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May 26th, 2020



Warning: Mom Feels Ahead

Eighteen years ago today, I had the incredible fortune to get to meet my son. I don't remember much that led up to it, other than the stories that Sean told me about a lot of creative swearing and squeezing his hand so hard that it bruised, but what I do remember is the intense relief and immediate overwhelming love I felt, first at hearing that beautiful cry and then at seeing him. Ten fingers, ten toes, this beautiful head of dark hair. He was this little bundle of perfection and I didn't know how I could possibly be so lucky. I still ask myself that to this day whenever I look at this smart, kind, loving young man that I am so, so incredibly proud of.

My life changed in so many ways back then, all for the incredible better. I am not a perfect mother by any means and I would never claim to be, but I don't know where I would be now had I not become one today, eighteen years ago. I love you more than I could ever imagine putting into words, Logan, and I hope you can forgive my being sappy in public, just this once.

And this is the part where I continue to be embarrassing and share pictures. Cut for images! )



Instagram Post! )