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Posts Tagged: 'c:+aria+winters'

Jun. 12th, 2019



Hi, friends.

It's been a long while since we've done one of these and, though I no longer need the data for my sociology class, I do think they've been very productive in terms of discussion. So here's another anonymous post for you! Again, you can turn on the anon filter and no one will know who you are, or you can just respond as yourself, whether because you're not ready to reveal who you're dreaming about, or whatever the case may be.

Tonight's question is: If you could say something to someone you knew/know in your dream world that you can't say here for whatever reason, what would it be?



Cut for image! NSFW, maybe? )

You're welcome.

Jun. 3rd, 2019



Okay, time to call in the cavalry. I need your help doing something totally crazy and ridiculous, but also not illegal. Probably. There my be some copyright laws in there somewhere but whatever.

May. 30th, 2019



I'm feeling the need for some karaoke this weekend. Who's with me?

May. 27th, 2019



instagram post! )

May. 24th, 2019



As much as I love winter (such a cliche for so many reasons), I am all about it officially being summer. ☀️

Just so you both know, I'm going camping this weekend. I don't know what reception is going to look like, but I will have my phone and stuff.

Also, I remember everything now.

May. 22nd, 2019



((ooc: as usual, please handwave that the lovely and talented musician in the video below is Benjy. And please check out the artists other videos because he's wonderful.))

This one's for you, Henry Mills.

Make me a believer.

I've got my last final tomorrow morning, then I'm done. Camping trip to celebrate this weekend?

May. 20th, 2019



WHO: Aria Winters → Arya Stark
WHEN: Morning of May 20
WHERE: Drew's house, mostly the kitchen
SUMMARY: Early morning breakfast preparations are interrupted by so. many. memories.
WARNINGS: Spoilers for the whole last season of Game of Thrones, as well as seasons that came before it. Some mentions of death.

After cancelling her alarm on her phone, Aria slipped out of bed with the sort of quiet stealth that only a girl that had spent years honing such skills could. )

May. 19th, 2019



cut for potential got spoilers )
cut for definite got spoilers )

May. 16th, 2019



I know that we haven't quite reached the real middle of the year, but I think that with this last semester just being so crazy and how quick the end of it is coming, it feels like we should be further into 2019 than we actually are. Because of that, I figure we've all been through the usual ups and downs that living life just happens to bring, so I wanted to propose a nice, positive question for folks:

What has been your favorite part of 2019 so far?

It could be something that happened to you personally, something that you witnessed, something at a grander level, either in Dunhaven or beyond, or even a meme that just made you laugh really, really hard. Just something that you're willing to share! Whatever the case, I'd love to hear it and maybe spread some cheer and good vibes around while putting off studying or thinking about.

May. 12th, 2019



I know today is a busy day, but I'd there any chance I could steal a few minutes of your afternoon? I'll come bearing food-type gifts and Happy Mother's Day tidings!

So I thought today might be the most opportune time to tell you all my news, for multiple reasons. Partly because I don't know what's coming tonight, or next week, and I'd like to take back Sundays with something good. And, of course, today is a good day for this, in general.

Because my news is that Eli and I are having a baby. We just found out this week and I'm not that far along (we're due in December!), so I probably should have waited to tell you, but I want to remember today as the day I got to share something special with my new second family.

Anyway, that's all I have for you! I thought about waiting until most of us were together tonight, but I know not everyone will be there. There were other reasons for choosing to do it this way, too, but I think those reasons are mostly obvious to all of us.

I'll see most of you tonight, and I'm glad it's with the knowledge that, no matter what happens, good things are coming. Good things are going to come for all of us. ❤️



instagram post! )

May. 9th, 2019




public post but cut for image and got spoilers )

May. 6th, 2019



Delivery to Danielle )



When are your classes over today?

[OOC: Just going to preemptively assume there will be spoilers here at some point.]

May. 2nd, 2019



As an update to a couple weeks ago: the last Jonas brother is now legally off the market.

Thirteen-year-old me would be pretty disappointed in me for not being more upset about this news. She would have expected tears and a silent vigil, because thirteen-year-old me had far less chill than present me does. She was unaware of competing factors, though.

Apr. 29th, 2019



Prepare yourselves: Beginning Monday of next week, Grandma's will be running daily specials that will rotate between cheese fries, milkshakes, and our homemade desserts.

We'll also be running some extended hours and will close at midnight instead of 10:00 from May 10th thru May 23rd.

Finals Week is approaching. Never say that I didn't do anything for you.

We've been preparing for the madness of the specials, but just so it's clear, if you aren't feeling up to picking up any of the extended hours, they're in no way mandatory.

Apr. 28th, 2019



instagram post! )

Apr. 25th, 2019



I've been home for a few months now and the only time I've been up to DC was when I flew in. I actually have a full Saturday off and I think, in an effort to enjoy as much of the weekend as is allowed, this calls for a DC bakery tour. Not that the various baked good establishments in Dunhaven aren't the best already, but I think the importance of a few hours spent outside of town and gorging myself on cake can't be understated.

On the off chance this hasn't already gotten back to you in one way or another, Drew and I are a thing again.
Hi. I know we all have a lot going on right now and I don't want to distract from any of that, but I also wanted to let you know, before you heard from someone else in town, that Drew and I are back together.

Apr. 22nd, 2019



Texts to Max - cut for probable GoT spoilers )