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Posts Tagged: 'c:+liam+perkins'

Jul. 5th, 2019



-- I just got a call letting me know that I won a weekend getaway to the B&B in town?
-- I know that's not much of a babymoon, but it might be nice to have a weekend out of the house.
-- Let me pamper you some.
-- All that fun stuff.

Jun. 16th, 2019



instagram post )

May. 22nd, 2019



One of my classmates in my developmental psychology class did a series of videos for their final project where they talked to couples and people at varying stages in their life. All of the videos are great, but my personal favorite is this one, not just because my grandparents make an appearance (57 years!), but because it gave me some warm fuzzies that were most welcomingly distracting during the chaos that is the end of the semester and finals week. Because of that, and with that classmate's permission, I had to share, just in case there were other people that needed such a distraction.

And on top of that, I feel like I'd be remiss if I didn't open this up as an opportunity for some additional warm fuzzies and general sappiness to be spread around. So tell me, couples of Dunhaven. When did you know you'd fallen for your partner? Alternatively, have you heard a particularly good falling in love story from family members or something of that type? My brain can't handle anymore studying, so I want to hear some stories. Make me awww.

May. 20th, 2019



instagram post! )

May. 13th, 2019



Hi. What does Sunday, May 19th look like for the two of you?

Apr. 23rd, 2019



-- I didn't go to work today.

-- Would you come over for a little while?



I have an idea. And maybe the first part of the idea is to admit to you that I'm sharing memories with someone I thought was fictional. Lily Evans Potter lives in my head. I think by now it's probably a reality that most of us on the network (and maybe in the town?) have these memories. It isn't up to me to understand why. That's not my thing.

What I'd like to do is give you a spot to tell your story. I'm a writer -- honestly, I'm just a really bad unpublished poet -- but I spend my day taking care of my parents. We've got a really big living room. There's space out back. What I'm proposing is something akin to a writer's salon. You could come over, no questions asked. We'd have set times where we could gather.

You can talk to people? But most of all, you can write down your experiences. We can collect them physically or on GoogleDocs. I'm a democratic soul and am happy to take a straight up vote. But what I really want to get down to is by telling our stories, we might help other people. We might make it easier for them to live with these memories and emotions inside them. What I'm thinking (and hoping) is that this is meant to connect us. So, instead of living with trauma and I don't know ... shame? We can work it out together.

Would anyone be interested? Or should I shut up forever?

Anonymous thoughts and commenters welcome!

Apr. 21st, 2019



instagram post! )

Apr. 14th, 2019



-- I'm staying on the couch watching Hallmark movies with the dogs all day.
-- Can you go pick me up some ginger ale when you're done with chores? I'm beyond nauseous at this point.
-- I wish I could blame it on morning sickness, but I'm pretty sure it's just anxiety about Game of Thrones tonight.

-- Hey you ❤️
-- what are you up to today?

Mar. 30th, 2019



I've quit worrying about when the poetry will come. Why? Because it will eventually. In the meantime, I'm going to keep living my life. Buzzfeed decided to compound my decision by legitimizing what I'm saying to you with a Tarot reading.

Try yours. You may get a confirmation, too.

What I'm truly hoping is that Mom and Dad can make it to the next Roller Derby event. It's good having something to look forward to. And it's good kicking a little ass.

Mar. 22nd, 2019



It was Bath Day at House Perkins and Princess Emma was not having it. The betrayal.

Mar. 12th, 2019



Happy birthday to Thea who will, no matter how old she gets, always be my baby sister. Love you, T. 🖤

Mar. 3rd, 2019



Hey. I have some good news and I want to share it with you. Would you like me to wait until we can see each other in person or would you like it now?
Hey, guys. I know things have been weird terrible different lately, but Avery and I just found out that she's pregnant and you were the first people I wanted to tell, outside of our relatives and all that. So [...] yeah. We're having a kid and it's kind of amazing. She's due in October.

Feb. 28th, 2019



WHO: Avery & Liam.
WHERE: Their home.
WHEN: Thursday, February 21; Evening.
WHAT: Avery shares her news with Liam.
STATUS: log; complete.

Suddenly, all of the difficulties in the past several months seemed to shrink; they would never go away entirely, but when presented with such undeniably good news, Liam found himself focusing solely on something new, something /happy/ for the first time in a while and it felt wonderful. )

Feb. 27th, 2019



-- Any chance you're free to have lunch with your brother?

Feb. 18th, 2019



Delivery to Lyra at work around noontime )

Feb. 12th, 2019



Guess who has four interviews this week? If your guess was Thea Perkins, you would be correct.

Feb. 8th, 2019



WHO: Liam Perkins → Peter Pettigrew
WHEN: Early evening of February 7
WHERE: Living room of his and Avery's home
SUMMARY: Peter gets a tattoo.

This was the right choice. )

Jan. 31st, 2019






instagram post )