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Posts Tagged: 'c:+everett+marshall'

Jun. 5th, 2019



WHO: Everett Marshall → Major Lilywhite
WHEN: Around 6AM on June 5
WHERE: His house, specifically the bedroom
SUMMARY: After a long silence from Major, Everett gets a memory and finds out what happened to the other man after he was left with a cliffhanger last time.
WARNINGS: None, really. Talk of eating brains?

'What about me? What's the greater good for me?' )

Jun. 1st, 2019



Hi. Yes. Asking for a friend--could anyone recommend some industrial strength concealer? Concealer that could effectively, for example, cover two rather large, intricate tattoos?

May. 28th, 2019



Emmett and I worked out today. Cut for gif! Please pretend it's an embedded video. )

He's a very good boy, but a distracting trainer.

Apr. 23rd, 2019



If I say my calendar told me it was Friday, would that be good enough reason to pretend like tomorrow's the weekend? It's been a very long week already.

It's been happening again.

Mar. 17th, 2019



Does it make me as "hip" "cool" and "with it" as my buddy, Everett, if I drink green beer on St. Patrick's Day? Because I'm still debating what I'm actually willing to do to be "hip" "cool" and "with it" and drinking green beer is absolutely toeing that line.

Have you talked to Mom and Dad today?

Mar. 16th, 2019



instagram post! )

Mar. 2nd, 2019



Dunhaven, as always, it's been too long. Every time I spend more than a week away, I miss this place something terrible. What's new? What did I miss? It seems like I never have a chance to check into the network when I'm away.

Feb. 4th, 2019



One of my regulars brought me a bucket of toffees from their trip last week and I might be sobbing? And by might, I mean I definitely am because I have a bucket full of toffees and the best customers ever.

Hey, you. It's been awhile, but I was wondering if you had a moment to talk through something with me? I need thoughts from someone totally disconnected from...things I need to talk through.

Jan. 25th, 2019



What's the news, Dunhaven? Fill my Friday evening with some good tales.

If I asked you to come over and let me make you spaghetti and then just watch some crappy comedy on Netflix together, what might your answer be? Please remember that I have a very cute dog that is very good at cuddling during movies.
[...] Hey.

Jan. 6th, 2019



Alright, Dunhaven. Some of you might be wondering what the construction is going on where the old feed store used to be. Well, after way too long trying to secure the necessary permits, wrapping up loose ends, and finding the right team, Marshall Consulting is officially under way. I've spent years working at a firm in DC as one of the consultants who goes into various businesses, assesses their processes and situations, and makes recommendations for various types of change in their organization. I decided it was time to take my expertise and the nest egg I'd built from my career and bring my own business and headquarters here to Dunhaven, which has always been my ultimate goal.

We're looking at March 1 for the Grand Opening and will have several positions available for anyone looking for work. Training will be provided, so no experience is necessary. More details will be provided about career opportunities in the coming weeks as we get our website to go live, but if you want me to forward you information when it's available, let me know.

Thanks for bearing with me in the meantime. Construction noises are annoying, so thank you to my neighbors for being patient while we get this done as quickly as possible.

I don't know, Dunhaven, 2019 seems to be a pretty good year already.

Dec. 28th, 2018



I'm officially out of holiday leftovers, so we need to do Christmas again. Sorry, guys, I don't make the rules.

Hi. Do you have big New Year's plans?

Dec. 9th, 2018



I tried sending this to one or both of my siblings at least two dozen times each but I kept deleting it because I actually need them to like me and, as terrible as I know this is going to sound, I don't need the same thing from you. I want you to like me, but if I tell you this thing and you decide I am completely not worth the trouble of knowing because of it, then it will suck for awhile and I'll get over it. Or, at least, that's what I'm telling myself is the reason I'm messaging you and not Eve, or Noah. So that's what we're going with.

I think there's something wrong with me. Like a very sudden, yet very certain wrongness.

Nov. 24th, 2018



Happy Small Business Saturday! I hope you all didn’t blow all your money at big retailers yesterday and can still get out there and support our local economy, etc etc, but make sure you have a little extra leftover to come have one of the drinks off our seasonal menu. I gotta say, I think I have the most fun coming up with new twists on the holiday classics. Plus, we’ve got some cool stouts and porters on tap, too, like a chocolate peanut butter stout. I promise it’s really good.

I also have a wall of thankfulness up at the bar to remind us of the good things we’re fighting for every day, to keep us motivated when the world is bleak or on fire. Or, you know, just things to make us smile. My favorite is: I’m thankful that my boyfriend didn’t make me run a 5K this year. (That’s mine.)

Nov. 23rd, 2018



The holiday might have been yesterday, but I'm stuck in the backseat of this car for five hours today. So tell me what you're thankful for, Dunhaven. It can be silly, it can be sassy, or it can be downright sappy. I want to hear about it.

Did you get any sleep last night?

Nov. 12th, 2018



Do you ever read an article and just laugh and laugh about a turn of phrase, and how it even got published that way at all?

You're Totally Going to Bone in Self-Driving Cars, Scientists Predict. Most of it's about some study about how self-driving cars are going to impact tourism industries like hotels, restaurants and prostitution, but then you get to the end: "But whether people are going to fuck in them feels like less of a question and more of an inevitability. Of course, that would require you to first choose to trust the machines. Unless the fear turns you on."

Has this person ever done anything risky at all? Ridden a roller coaster? Come on. It doesn't take a genius to know that the adrenaline rush is going to be a huge draw.

(First chance we get, Hunter.)



Delivery to Stella's! )

Nov. 11th, 2018



delivery to everett marshall )

Nov. 9th, 2018



delivered mid-afternoon

Delivery to Stella's! )

Nov. 8th, 2018



delivered mid-afternoon

Delivery to Stella's! )




[OOC: Warning: Probably spoilers for EITA in the comments.]