dunhaven; ic community.

June 2020



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June 17th, 2018



Does anyone know if the dance studio in town has adult classes? Or if you can just go or make use of the space without classes?

I'm thinking about going to CA.

[...] Just for a few days. Sorry, I didn't realize how that sounded at first.



So, I'm not good at words but today felt like as good a day as any to try.

I've never known my father, which I never really felt much lacking over because I have an amazing Mom who filled in as both roles for a long time. I'm self aware enough to know that I'm not always the easiest to deal with, especially when I was younger. And then she met Diego and I don't think I totally understood back then just how much he'd change my life, even if I did know that I liked him. But he became a dad to me in a way I hadn't had before at a time in my life when I really needed one.

So, yeah. Happy Father's Day to my mom and dad. I love you guys and Molly, Hannah, and me are pretty lucky to have you.



So I had this idea and it's obviously a good one for that reason alone. And since it's an excellent idea, that means no one can fight me on it or make any feeble attempts to protest out of a need to make sure no one's imposing on anyone else. So, disclaimer: a) there is no imposition because there's an invitation involved and b) even though it was my idea, I already know every Lane will be in agreement with it.

What is this grand idea that requires such a preface, you ask? I am so glad you did. (Though, lbr, everyone knows I would have told it regardless of interest because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.)

I think all Steeles of the young and beautiful (and smart, and kind, and compassionate, and amazing, etc etc) variety should join all Lanes of the 1074 Hobb Ct variety for today's celebrations. Dad's grilling chicken and ribs and hot dogs and hamburgers and Mom and I are making potato salad and baked beans and pasta salad and deviled eggs. Malachi's making something, but I can't tell what it is yet (love you 😏) though I am confident that it will be edible. Needless to say, it is WAY too much food for the Lanes of the 1074 Hobb Ct variety to eat all by themselves, so we need your help.

Besides, I'm pretty sure Dad has now claimed you both at this point, for better or worse, so it would make him very happy to have his extended family of the young and beautiful (and smart, and kind, and compassionate, and amazing, etc etc) variety of Steeles at the house today.

Also, can you really say no to this face?




instagram post! )



Placeholder for Waverly narrative ♥



[...] Are you Wynonna?