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December 27th, 2018



In case you missed the announcement this morning, Dan of Mornings With Dan fame at WRAV is officially retiring at the end of 2018 after roughly a million years with the station. Taking over the morning time slot will be yours truly, so get ready to listen to my dulcet voice on your morning commutes. I promise not to make it too painful for you as I struggle with transitioning between a vampiric sleep schedule to normal human being.

PS: On as scale of zero to So Very, how Grinchy is it if you take down all of your Christmas decorations before NYE? Asking for a friend.



Did anyone else find themselves sobbing in front on the TV while watching the Kennedy Center Honors broadcast last night, or was that just me? So good, am I right?



It's kind of weird that Christmas is over and we're almost to the new year? I don't really know what to do with this information. It's especially odd, because I'm on vacation until January and now that the NY-based family is gone, I'm not really sure what to do with myself.

So, since I did ask everyone for the things they were thankful for on Thanksgiving, I thought I'd continue that vein and see if anyone has any exciting plans or goals for 2019! I don't like to call them resolutions, because I feel like that word has too much attached to it with their being temporary. Goals, on the other hand, seems kind of solid. Maybe not, I don't know. But, do you have any? I want to hear them! I'll even start us off:
1. Travel for something other than a convention. Though I am all about traveling to go hang with my fellow nerds, I think it's well past time for me to go on a vacation that doesn't revolve around cosplay and standing in crowded lines. I don't really know where I want to go, though, so I welcome suggestions on places other people have enjoyed.

2. Adopt a cat! That had been the plan before Yui burrowed her way directly into my heart and it's still the plan. I think that she needs a furry friend around here.

3. Get a membership for the Y and then actually go before my body realizes I'm getting old. 😫 Maybe even join Noah on some kind of dumb marathon thing. 😫 😫 Use my yoga pants for something other than video game playing attire. 😫 😫 😫

4. End 2019 with a different last name. This leaves some wiggle room for date setting and all that other important stuff that I'm told is supposed to be decided upon. Honestly, having this on here is cheating a little bit; I'm definitely going to become Mrs. Malone nfdskjfs at some point.
There you have it. I feel good about these. 2019 is going to be a good year, friends.