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Posts Tagged: 'c:+niall+malone'

Aug. 19th, 2018



Note to Self: Even if you love running and are an experienced runner, going the distance of a half marathon in a day without sufficient preparation is rough.

I'm just going to sit here and eat a whole pot of spaghetti.


Aug. 16th, 2018



The nice thing about owning a game design company is that it's actually work-related to spend rendering times checking out the new WoW release while on the clock. And now my night is going to look a whole lot like my day did.

Did you get disconnected earlier? We're logging in again in 20 if you want to jump in again. We could order pizza and game at your place, even.

Aug. 13th, 2018



It's not weird to befriend an ex's family member, right?

Aug. 12th, 2018



I took this quiz to find out which Overwatch character I'm like in bed, because this is what my Sundays are like. I also have learned that I should have super strength, a dragon lives in my soul, my Gaelic name is Saoirse, and I am apparently attracted to the Immature Type. Given how wrong the last one is, it makes me question everything I learned about myself in the other quizzes -- oh no.

This is the sort of spiral that I don't think they could have predicted when they invented the internet.

Aug. 6th, 2018



instagram post! )



Niall Malone I just wanted to drop a quick note and say that, based on human life expectancy, your expiration date is more likely to come before that of your daughter's relationship with me. Thanks and have a nice day.
Leah KB What a thing to say. Your utter lack of concern for the longevity of your business is troublesome. I respect the work you and Noah have put into your company and only wish to see more success in your future. Surely a mother cannot be faulted for wanting that for her son.
Niall Malone And what does a mother want for her daughter?
Niall Malone Noah and I are both very good at what we do and will be successful with or without your "well wishes". To put the responsibility of our success on your daughter's shoulders is both unwarranted and unappreciated, as is any general meddling in or predictions of my future or my wants.
Niall Malone You don't know me, and you clearly don't give two shits about Eve, so your opinions have no place in my business or our relationship.
Leah KB All I want for my daughter is for Eve to recognize her potential, something she seems all too keen on ignoring, without hindering her brother's.
Niall Malone Eve is a phenomenal, talented, ferocious, kind woman who is already seeing success in the field she's passionate about. I could not be prouder of her.
Niall Malone So the next time you think you might reach out to her, the only thing you will say to her is, "I love you, I'm proud of you, and I hope you are well."
Niall Malone No more, no less. If you can't muster it, then don't contact her.
Niall Malone I am more than happy to be the asshole that makes sure you have no place in our future. I don't like you, I don't respect you, and Stella is pretty much the only mother of Eve's that I want to earn respect from. So I urge you to consider whether your words and actions will be worth the price of losing out on one day having a healthy relationship with Eve and your future grandchildren. Because there's no way in hell I'm subjecting any wife or child of mine to your brand of miserable toxicity. ✌
code by tessisamess



I need to tell you what's been going on the past few days. I don't want to and every part of me is screaming at me not to, but I also hate that idea that you might think you've done something wrong. I know this all sounds ominous and I guess it kind of is, but I hope you'll forgive me for telling you like this. It's just that I don't know if I can hold it together otherwise. I've been failing pretty miserably at holding it together as it is.

I had another dream about Kirito. About the end of SAO.

Aug. 3rd, 2018



Right now, working from home feels a lot like staying home to play video games. I'm okay with that.

I need to talk to someone about a dream I had. I thought maybe I could make the feeling pass, or ignore it long enough that it wouldn't matter, but [...] it's not working.

Aug. 2nd, 2018



Hey, you.

How are you feeling? Can I bring you anything?

Jul. 30th, 2018



Cut for image! )


Jul. 26th, 2018



Niall, look at this.

Jul. 10th, 2018



Hey, so I know that this is last minute, but I was thinking that I'd like to have a good, old fashioned cook out at my place this weekend, because I don't really know how to do a get together that isn't revolving around food in some way. I know I see a lot of you on a regular basis for various reasons like D&D or whatever else, but I kind of wanted to engineer a reason to have all of my favorite people in one place for a few hours to just hang out, maybe play some games, and definitely enjoy some food. You can bring significant others or family or whoever you want. My apartment isn't huge, but we can make room.

