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Posts Tagged: 'c:+stella+king'

Jun. 17th, 2019



Now that I've seen my girls, I feel as though it's safe to actually use this network and say hello. It's been a while since I had a permanent address in Dunhaven and it feels pretty good, all things considered.

How is everyone? I wouldn't mind some life updates.



An unexpected downside to summer vacation is that I literally haven't had downtime like this since I graduated college and I don't really know what to do with myself.

Wine night sometime soon?
How have you been?

Jun. 12th, 2019



Hi, friends.

It's been a long while since we've done one of these and, though I no longer need the data for my sociology class, I do think they've been very productive in terms of discussion. So here's another anonymous post for you! Again, you can turn on the anon filter and no one will know who you are, or you can just respond as yourself, whether because you're not ready to reveal who you're dreaming about, or whatever the case may be.

Tonight's question is: If you could say something to someone you knew/know in your dream world that you can't say here for whatever reason, what would it be?

Jun. 8th, 2019



instagram post! )

Jun. 6th, 2019



I would like to preface this by saying that I love my job. It's incredibly rewarding and my students are honestly great. I've enjoyed the heck out of teaching them to conjugate verbs and all kinds of vocabulary.

That being said. Tomorrow is the last day of school and I am ready.

To really kick off the summer, I'm proposing a fun night out. Not just for educators! I'm extending this invitation to whoever sees this and wants to hang out with me for an extended period of time. Karaoke was a good time the last time we hit it up, so I'm further proposing this gathering to take place at the Pourhouse, tomorrow night. Have some drinks, eat some bar food, listen to some folks butcher classic songs. It's the best of times, really.

So, come! Hang out with me. It'll be fun.

Are Senators allowed to go to bars?

Jun. 1st, 2019



Hi. Yes. Asking for a friend--could anyone recommend some industrial strength concealer? Concealer that could effectively, for example, cover two rather large, intricate tattoos?

May. 28th, 2019



Emmett and I worked out today. Cut for gif! Please pretend it's an embedded video. )

He's a very good boy, but a distracting trainer.

May. 12th, 2019



As I know you all know, Asha and Stella both had birthdays this week. Because they are my favorites, as well as beingthe very best of people that deserve good things and being that this is the first time in years that I've been able to celebrate their birthdays with them, I wanted to throw a party for them, even if it's going to be after their birthdays. So, I propose a joint celebration of the surprise variety at the Pourhouse on Friday, May 17. It's karaoke night, so it should be ridiculous. I will make sure that they all get there by 7PM, if the rest of you could try to be there a bit beforehand for a proper surprise.
I've decided that we need a night out. I like wine nights in, but we should have a change of pace and scenery. I think this night out should be this upcoming Friday on the 17th. If you disagree, I might get huffy and none of us want that.
I know I already said it, but thank you again for letting me come over the other day. I really needed it.

May. 4th, 2019



I'm neither saying that I am a fun ruiner or that prom chaperones should have the prerequisite of having attended at least one prom as a student in their not so recent past at the hotel, but I did know exactly where to look in order to find and direct back to the dance floor not one, not two, but three different couples that were making out in a particularly overlooked dark corner of the ballroom throughout the night.

You're welcome, parents of teenagers. Ash Liang is here to ruin proms. And annual balls, apparently

May. 1st, 2019



How is it May already? Where has this year gone? Am I getting old if I ask these questions?

I made the mistake of giving Mom an inch. She isn't being too bad, all things considered, but she took my sending her some pictures of things as an invitation to send links and opinions on things we've already finalized. And it's fine. It's really, honestly fine. At least she isn't outright telling me all the things I'm doing wrong in this planning. But

Anyway. I'm just whining and you two are obligated to love me, no matter how much I whine, so you're the unfortunate recipients of said whines.
How likely is it that I can talk you into an early night of pizza, pajamas, and Mario Party? Leftover raspberry lemon cake is also likely.



[OOC: Foster can read all wedding-related filters.]

We've already sent you an invitation- which stands regardless of your answer here- but if you have the time in your schedule, I'd really, really love to talk to you about making our wedding cake!

So this is probably going to sound weird (or maybe it won't?), but would you be at all open to catering a wedding? Foster and I were talking about it, and honestly, the wedding food we'd most love is your breakfast buffet and cheese fries.

I'd love to talk to you about wedding photography! Our wedding is August 10th in Richmond.

[Stella & Eve]
I'm working on a new flavor line for the Dreamery's two year anniversary at the end of the month, and want to collaborate with other local food establishments! How does Wildflower Honey w/ Ricotta Walnut Lace Cookies sound to you?

I'm working on a new flavor line for the Dreamery's two year anniversary at the end of the month, and want to collaborate with other local food establishments! How does Rhubarb Crumble w/ Toasted Anise sound to you?

I'm working on a new flavor line for the Dreamery's two year anniversary at the end of the month, and want to collaborate with other local food establishments! I've actually got two tea-infused flavors in mind that I'd love your help with. How do Jasmine Blossom Milk Tea & Chocolate and Magnolia Saison sound?

