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Posts Tagged: 'c:+oliver+sparks'

Sep. 12th, 2018



WHO: Oliver Sparks & Finnley Parker
WHEN: Thursday, August 9, 2018; Afternoon
WHERE: Their new house!
SUMMARY: Oliver and Finnley discuss Finnley’s role in Jonas’ life and pick a wedding date!

I don’t want there to ever be any question that this family is ours equally. )

Aug. 25th, 2018



I don’t talk a whole lot about deeply personal stuff here, but others have been talking about their dreams openly, and so I guess I'm wondering if anyone's in the same boat I've found myself in. Not hoping for it, because I wouldn't wish this on other people, but wondering --

Has anyone else dreamt about dying? Not in the surreal sort of way that dreams take on sometimes, but with some sort of finality? Like you knew it really was the end of the line?

When you really start to dread sleeping.

Jul. 28th, 2018



If you had asked me ten years ago if I could foresee how fulfilled the lives of the Sparks family would be, I'm not sure I could have imagined exactly this. As it continues to grow, I can only see us being more fulfilled. Welcome to the family, Violet. I'm so pleased to call you my sister, and even more pleased to know how happy you make my pain-in-the-ass brother.

Here's to the next ten years and the years beyond that.

Jul. 18th, 2018



Hey, fam.

Violet and I don't think a big shindig is for us, and neither of us are keen on waiting a whole lot longer, so we're just going to do this thing. If you can't make it to the courthouse, that's okay, I think it's going to be a really quick and casual thing, and I get that not everyone's real flexible with their schedule like I am. But Mom wants a big family dinner afterwards, so maybe we can all go out somewhere.

But anyway, we were thinking a week from today? Bright and early? It opens at 8:30. I can probably move the time around if you can't make it then. I know we'd both like it if our fam could be there. But I get it's a big last minute.

Jul. 17th, 2018



WHO: Oliver Sparks & Finnley Parker
WHEN: Tuesday, July 17, 2018; Morning
WHERE: A...house. Address TBD!
SUMMARY: Oliver and Finnley try to find their future home...and SUCCEED.
WARNINGS: Smooshiness. So much smooshiness.

Alright, Almost Mrs. Sparks. Let’s go buy us a house. )

Jul. 8th, 2018



Hey. I'm Eli and it looks like I'm going to be here for the next while so I'm looking for some recommendations. I'm well travelled enough to know that asking the locals where to start is the best idea, since they actually know what's up.

First, best place to get a good drink around here? From my driving around, there seem to be a lot of options, so I figure coming right out and asking is a good first step.

Second, food. I've been to Grandma's and inhaled more waffles than I probably needed to this morning alone, so I have that one down. But I'm living in a hotel room right now and my meal options are pretty limited to takeout and pop tarts, so tell me where to go.

And that's pretty much it. Alcohol and food are important, so there we have it. I know I could probably go up to DC and find some chains that I'm more familiar with, but that seems like a waste of perfectly good resources here. And, honestly, if there's anything in particular people think just has to be seen in this town if you've never been before, throw it at me. I'm up for anything.

Jun. 11th, 2018



Pansy season doesn't really last long enough. Just as soon as you get a good crop in, here comes the heat to completely dissuade them from growing again. They're delicate. They shrivel with the first sign of humidity but come roaring back when fall makes its debut. It's possible that many of us could feel the same, too.

Just thought I'd say ... appreciate the pansies. If snowdrops are the promise of spring, then pansies are the delivery. And I think that's pretty cool.

Um, idk Q. Should we tell them a thing?

Jun. 2nd, 2018



Just a reminder that if you have any events, want to take some family photos, or just want a picture of you taken, I'm always looking to fill my schedule with sessions! I'll be at the Arts & Crafts Fair all weekend with a booth if you want to come see my work, both artistic and portraits.

Do you have any free time next week that I can book you for?

May. 14th, 2018



Hey Dunhaven! Got a question for you.

... I know you love the flower farm, you all raid the stall at the Farmer's Market. I know you love getting locally-made and hand-grown corsages for Prom and Mother's Day. But seriously. How much flower power can you get and not get sick of it? Because I'm trying to pitch the idea of a boutique flower bar inside of one of the local shops. (Currently drowning in dahlias, for example.)

So would you maybe/definitely/not even/go nuts for the chance to make your own bouquet and take it home during the week? Then still come see me on Saturday mornings?

um hey. I know I don't talk a lot.

May. 11th, 2018



WHO: Oliver Sparks & Finnley Parker
WHEN: Friday, May 11, 2018; Evening
WHERE: Finnley’s House
SUMMARY: Oliver has a question :3 :3
WARNINGS: None? Mentions of Arrow spoilers.

You should know that this next part is the only part standing between you and a pretty damn delicious dinner, so I'll keep it short. )

May. 7th, 2018



According to my mother, 25 is a "big deal" and my plans of treating my birthday like any other day was unacceptable. So there will be food and cake courtesy of my mother at my house tomorrow evening, if you want to join us in eating it. I know it's last minute, so don't worry about it if you're busy.

Apr. 25th, 2018



Q & JACK, separately
Hey, man. You got time to talk?

Apr. 23rd, 2018



So I've been working on the summer menu and I got bored and found something that I think we'll all enjoy.

Enter your name here and comment below with the answer. Then stop in and see me, and you'll get a drink on the house. It might even be inspired by your hero scent. We all win, right?

I'll go first. Latex and justice.

Apr. 7th, 2018



Countdown to Wrestlmania is on, guys. It's so close! Who's coming over tomorrow? I've got pizza and beer.

Anyone who wants to come at me with that "wrestling is fake" shit is getting firehose water to the face.

Mar. 31st, 2018



WHO: Oliver Sparks and his mom
WHEN: Saturday, March 31, 2018; Afternoon
WHERE: His mom's house
SUMMARY: Oliver and his mom have a heart-to-heart about his future
WARNINGS: None, really?

Baby, I'm as sure as you are. )

Mar. 23rd, 2018



Is there any chance someone would want to look over a resume?

Feb. 28th, 2018



WHO: Oliver Sparks (with mentions of Finnley and Jonas)
WHEN: Wednesday, February 28, 2018; Late Night
WHERE: Oliver’s Apartment
SUMMARY: Oliver dreams about Lian Yu
WARNINGS: TW: Mentions of suicide.

Quote )

Feb. 20th, 2018



-- I'm simultaneously the worst sister and the worst girlfriend.
-- I forgot I promised to go look at houses with Charlie tomorrow, and I promised weeks ago.
-- She's really excited and I can't disappoint her.
-- I'm really sorry, but rain check on our date?
-- I'm going to have dinner with her, but I might still be able to come over after?

Feb. 2nd, 2018



I'm gonna preface this by saying I haven't gone off the deep end. I swear I'm not drinking.

What do you think it means if you call your girl by the wrong name (not during sex, before you ask), except it's the same one she'd heard in a dream and never told you about?

Nov. 7th, 2017



Hey. I have a job.