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Posts Tagged: 'c:+caty+norfolk'

Aug. 18th, 2019



Baby Boy Perkins is going to be arriving in less than two months! However, just in case he gets any funny ideas and decides to turn up early, our nursery is officially ready for him.

cut for image )

Aug. 5th, 2019



Time for another anon post, if you're so inclined to jump in. Your responses can, as always, be public or anonymous, whichever makes you most comfortable.
Is there anyone from your other life that you wish was here with you, that you could see and talk to in whatever capacity? Assume for the purpose of this post that your response does not come with the unintended consequence of wishing dreams/memories on another individual. This just piggybacks off of the last post when we talked about things you wish you could say to someone back there, or here.

Jul. 28th, 2019



instagram post! )

Jul. 26th, 2019



This seems about accurate, but reversed. Like Eli would say, "Oh my God, Caty, you're in labor!!!!!" And I'd very lovingly be like, "But I swear to God if you take me away from my shredded chicken nachos, I will cut you." True story.

Jul. 17th, 2019



[Caty, Lorelei, and Eve; visible to Thomas]
Hi, ladies! Thomas and I wanted to invite you (and your significant others) to our vacation house if you were interested in going sometime over the next few weekends. It's in Chincoteague Island, and would have plenty of space for everyone for a weekend! If it's too short of notice, I understand. Thomas and I really enjoy spending some time there over the summer, and we thought it might be even more fun sharing it a little with good friends and family.

I think I might have figured out something about the dreams. I had one involving a vanishing cat. His name was Cheshire.

Jul. 6th, 2019



Hey, have you got a second?

Jun. 23rd, 2019




Jun. 19th, 2019



instagram post! )

Jun. 12th, 2019



Hi, friends.

It's been a long while since we've done one of these and, though I no longer need the data for my sociology class, I do think they've been very productive in terms of discussion. So here's another anonymous post for you! Again, you can turn on the anon filter and no one will know who you are, or you can just respond as yourself, whether because you're not ready to reveal who you're dreaming about, or whatever the case may be.

Tonight's question is: If you could say something to someone you knew/know in your dream world that you can't say here for whatever reason, what would it be?

Jun. 10th, 2019



I know realistically it's not the case, but I feel like my bump popped out overnight and I am so in love with it 😭. Pregnancy hasn't been my favorite thing to experience so far (looking at you, indiscriminate morning sickness), but it hasn't felt as so incredibly real as it does right now. I see you, Baby Bean. We're in this together. ❤️ Almost 13 weeks down!

May. 30th, 2019



instagram post! )

May. 29th, 2019



Instagram Post )



birthday gifts for eli! but delivered in person )

May. 20th, 2019



cut for possible spoilers? but spoilers likely in comments )

[Public, added later]
Note to self: Eating a dozen cupcakes is a terrible idea on a good day. 🙃

May. 19th, 2019



cut for potential got spoilers )
cut for definite got spoilers )

May. 12th, 2019



I know today is a busy day, but I'd there any chance I could steal a few minutes of your afternoon? I'll come bearing food-type gifts and Happy Mother's Day tidings!

So I thought today might be the most opportune time to tell you all my news, for multiple reasons. Partly because I don't know what's coming tonight, or next week, and I'd like to take back Sundays with something good. And, of course, today is a good day for this, in general.

Because my news is that Eli and I are having a baby. We just found out this week and I'm not that far along (we're due in December!), so I probably should have waited to tell you, but I want to remember today as the day I got to share something special with my new second family.

Anyway, that's all I have for you! I thought about waiting until most of us were together tonight, but I know not everyone will be there. There were other reasons for choosing to do it this way, too, but I think those reasons are mostly obvious to all of us.

I'll see most of you tonight, and I'm glad it's with the knowledge that, no matter what happens, good things are coming. Good things are going to come for all of us. ❤️

May. 9th, 2019



WHO: Caty Norfolk & Eli Salazar
WHEN: Monday, May 6, 2019; Evening → Thursday, May 9, 2019; Late Morning
WHERE: Caty’s Apartment → Dunhaven General
SUMMARY: Caty has very, very unexpected news for Eli :)
WARNINGS: Spoilers for Endgame, very brief and very vague mentions of previous abusive relationship

I'm going to be by your side for as long as you'll let me, Caty Norfolk. And I'm especially going to be by your side for this. )



WHO: Caty Norfolk & Eli Salazar
WHEN: Saturday, April 27, 2019; Late Night
WHERE: Eli’s home
SUMMARY: Eli and Caty see Endgame

We don’t have to sleep yet. )

May. 8th, 2019



-- Hey, it's Caty.
-- I just wanted to tell you that my mom is in town for the week.
-- And also see if you maybe wanted to grab brunch with us one day?

TEXT TO ELI, Thursday Evening
-- I'm going to need us to have a baby announcement on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's level, or else we're not living our best lives.
-- I'm going to need to feel like Meghan Markle for a day. 😏

May. 6th, 2019



instagram post! )