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Posts Tagged: 'c:+elias+salazar'

Aug. 5th, 2019



Time for another anon post, if you're so inclined to jump in. Your responses can, as always, be public or anonymous, whichever makes you most comfortable.
Is there anyone from your other life that you wish was here with you, that you could see and talk to in whatever capacity? Assume for the purpose of this post that your response does not come with the unintended consequence of wishing dreams/memories on another individual. This just piggybacks off of the last post when we talked about things you wish you could say to someone back there, or here.

Jul. 28th, 2019



instagram post! )



Who else is doing the food challenge at the new Italian place tomorrow?

I need to tell you both something. Before we continue working on these suits and eventually finish them, I think it's important that you both know that I'm going to use it. Mr. Salazar, I once told Mr. Stark that, when I can do the things that I do, and I don't, and then the bad things happen, it's on me. And I still feel that way, you know? Like, I don't think it's really fair of me to sit here and pretend like the universe didn't give me the same abilities I had there for a reason. And I just thought I needed to tell you both that in case you didn't really want to be a part of my choice to do it.

And obviously it's up for discussion, but I should say that it's going to be really hard to change my mind.

Jul. 26th, 2019



This seems about accurate, but reversed. Like Eli would say, "Oh my God, Caty, you're in labor!!!!!" And I'd very lovingly be like, "But I swear to God if you take me away from my shredded chicken nachos, I will cut you." True story.

Jul. 22nd, 2019





Jul. 19th, 2019



The weather is going to be super hot this weekend in Dunhaven, so that probably means you should go to the Dreamery and get some ice cream to stay cool! My smiling face won't be there, but the ice cream will be sooo.


So, I wanted to check in a little bit on what I've been up to. Our living room is basically littered with books from the university library. The cats are really enjoying sitting on the stacks. I think that I basically gave myself a crash course in neurology. Well, not that I necessarily needed one, since I've been studying it for a while, but that's besides the point. I had only touched on the concept of brainwashing and the extent that it could take hold, but looking into it deeper and being able to remember what Shuri actually did with Sergeant Barnes. The science is fascinating, but I'm also limited as, you know, Wakanda isn't a real place, nor is vibranium a real substance and they use it in so much of their tech and science. I've done some cursory research on possible alloys that could recreate something similar, at least in strength and versatility, but I wouldn't really know just how successful any of it would be without some experimentation. I'm going to email you my research on that, Mr. Salazar. I don't know how much it could help you with your suit.

That being said, I think that if the worst were to happen, Mr. Nikolaev, I have direction. We'd only talked a couple of weeks ago, but I know that this is important to you and I didn't want you to wonder where I was. It isn't as solid as a perfect solution, but I'm pretty confident right now that we'll get to one. I don't know how much that really helps and I'm sorry that I don't have more to give you yet.

Also, I'm going to be out of town for the next couple of days. I'll be leaving all of my research in the very intelligent and capable hands of my handsome husband, who is the smartest person there is. But if anything were to happen and I'm needed, I can't promise that I will be immediately back as it's going to require me to cross a border into the US and I already know that's probably going to be a giant pain, but I will have my phone.

Jul. 18th, 2019



In case you needed something wholesome for your Thursday: Cut for image! )

Just so you three are aware, I'm going to Virginia Beach tomorrow after work and will be back Sunday sometime. So, you know, don't panic.

Jul. 11th, 2019



What's everyone's plans for the weekend? I just need to know so I can copy all the cool ideas. 😉

Hi, good morning! I was wondering if you have any open studio time available in the next couple of days?

Hi, wife. Question: If we had our dream house, what would you want in it? I was thinking about Elias Salazar's house and that sweet lab in the basement and how I'd really want a lab, too, but also maybe space to dance? Oh my god and a karaoke machine so we can have legit rap battles with mic drops??

Hi, good morning, Mr. Salazar! I probably should be askig my supervisor so I'm really sorry if I'm overstepping my bounds or being insubordinate in any way but I was wondering if I could maybe talk to you about picking up more hours? I know it's just an internship and I'm so ridiculously grateful for it, and the part-time hours, and the opportunity and everything. Like it's pretty much already a dream come true. But if there was anywhere else in the company that I could pick up any hours, I'd be so grateful. Anyway, I just thought I'd ask! Hope you have an awesome day, Mr. Salazar!

You know what we need to do? Paintball.

Jul. 6th, 2019



Hey, have you got a second?



instagram post! )

Jun. 28th, 2019



Do you want a suit?



For everyone who's received more than they bargained for with these dreams, have you only gotten bits and pieces of these "extra" things, or all of it? Sorry [...] I know this is vague.

Jun. 27th, 2019



WHO: Miles McKinnon & Eli Salazar
WHEN: Wednesday, June 27, 2019; Afternoon
WHERE: Salazar Industries
SUMMARY: Miles gets caught using company resources and he and Eli come clean about their shared memories.

Just maybe don't hug me in front of the other interns. They might get jealous. )

Jun. 23rd, 2019




Jun. 21st, 2019



instagram post! )

Jun. 19th, 2019



instagram post! )

Jun. 12th, 2019



Hi, friends.

It's been a long while since we've done one of these and, though I no longer need the data for my sociology class, I do think they've been very productive in terms of discussion. So here's another anonymous post for you! Again, you can turn on the anon filter and no one will know who you are, or you can just respond as yourself, whether because you're not ready to reveal who you're dreaming about, or whatever the case may be.

Tonight's question is: If you could say something to someone you knew/know in your dream world that you can't say here for whatever reason, what would it be?

Jun. 10th, 2019



I know realistically it's not the case, but I feel like my bump popped out overnight and I am so in love with it 😭. Pregnancy hasn't been my favorite thing to experience so far (looking at you, indiscriminate morning sickness), but it hasn't felt as so incredibly real as it does right now. I see you, Baby Bean. We're in this together. ❤️ Almost 13 weeks down!

May. 30th, 2019



instagram post! )

May. 29th, 2019



birthday gifts for eli! but delivered in person )