dunhaven; ic community.

June 2020



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April 2nd, 2018



Look at you, Dunhaven. Getting all grown up with your own Social Networking site.

And just like that, a wild Sam appears. Yes, I'm home. yes, it's for good. Yes, I will pay up on all bets I made post graduation about never moving back here again.

And for anyone who has no idea who I am, or what I'm talking about- Hi. I'm Samantha Colt, Maria's daughter. Back from the west coast and now working at Dunhaven General. I'm sure I'll see you all around.



insta from shyviolet )



Tonight is going to be an impromptu request show at WRAV, so call in, request some songs, and chat with yours truly on air. Seriously. Please. I need distraction.

Do you guys want to come with me on a cruise? It's a week and leaves on Sunday. I know that's last minute, but I became suddenly single only, like, six hours ago and it's just now kind of sinking in so. It's for two right now, but I'd throw money at a third ticket.



Oh, as if I needed another form of social media in my life.

Hello, Dunhaven! I'm Abby Darling and I live in you. Well, right now I live in the hotel, but I guess that's official enough for me to get to access this network which means that it's probably official enough to say that I live in Dunhaven itself. Whatever the case, I've only been here 24ish hours now and I might already be in love. I've lived in NYC, LA, and Portland in my 26 years and none could prepare me adequately for small town living, but I think I'm going to like it here.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello. Please feel free to wave if you see me on the streets, because I'll probably be waving at all of you.



Delivered to Margaret at school )



[OOC: Just to make this easier when scrolling, note that this is Tessa's copycat post :)]

Oh, as if I needed another form of social media in my life.

Hello, Dunhaven! I'm Abby Darling and I live in you. Well, right now I live in the hotel, but I guess that's official enough for me to get to access this network which means that it's probably official enough to say that I live in Dunhaven itself. Whatever the case, I've only been here 24ish hours now and I might already be in love. I've lived in NYC, LA, and Portland in my 26 years and none could prepare me adequately for small town living, but I think I'm going to like it here.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello. Please feel free to wave if you see me on the streets, because I'll probably be waving at all of you.



A belated ~happy Easter~ from this Puri to you: Cut for image! )

She definitely didn't understand the concept of looking for Easter eggs, but she definitely understood the concept of breaking them open and finding chocolate and jellybeans. It makes me extra excited for Halloween this year when she's bigger and realizes that it's candy that's being put in her bucket.