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January 25th, 2019



It was in the 70s yesterday when I boarded my plane in Phoenix. Get on their level, Virginia.

That being said, I was successful in Phoenix and you probably want to see the outcomes of that trip. They are all on display in Anteaques. You might even want to have some tea. You know, why stop at tea? You probably need some cake or a macaron or scone, too. Kick back, enjoy. It's actually warm in here and that part is free.



Because it is tomorrow in the place where this holiday matters most, I bid you all a happy Australia Day. You can celebrate by appreciating your friendly neighborhood Australians. I take my appreciation in the form of baked goods. Ruby will have to speak for herself in her preferred method of appreciation.

Now I'm going to go eat some Tim Tams and fairy bread, but I'm skipping the marmite because even I could never get into that.



What's the news, Dunhaven? Fill my Friday evening with some good tales.

If I asked you to come over and let me make you spaghetti and then just watch some crappy comedy on Netflix together, what might your answer be? Please remember that I have a very cute dog that is very good at cuddling during movies.
[...] Hey.



WHO: Remington Steele --> Remus Lupin
WHEN: January 25th
WHERE: Remi, Lyra, and Zora's apartment.
SUMMARY: Waverly's invitation to move in together surfaces a job offer and homecoming for Remus.

The post of Defense Against the Dark Arts has recently become vacant, and I would like you to fill it. )



WHO: Danielle Drake
WHEN: Early Morning January 26th
WHERE: Her apartment, Arbor Crossing.
SUMMARY: Danielle makes a potential error while baking and discovers a surprising development about her physiology.
WARNINGS: I would say GOT spoilers, but if you don't know this about her, you aren't paying close enough attention. ;) One cuss word.

A gift, no doubt, from Daenerys, Mother of Dragons. The Unburnt.  )