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November 26th, 2019



instagram post! )



Dottie and I have been married for a month today, so, checking in as promised.

Yep, definitely still glad we did it. Especially without all the froufrou in advance. 🤷‍♂️

One month! 🙌🙌

Mo finally did text me back, by the way. I guess she was [...] upset that I'd taken your name, and hadn't told her about it. Thought that it meant I was disowning her and Maeve? 🤦‍♂️ I think it's all sorted, though. Back to our regularly scheduled ambivalence.

[Darlings + Partners]
I've been texting Mama Darling, and she and I have got Thanksgiving covered this year. I mean, if there's something you have a special desire to cook, yourself, let me know, but otherwise- we'll get the rest. I figure it's the least I can do in thanks for you all accepting me into the family.

I did invite my sisters to join us, though I doubt Mo will. Maeve might, depending on what she might be doing with her school friends. She's much tamer than Mo. Not that that's saying much.

I assume you're sticking with Hannah and Cerys, but if you need (or want) a place to go for Thanksgiving, you're welcome to join the extended Darling group.



Hello, five day weekend. I've been anticipating your arrival.

In celebration of the start of my weekend and the holiday season being in full swing, I decided to try to do an activity of sorts. I'm very good at activities. It's why they let me be a guidance counselor. I'm kidding, mostly. But, I saw this and, please forgive the spelling error, but I thought it would be a nice one to pump up some positive vibes before I eat an entire turkey and all the mashed potatoes.

As for me, I would have been 22 and living in Ithaca, basically funding my Psychology degree with a football scholarship. I hated playing football (yes, I know that I coach it now at the high school, but that's different and I love it because of the kids) despite being good at it, but I sort of figured that the talent meant that I had to play it forever. The fact that I'm not playing it now would make 22-year-old me pretty happy, though maybe less happy about the injury, surgeries, and ability to tell when it's going to rain thanks to my shoulder, like some kind of old man.

Also, my mind would also absolutely be blown over the fact that I'm going to be marry Stella King, of all people. (No one tell her that she is and always has been out of my league, okay?)

Okay, you guys next. Hit me.



-- Hey I've got tomorrow off but working Thanksgiving morning
-- Gonna fly up to Boston just for the day, stop in on my parents and then annoy Sof, Luca and Grant for the rest of the day.
-- If you aren't buried under a mountain of work, consider this an invite to come with.
-- I can promise a trip to Mike's Pastry & Magnolia Bakery.

-- Warn your dad I'm headed up tmrw for a few hours.
-- Can't make Turkey day, gotta work.

-- How's the place? Kid settling?
-- Got plans for Thanksgiving evening?



WHO:‌ ‌Tallulah‌ ‌Waters‌ ‌& Archer Tindall (NPC)
WHEN:‌ Tuesday, November 26, 2019
WHERE:‌ ‌Stella's Food Truck
SUMMARY:‌ ‌Tallulah has a run in with a guy she ghosted ‌
WARNINGS:‌ Language, general asshat behavior ‌
BINGO:‌ Cold Snap

I didn't think people like you were welcome at places like this.  )



instagram post! )