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February 28th, 2018



WHO: Mikhail Nikolaev
WHEN: Wednesday, February 28, 2018; Very Early Morning
WHERE: A hotel in DC
SUMMARY: Mikhail dreams about the Winter Soldier
WARNINGS: None, really!

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WHO: Lyra Rhinehart
WHEN: Wednesday, February 28, 2018; Morning
WHERE: Java Chip
SUMMARY: Lyra reflects on dreams of Azkaban
WARNINGS: Nothing, just mentions of the Sirius memories she relives

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WHO: Waverly Lane
WHEN: Wednesday, February 28, 2018; Very Early Morning
WHERE: Her parents’ house
SUMMARY: Waverly has a dream that leaves her wanting to see Remington more than anything haha
WARNINGS: None, really?

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WHO: Callum Marshall → Cullen Rutherford
WHEN: WEDNESDAY; Feb 28, 2018, middle of the night
WHERE: His bedroom at Elle's place
SUMMARY: Cullen realizes Amell is not another hallucination, but that doesn't make it much better. Cal wakes up from this and responds with a secret flask. He doesn't handle any sort of flashbacks well...
WARNINGS: Drinky drink

Be proud? What is there to be proud of? That I lived and they died? )



WHO: Charlie Parker → Leia Organa and Amilyn Holdo
WHEN: Wednesday, February 28, 2018; Early Morning → Pre Episode IV
WHERE: Charlie’s house → Pamarthe
SUMMARY: Charlie dreams of recon with Amilyn
WARNINGS: Spoilers for TLJ

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WHO: Oliver Sparks (with mentions of Finnley and Jonas)
WHEN: Wednesday, February 28, 2018; Late Night
WHERE: Oliver’s Apartment
SUMMARY: Oliver dreams about Lian Yu
WARNINGS: TW: Mentions of suicide.

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WHO: Annie Nikolaev
WHEN: Wednesday, February 28, 2018; Evening
WHERE: Nikolaevs’ house
SUMMARY: Annie is REALLY ANNOYED by her most recent dreams >:|
WARNINGS: There’s blood in the end.

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WHO: Grace Rojas / Jyn Erso
WHEN: 28 Feb; late afternoon
WHERE: A local fortune teller
SUMMARY: Grace doesn't have answers so she goes seeking

The star reversed. )



WHO: Quincy and Violet
WHEN: This afternooon
WHERE: The cabin
SUMMARY: 2 people are excited for spring
WARNINGS: S for schmoopy

Promise. )