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August 11th, 2011

[info]warm_hearted in [info]feintedooc

intro #2!

Hi y'all! This is Brandi again, here with Character Number 2! Already! But first, storytime!

There I was, in bed, sleepy, and we turned out the lights to go to sleep ... and I immediately cannot sleep at all. After some fruitless tossing and turning and attempts to will myself to sleep, I gave up and snuck off to my study to see if the computers could make me go to sleep (or at the very least, I could bum around online without disturbing my hubby). AND THEN I discovered that Maggie here had been accepted. So I had to pretty up her bio and head over here to introduce her.

I hope you all enjoyed storytime! :D (... it's nearly 2 am, ye gods.)

ANYWAY. This here is Maggie Wood. She's the twin sister of Danny, daughter of Oliver Wood and Sally-Anne Perks. Much to her chagrin, she was sorted into a different house than her twin. She has nothing against Hufflepuff, she loves her house, and it was her mother's house, she was just v upset to be separated from her brother. So over the years, Maggie's snuck Danny into the Hufflepuff common room, and also been snuck into the Gryffindor common room to hang out with her brother there. Rules schmules.

She's pretty much the definitive sweetheart. But she's also v sensitive and cries over the little things. She also falls in love very easily, so she's probably had her share of boyfriends and unrequited crushes. She's also very loyal, and once you have her as a friend, you've earned yourself a FRIEND FOR LIFE. But, uh, hopefully you Hufflepuffs don't get too disgruntled when she cheers for Gryffindor whenever they play Hufflepuff: she just has to cheer for her brother!

Um. Maggie loves animals and plans to be a vet. There's more at her bio. I'm trying v hard to not ramble overly much, despite the early hour. WHY AM I STILL AWAKE?

ANYWAY. Friends! People who can't stand her sweetness! (She probably doesn't hate anybody. Unless you regularly go around kicking puppies and talking about how you like kicking puppies and pushing little old ladies out of the way and knocking them over so that they get all caught up in their walkers. She might not like you then.) Exes? Boys she could've crushed on? Study buddies? YOUR PLOTS, I WANTS THEM.

(And you can still check out Catie's intro here. See, I can play nice characters, too! Catie's my bitch and Maggie's my sweetie! :D)

[info]gardenrose in [info]feintedooc

Hi! I'm Crystal, and I kind of fail at this intro business, so bear with me. I already know a couple of you, but for those of you who I don't know, please feel free to friend my OOC journal [info]themiserychick. I may bring in another character or two soon, but for now I just have one.

This is Rose Weasley, sixth year Ravenclaw. Last year she was the keeper for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and hopes to play as the keeper on the Hogwarts team this year. She was disappointed about not being in Gryffindor like just about everyone else in her family, but eventually felt relief at not having the responsibility of continuing the Great Weasley Legacy in Gryffindor. Rose is a little shy, and while she can be friendly and even loud with those she's close to, she's more reserved, quiet, and a little nervous around those she doesn't know so well. If she isn't in her dorm or common room, then you can probably find her in the Quidditch pitch, library, or the greenhouse. She's not sure whether she wants to be a pro Quidditch player or an apothecary, but she'll cross that bridge when she comes to it. You can read more about Rose HERE.

[info]aggrieved in [info]feintedooc

HELLO MY LOVELIES! This is Lauren, the other half of your mod team. I was entertaining my cousin who's in town last night so I unfortunately missed out on the fun, but here I am now! A little about me: I'm 25, currently live in Austin, Texas (although I'm originally from Orlando, Florida), and am about to begin a yearlong leave of absence from my doctoral program, AKA "The First Time In 20 Years That Lauren Will Not Be In School." I fortunately have a very flexible job and will probably be online a lot while I'm working. I love writing and reading and partner dancing and video games, and have been giving myself HTML lessons (so if things get a little messy around our pages, it's probably me fiddling). I'm FamiliarGleam on AIM, familiargleam@gmail.com, and because I lack any sort of originality, my CDJ is [info]verdigris (though I am in the process of shopping for a new CDJ name). Feel free to ping me whenever you like!

Now, on to more important matters:




[info]keepingitgeeky in [info]feintedooc

Hey everyone! Since I only recognize a few people I'll introduce myself as well as my characters. I'm Dawn and I'm a children's bookseller. I live in Iowa which puts me firmly in CST. And I'm looking forward to this game because it looks awesome already. :D Right now I have two characters though given my lack of self control I'm sure that there will be others.

First I have Willow "Will" Marten (this journal). She's starting up her last year at Salem Prep and thrilled (and kind of freaked out but shhhh) about making the Salem school team. She's a hybrid jock/geek and is equally comfortable around either group though she has to admit in her heart of hearts that she's usually just a little bit more comfortable around the geeks. She's a good student who is likely to pay attention in class and make comments sometimes when people just want her to shut up. Secretly she's kind of glad that she had to choose between arithmancy and Divination this year because she'd been looking for an excuse t drop the former but since her dad is the Arithmancy teacher at Salem she would never have been able to do it there. She's pretty friendly unless you're a hipster or a snob then she probably keeps her distance. The rest of her profile can be found here.

Second is Annika "Nikki" Worple [info]new_perfect . Nikki is a sixth year Gryffindor who's mouth gets her in trouble entirely too often. She's a staunch individualist who is more than used to having to pay the price for being herself (detention is a common occurance for her). She's a bit standoffish if she doesn't know you but once she counts you as a friend then she'll go through hell for you. For all that she's all "yeah individualism" she's also kind of self conscious (especially about B-O-Y-S) which often makes her defensive. She refuses to join clubs though maintains she would make an exception if the school got a newspaper or a literary journal. If you can't find her, she's probably in the library but don't think that makes her a good student. She's indifferent at best in her classwork and drives the professors crazy because it's clear from what she does actually do that she's a bright girl. She just simply doesn't care. The rest of Nikki's info can be found here

Both of my girls need a little love (or hate considering they both are kind of mouthy in their own ways) :D

And me, I like the love part not so much with the hate but if you want to talk to me I'm around most evenings. My AIM is feybookgirl, email d_coulter@yahoo.com and my CDJ is [info]book_muse .