If you're available on Saturday, come on over around 6PM. I'll make burgers and hotdogs and some other stuff, but feel free to bring a dish to pass. I'll have limited supplies of alcoholic drinks, so BYOB if you want something fancy.

Anyway. You're all the best and I hope you can make it.

I know you guys have your hands full of new baby, so I completely understand if you're not up for something like this, but know that you, Zeke, and Adelaide are all definitely welcome if you are. This disclaimer is only a little bit selfless, because I want to see that baby girl at all times.

Jul. 9th, 2018



Cut for image! NSFW, I think? )

I hate Tinder.

Jul. 8th, 2018



Hey. I'm Eli and it looks like I'm going to be here for the next while so I'm looking for some recommendations. I'm well travelled enough to know that asking the locals where to start is the best idea, since they actually know what's up.

First, best place to get a good drink around here? From my driving around, there seem to be a lot of options, so I figure coming right out and asking is a good first step.

Second, food. I've been to Grandma's and inhaled more waffles than I probably needed to this morning alone, so I have that one down. But I'm living in a hotel room right now and my meal options are pretty limited to takeout and pop tarts, so tell me where to go.

And that's pretty much it. Alcohol and food are important, so there we have it. I know I could probably go up to DC and find some chains that I'm more familiar with, but that seems like a waste of perfectly good resources here. And, honestly, if there's anything in particular people think just has to be seen in this town if you've never been before, throw it at me. I'm up for anything.

Jun. 29th, 2018




Jun. 24th, 2018



[Shortly after this takes place, before Danielle returns to the Malone Residence.]

-- So don't freak out.
-- I saw my brother.
-- I should probably mention it was unintentional. It was definitely unintentional.

-- Hey, you.
-- Um...I got a little too in touch with my past.
-- I'm a little scraped up, but otherwise totally fine.
-- Skype is not going to paint a pretty picture of me, though.

Jun. 21st, 2018



Happy Thursday! And not only is it Thursday, but it's also apparently Selfie Day? I don't know -- these are the things that Facebook alerts me to. I feel like I'd be a bad millenial if I didn't participate, so here I am. Caving to pressure. Cut for image! )

Okay, I know. It isn't a selfie. But I feel like I can be forgiven with that cute face being all cute and adorable, right?

Jun. 10th, 2018



I have honestly never seen a game and food night put together so well, and that has nothing to do with my bias. I've been to a lot of events like it in both my time as a gamer and as a professional in the gaming industry. For anyone who happened to miss it, do yourself a favor and petition Eve to host another one. Great food, great community. A+ would do it again.

And for everyone who did make it, I have two requests:
1. If you happened to jump in on the beta, please go to http://www.blackswordsmangames.com/idyllmir/beta/feedback/ to take a short survey about gameplay and mechanics so that we can further improve the full game releasing Winter 2018.
2. Ignore these crazy rumors that I cried when the first five beta players launched the game. I did no such thing.

Anyway, thanks for playing. And make sure you tell Eve how epic the night was because she deserves to hear it.

Jun. 8th, 2018



-- Good morning! 😗
-- I thought of something while I was driving to the restaurant this morning.
-- Did you send me flowers on Valentine's Day?

Jun. 5th, 2018



Cut for image! )

I love this game. It will never, ever get old. Even when Bethesda finally (FINALLY) releases a new Elder Scrolls (grr re: Fallout teasers, btw), I foresee myself returning to Skyrim, just for buggy goofiness like that.

I think I need a girls' night. I've been focused on work and Niall other things and have been neglectful. Can this be a thing? My place, I'll cook, we can chat or watch a movie or anything else?
Hello! We should hang out. A Noah-free and non-D&D related hang out, I mean. And I should note that this isn't going to turn into one of those dumb things where a sibling gets all "if your hurt them, blahblahblah" like they do in movies. I don't think I could pull that off successfully on a good day, to be honest. I just like knowing the people who are important to my brother, because that automatically makes them important to me.

Anyway! If you're ammendable, let me know when you're free. We could do food? I remember you liking pizza, so we could do Sal's? Oh or we could do homemade pizza at my apartment?? I don't know. Something like that. I'm also kind of babbling, which is a thing I do, spoiler alert.