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Posts Tagged: 'c:+finn+rojas'

Jul. 11th, 2019



I had this discussion in person today, but it seems like the kind of knowledge that should be shared on the network.

If you had a pokemon companion, who would it be?

Mine, obviously, is Growlithe.

Jun. 30th, 2019



HOW does summer always seem to go by so quickly? I think I need a last hurrah summer trip sometime before classes start up in August. Sora? Finn? Anyone?

We need to finalize your Bachelorette Party plans, sis!!!

Can I talk to you about something?

Hey, so. How are you settling in?

Jun. 12th, 2019



Hi, friends.

It's been a long while since we've done one of these and, though I no longer need the data for my sociology class, I do think they've been very productive in terms of discussion. So here's another anonymous post for you! Again, you can turn on the anon filter and no one will know who you are, or you can just respond as yourself, whether because you're not ready to reveal who you're dreaming about, or whatever the case may be.

Tonight's question is: If you could say something to someone you knew/know in your dream world that you can't say here for whatever reason, what would it be?

May. 28th, 2019



WHO: Finn Rojas → Han Solo
WHEN: Evening of May 28
SUMMARY: Han meets Ben and Finn isn't sure what to think about that.

...his mind was no longer under the car anyway, but instead revisiting the scene that he'd just witnessed from a galaxy far, far away. )

May. 21st, 2019



instagram post! )

May. 4th, 2019



Happy Star Wars day to us.

Apr. 30th, 2019



WHO: Diego and Finn Rojas
WHEN: Sometime in April
WHERE: Diego is home, while Finn is in his dorm
SUMMARY: Diego calls Finn to let him know what's coming up for him medically. Finn panics.
WARNINGS: Discussion of outpatient medical procedures and family planning? IDK

'Sorry to burst your dreams of fielding a soccer team full of your sisters.' )

Apr. 23rd, 2019



I have an idea. And maybe the first part of the idea is to admit to you that I'm sharing memories with someone I thought was fictional. Lily Evans Potter lives in my head. I think by now it's probably a reality that most of us on the network (and maybe in the town?) have these memories. It isn't up to me to understand why. That's not my thing.

What I'd like to do is give you a spot to tell your story. I'm a writer -- honestly, I'm just a really bad unpublished poet -- but I spend my day taking care of my parents. We've got a really big living room. There's space out back. What I'm proposing is something akin to a writer's salon. You could come over, no questions asked. We'd have set times where we could gather.

You can talk to people? But most of all, you can write down your experiences. We can collect them physically or on GoogleDocs. I'm a democratic soul and am happy to take a straight up vote. But what I really want to get down to is by telling our stories, we might help other people. We might make it easier for them to live with these memories and emotions inside them. What I'm thinking (and hoping) is that this is meant to connect us. So, instead of living with trauma and I don't know ... shame? We can work it out together.

Would anyone be interested? Or should I shut up forever?

Anonymous thoughts and commenters welcome!

Apr. 10th, 2019



Scientists revealed today the first photo taken of a black hole, changing the setting and landscape of science fiction forever. :)

The neat thing about this project is that scientists linked observatories across the world, amassing their power and sharing data as they all focused on this specific project. I might not be that scientist yet but I'm proud of them. This photo is the first step to fully realizing the enormity of the space-time continuum.

Mar. 31st, 2019



So who else is trying to figure out how to make the most of the last few hours of Spring break?

Mar. 29th, 2019



instagram post! )

Mar. 3rd, 2019



My own dreams have made me particularly introspective recently, so I decided it's time for another anonymous post. This one isn't for any academic purpose (though each post is inherently good data for academic purposes despite their individual intentions), but it seems that a lot of us have found them cathartic. So, as usual, feel free to comment below--you will be anonymous unless you choose to be unmasked.

What lesson(s) have you learned from yourself the person you've been dreaming about?

My greatest lesson has been learning to truly value the people in my life who care about me. I already did, but there's something to be said for consciously recognizing that value each time I think of them.

Feb. 26th, 2019



This will be my last semester in school ... soon, I'll have a degree in Physics and Astronomy. I may even get my late nights back? And for that reason I have to ask you if you have any good television or books I should put on my list. It won't happen until May at the very latest but I work under the idea that there is no time like the present.

It has been absolutely too long since you have eaten dinner at my house. This Friday night I expect each and every one of you there. Bring a hungry belly and a good story to tell me. I should say please but I'm not going to say please.

When I am in school, I feel cut off from you and from Jyn and the way to lure myself back to encountering you is with food. (Of course.)

Feb. 7th, 2019



Day 1 of spring semester and someone is already regretting the number of credits he decided to tackle and the choice of signing up for an 8AM class.

(Hint: That someone is me.)

Jan. 13th, 2019



Hey, Dunhaven. Business has been doing quite nicely and I think that we could do with another mechanic or two at K. So, if you or someone you know is looking for a job, send them our way. We'll take anyone from experts to people that have some know how and are eager to learn. Flexible hours. Good wages, plus commission. I usually bring coffee from Java Hut for everyone in the morning, sometimes even spring for muffins.

Okay, that's it. 👍🏽 (I figured out how to do emojis, so I'm not old anymore.)

Jan. 4th, 2019



I think a Star Wars marathon is in my future.

Since you told me yours, want to hear mine?

Nov. 24th, 2018



Hey. I figured this was the easiest place to let you guys know that Charlie and I decided that we're not going to move in together after all. Nothing changed between us and we're as good as ever, but I wanted to be transparent with you guys and let you know. That's all.

[...] And I'm sorry for how I was acting. It wasn't cool of me. I love you guys.

Nov. 22nd, 2018



FINN (posted sometime later on Thanksgiving)
Dinner was weird. Please tell me I'm not crazy, right? Or that I am. I'm not sure which one's preferable.

The first Thanksgiving in your new house was pretty much the best Thanksgiving we've ever had together. Let's do it again next year. ;)

Nov. 19th, 2018



Hey. Charlie asked me to move into her house.

Nov. 18th, 2018



instagram post! )