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September 27th, 2018



A few years ago, I wouldn’t have thought I’d be where I am now. Business is growing enough that I’ll be able to branch off on my own, I convinced someone to marry me... hell, even just a year ago I wouldn’t have been able to picture this. I’d met Violet by then, but I didn’t think we’d be here already. It’s wild, how much can change in such a short time.

Happy two months & two days, V. My life is brighter with you in it. And I’m really glad I didn’t call the cops on you the day we met.



I didn't realize my mom had a twitter. Cut for image! )




This is about to be a certified Dad Post. Just a little forewarning.

First of all, Zoe has decided that she wants to be a dinosaur princess for Halloween, so that's a thing I need to figure out.

Second, she has a fascination with pumpkins last year that I think stems entirely from having gotten to carve a record number of pumpkins between our house and with her grandparents on both sides. Every time we go somewhere that has pumpkins for sale, which seems to be everywhere in this town (I genuinely would not be surprised if you get one at the dentist with your cleaning), we somehow end up adding more to our porch. She really wants to carve them now and isn't all that impressed with my explanation of how vegetables rot quickly when they're hollowed out and have big holes in them, but I have a feeling that someone (me) will relent and at least one will have a toothy grin by the end of this weekend.



Cut for image! )

i made that and am not above showing off a lil bit.

so this time of the year is dangerous because all of fall flavored things are available at the coffee places and i know i could get them decaf or something, but i really can't and i also can't say no to having one of each in a twelve hour period so i may or may not ever sleep again. but on the plus side i did all my reading and homework. i might not have retained any of it because my brain isn't going to shut up ever, but it's done so go hannah, high five for hannah.



WHO: Rhys Stone
WHEN: Night of September 27
WHERE: His home, outside Rose and Ian's rooms
SUMMARY: Rhys checks in on his sleeping kiddos and has some thinks about being a dad.

Soon everything would be changing -- and damn if it wouldn't be great. )