogo to match Dani's costume. He was super excited about the Dragons and probably had a lot of fun with them. I'm sure he danced with all of his Durmstrang girls? Yes? And he danced with Dex, who later euphorized him...but he was cool about it afterward. He probably didn't do anything too extreme other than dance a little more than usual...and probably was a little more enthusiastic about everything.

Roxie: Went as a Dragon. She charmed her skin to look like this and had small wings so they wouldn't get in the way. She also gave herself a spiked tail using a modified hex. She wore a black fitted corset and shorts as to minimize the scaly skin that had been covered. She of course went with Liam and had an AWESOME time!

I am afraid Tessa is no more. Her muse just wasn't there enough and I'm really sad to lose her but it was the best course of action. Sorry Jeanne and Carrah.

ROALD!! Your present is coming!! I'm just going to put in a little thing to backdate the entry.

Sooooo gotta talk to people about a Weasley birthday bash for the kids born on Guy Fawkes day! Anybody in? It's on a Saturday so it's a great time for it. And Roxie is willing to set up a surprise party....she'll probably want to include Anna as well seeing as her birthday is so close to theirs anyway. Thoughts? Helpers? I'll do a journal post for this too.

Lastly....Other than the posting of the cast for Twelfth Night (CAER IS SOOO EXCITED) and the Cultural food things is there anything big that I missed? Caer has Holland and Rox has Italy!!

Okay...I think that's everything! I should be on AIM tonight if anyone wants to get in depth about something - or you just wanna chat! Love you all!

♥ Steph
