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Posts Tagged: 'c:+sebastian+kingswood'

Apr. 29th, 2019



Possibly one of the only good things about working a weekend is getting Monday off to spend with a view like this one:
cut for image )

Enjoy the uninterrupted scenic view that definitely wasn't disturbed by my wanton selfie game.

Mar. 30th, 2019



Today, I answered a disturbance call about a belligerent squirrel that was keeping someone from entering their vehicle in the hotel parking lot. The man fortunately didn't demand that the squirrel be arrested. He just wanted us to know what kind of squirrels we have in our community, and apparently they're ones that disturb the peace.

Spring is here, folks, and apparently winter has damaged our sensibilities.

Mar. 27th, 2019



instagram post! )

Jan. 26th, 2019



How does everyone feel about finally scheduling Christmas Redo for next Saturday, early afternoon? I know the town's Masquerade Party is that evening, but if we have it early enough, everyone will have plenty of time to leave whenever they need to to get ready. Or we can do Sunday afternoon, if that's better.

Jan. 15th, 2019



I think that the people who design kids' clothing stores design them specifically to make it impossible to leave there without spending at least $200. They're evil geniuses.

So. I realized something while I was out today. I realized that we haven't actually talked about what we both want in the future, which is probably my fault because I spent a lot of time specifically avoiding thinking about the future until I realized I had a future with you.

I had a dream about Gale today.

Jan. 6th, 2019



Hello, you all. I love 2019, don't you?

Cut for image! )




I'm so sorry for all of the secretiveness and Alex and my disappearing acts, but I promise it's all been for a very good reason. Almost two weeks ago, a wonderful woman asked to meet us based on the file that was created when Alex and I became an active family. She wanted to find out if we could be the right parents for her two beautiful nieces and, this morning, she chose us. We couldn't say much before, both because there was a process we needed to follow, and also because we didn't know until today that this would be a reality, so we hope you'll all forgive us for having to keep this one close to our chests.

We've spent spent every day since Christmas with her and the girls, letting them get to know us and, quite frankly, falling absolutely and utterly in love with both of them. So, tomorrow, we will be moving forward with the process and, on Tuesday, Alex and I will be coming home with our daughters: Alice Nicole (3) and Ava Marie (4 months). We'll share pictures once we're home and will start introducing each of you to them in the coming weeks.

Our hearts are full today, and we are so incredibly blessed. ♥

Dec. 25th, 2018



I know this is last minute and I apologize, but Alex and I have both been called out of town. We're heading to the airport in an hour and a half, so we won't be able to be here for Christmas dinner. We promise we'll send you all more details as soon as we can, just know that nothing is wrong and you don't need to worry. Bash has a key to our place, though, and all of the food was in the fridge ready to be put into the oven, or is already covered up on the kitchen counter. So please feel free to come eat all of this food and enjoy your day together. We hope we'll be home soon for a sweeter raincheck. ❤️

If everything goes as we hope, we're going to need your help while we're gone. Is it okay if we call on you all to make some changes at the house once we know for sure that we'll need to make them? We don't want to inconvenience anyone, but we also need to make sure that certain things get done before we get back.

Dec. 7th, 2018



Last week the eye doctor told me I'm getting old. Today I picked up the evidence. Cut for image! )

In much better and unrelated news -- Annie told you all about the steps that we've been taking toward parenthood in the last handful of months and we wanted to give you a happy update. We found out today that we've been approved and we'll be moving forward in the process as being considered for adoption. It's still a game of waiting, which we've gotten pretty good at, if I do say so myself, but it's honestly less of a step and more of a leap. We're really hopeful.

We also wanted to thank you all for being so present and patient as we worked through all of this. As strong as Annie and I are together, we both know that we are incredibly lucky to have a support system like you guys.

Oct. 21st, 2018



I know I'm a little late to the boat on this, but I'm going to jump at it and be a little sentimental. I've always been pretty good at sentiment and this occasion seems to call for it.

