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August 3rd, 2019



Dottie's Birthday Presents!

Given to her Saturday morning (August 3) while on their Disney trip.

❤️❤️❤️ )



Instagram Post! )



instagram post! )



posted at midnight on 8/3

instagram post! )



Cut for images! )

In case there was any question, Dunhaven, I've got really unreasonably adorable kids.



[Rachel Marlow]
Hi. I'm Lorelei Waters. I think we've met in passing when you've been into the Dreamery before. This is [...] maybe sort of random, but please hear me out.

I'm dreaming of Alice Longbottom. I've been dreaming of her for [...] most of my life, really, but it's only been in the last month or so that I've told anyone other than my fiance. So I'm still getting used to people knowing about it.

But I remember you mentioning on the network that you're dreaming of Andromeda Tonks. I [...] don't know how much you've dreamt, but she saved Alice's life more than a few times, and they were good friends. So I [...] wanted to extend that offer here, again.

And, well, along those lines, my fiance and I are getting married next Saturday in Richmond. Oh, and he's dreaming of Frank. And our officiant is dreaming of Neville. It's a whole [...] thing. But- especially since Andromeda didn't get to go to Frank and Alice's wedding- I wanted to invite you to mine and Foster's. So, consider yourself invited!

If it's all a bit too much / soon / short notice, I understand. We can do something more low key after Foster and I get back from our honeymoon.



instagram post! )



In case I didn't say it enough, dinner was really great last night. Thanks for cooking, again.