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July 11th, 2019



What's everyone's plans for the weekend? I just need to know so I can copy all the cool ideas. 😉

Hi, good morning! I was wondering if you have any open studio time available in the next couple of days?

Hi, wife. Question: If we had our dream house, what would you want in it? I was thinking about Elias Salazar's house and that sweet lab in the basement and how I'd really want a lab, too, but also maybe space to dance? Oh my god and a karaoke machine so we can have legit rap battles with mic drops??

Hi, good morning, Mr. Salazar! I probably should be askig my supervisor so I'm really sorry if I'm overstepping my bounds or being insubordinate in any way but I was wondering if I could maybe talk to you about picking up more hours? I know it's just an internship and I'm so ridiculously grateful for it, and the part-time hours, and the opportunity and everything. Like it's pretty much already a dream come true. But if there was anywhere else in the company that I could pick up any hours, I'd be so grateful. Anyway, I just thought I'd ask! Hope you have an awesome day, Mr. Salazar!

You know what we need to do? Paintball.



You know, I really should have considered whether or not moving just before con season was the best of ideas. Moving about as far away from California as I possibly could while staying within the United States just before I had a whole bunch of events that required me to go back to California? Way to go, Phoebe.

So about these dreams But hey! VidCon this week, SDCC next weekend... I probably shouldn't complain. I'm just ready to feel like I'm putting down roots again, rather than hopping back and forth between coasts.



I had this discussion in person today, but it seems like the kind of knowledge that should be shared on the network.

If you had a pokemon companion, who would it be?

Mine, obviously, is Growlithe.