My sister has been my favorite person since the moment I was born. I was very lucky to have gotten an older sister like her, because I never was made to feel like a nuisance or like an annoying little sister. Instead, I got Denver, who has always been there for me in more ways than I can count, through the ups and downs that we've both had to deal with.

When I found out that she and Bash were together, my really eloquent response was, and I quote, "Oh, thank god". I wasn't trying to be mean, because I never would be, but I had always hoped that it would happen eventually. Even as friends, I could see how happy he made my sister and I've always known that she deserved that happiness in her life -- just as Bash deserved it, too. (Besides, I think we all know that Bash is a stand up guy and I'd have been lucky to get to call him my brother in any capacity.)

Anyway, just to wrap this string of consciousness up. I've always thought of the heart as an arrow, meaning that it needs to be aimed in order to land where it belongs. I think that your hearts have always been headed for one another and it brings me a lot of joy to see you there, both bringing so much happiness, contentment, and home to one another. I love you guys.

Oct. 20th, 2018



WHO: Bash & Denver and their handful of guests! (If you think your character was there, go for it!)
WHEN: Saturday, October 20, 2018; Late Afternoon
WHERE: Northwind Stables -> Bash & Denver's House
SUMMARY: Wedding! (IC/OOC)

Quote )



I don't say a lot on here because I'm not a very public person, but I think today calls for it. Today, I'm going to marry this man right here v v v

By the end of the day, I am going to be Mrs. Denver Kingswood. If you'd asked me exactly one year ago today if I could ever imagine that today would come, I would have laughed you off and told you that, no, of course I'd never marry Bash because we were too dumb to see what was right in front of our eyes. But I liked you the moment you asked me what kind of pizza I wanted, and I wanted you the moment I knew I realized that you were too good for the girl I used to be. And, Bash, I've loved you since the moment I saw you at the stables and knew how perfectly you could fit into the life I'd built for myself. You showed me how to live again. You took a broken girl and loved all of the broken pieces of her until, one day, I started to feel whole again. You've loved me at my worst and through my entire journey to be my best.

There's more to say, and I'm sure I'll try to say it in a few hours when I stand next to you while your best friend marries us, but I wanted to put this out there now before I get choked up and can't finish getting the words out.

I'd say that I can't wait to be yours forever, but I don't have to. I've been yours all along.

Aug. 16th, 2018



It was almost impossible to make myself get out of bed this morning, but my fiance made me breakfast and that was highly motivating.

Aug. 15th, 2018



WHO: Bash Kingswood & Denver Meadows
WHEN: Wednesday, August 15, 2018; Evening
WHERE: Bash’s house!
SUMMARY: Bash asks Denver to marry him :3
WARNINGS: Noooone.

Denver Rose Meadows, will you marry me? )

Aug. 7th, 2018



I know I'm seeing you in like an hour but you were on my mind and I felt like right now was a good time to tell you that I love you.

I'll probably tell you again in an hour.

I feel like I'm drowning and, even if sometimes I think I should just let it happen, I owe it to the people in my life who still love me to try not to. I don't know why I'm telling you this. I lost the right to ask for help from either of you years ago. I guess I just needed to start somewhere.

Jul. 26th, 2018



WHO: Bash Kingswood
WHEN: July 26th
WHERE: His house
SUMMARY: He's having a lot of thoughts about telling Denver about the ring he bought.
WARNINGS: So sappy. Schmoopy. The Feels.

He wanted a lifetime of her. )

Jul. 6th, 2018



Putting this here on the network because I am so emotionally and mentally tapped out right now that I literally cannot handle having an actual conversation.

cut for image )

You should try Grandma's tonight. It's the only place in this town where miracles actually happen.

Jun. 29th, 2018



Annie, I told Bash I'd marry him if he won this game we're playing and he won so we're engaged now sorry

Jun. 25th, 2018



Just in case I don't make it clear, I love you.



WHO: Bash Kingswood
WHEN: June 25th
WHERE: His house.
SUMMARY: Bash stews on recent events.
WARNINGS: General angst.

He would not lose more days to the drama of French Court. )