I'm working on a new flavor line for the Dreamery's two year anniversary at the end of the month, and want to collaborate with other local food establishments! I've actually got two flavors in mind that I'd like to add an alcohol to. (In the mixing process, not to actually sell boozy alcohol. Unless you want to do that, since you've already got the liquor license?) Either way, I'm thinking of a Saison Magnolia and a Lemon Grand Poppy Sherbet. Thoughts?

I know I could just talk to you about it at home- and I probably still will- but for the Dreamery's flavor collaborations, any chance you can source me some good edible plants? Which, okay, that just sounds like I'm asking for drugs. But I'm not. Just hibiscus and lavender for sure, and maybe some peonies, begonias, poppy flowers, and nasturtiums if I get to be really greedy.

Apr. 30th, 2019



April is Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month. Amputee Coalition has been working on getting it declared as such in all 50 states, but that doesn't really keep it from being recognized by those of us in the community. They created a great calendar of personal events throughout the month, but my favorite had to be the activity for today, April 30. It's a day meant to thank someone who has helped you on your journey. So, if you'll forgive me for a hot second, Dunhaven, I'm going to indulge in some sap. I promise when this is over, I'll be back to dispensing your regularly scheduled sass.

I think that, given that this is a small town where everyone knows everything about everyone, you'd be hard pressed to find someone that isn't at least vaguely aware of the fact that I lost my left arm up to just under my elbow and most of my left leg in a car accident when I was three. I don't really have memories of having all of my limbs, but I do remember the struggle of getting used to prostheses and growing into new ones. I remember what it felt like to feel different and awkward. (To be entirely honest, I still feel different and awkward some days, but who doesn't?) Looking back, though, I know that I owe everything I am right now to my parents. They supported me in a way that most parents don't dream of ever having to support their children and they sacrificed for me in ways I'm sure I still don't entirely realize.

I won't pretend that my parents and I have a perfect relationship. I am the person I am today, all sarcasm and independence and need to have the last word rolled up into one person, because of them. We don't always agree and my mom and I bicker more often than not, but I have never once doubted their love for me and I will never take that for granted. So, despite the fact that neither of them use the network, I wanted to say thank you to them for being pretty amazing. If any of you happen to see Michael or Diana Liang out there today, give them a thumbs up or a high five. It might weird them out because I'm not giving them any warning on that declaration, but that's half the fun. 🙃

All right, sap complete. Only sass from now on, I promise.

Mar. 28th, 2019



Anyone that knows me can probably vouch for the fact that my knowledge about fashion is decidedly lacking. However, I do know from personal experience that there is a need for more adaptive options and the fact that a fashion show like this exists is just really awesome. I wish I would have known about it yesterday, so I could have watched the livestream as it was happening.

Anyway, happy Thursday, guys. We've almost made it to the weekend, how about that? Of course, this week has basically just been one extended weekend for me, so... 🤷🏽‍♀️

Mar. 21st, 2019



STELLA & ASHA - posted early evening
Without actually answering any questions as to why, what are the chances either of you might want to pretend that we're not grown ups that shouldn't drink too much alcohol on a Thursday night? Because I already opened a bottle of wine and wouldn't say no to some distracting company.

Mar. 16th, 2019



instagram post! )

Mar. 5th, 2019



instagram post! )

Mar. 3rd, 2019



My own dreams have made me particularly introspective recently, so I decided it's time for another anonymous post. This one isn't for any academic purpose (though each post is inherently good data for academic purposes despite their individual intentions), but it seems that a lot of us have found them cathartic. So, as usual, feel free to comment below--you will be anonymous unless you choose to be unmasked.

What lesson(s) have you learned from yourself the person you've been dreaming about?

My greatest lesson has been learning to truly value the people in my life who care about me. I already did, but there's something to be said for consciously recognizing that value each time I think of them.

Feb. 19th, 2019



Today Was A Good Day: A Photo Series by Evan Meadows (that was also posted on Instagram, sorry for those that are subjected to it twice)

Cut for images! )

Feb. 12th, 2019



Valentine's Day is coming up and you know what that means -- lovey dovey food puns at Stella's food truck. For a sneak peek at the specials, look no further:

"Don't Go Bacon My Heart" Burger: 8 oz beef, crispy bacon, extra cheddar cheese, onions, lettuice, tomato; served with seasoned "Only Have Fries For You" wedges
"Give 'Em Something To Taco 'Bout" Pork Tacos: two slow roasted pulled pork street tacos on corn tortillas with side of black beans, rice, and guacamole
"Let's Canoodle" Mac & Cheese: extra sharp cheddar, pepperjack, and parmesan with cavatappi noodles and topped with pulled pork
"I Love You Very Mocha" Mousse: mocha mousse topped with dark chocolate curls and whipped cream
"We Make A Beautiful Pear" & Chocolate Bread Pudding: brioche bread pudding with slices of pears, drizzled with chocolate and topped with whipped cream
"I Cannoli Be Happy With You": three freshly fried cannoli, filled with chocolate, strawberry, and traditional filling

Feb. 4th, 2019



One of my regulars brought me a bucket of toffees from their trip last week and I might be sobbing? And by might, I mean I definitely am because I have a bucket full of toffees and the best customers ever.

Hey, you. It's been awhile, but I was wondering if you had a moment to talk through something with me? I need thoughts from someone totally disconnected from...things I need to talk through.