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Posts Tagged: 'dctv:+donna+troy'

Nov. 18th, 2022




If we could NOT ever have a repeat of that, I might consider not burning this place to the ground out of fury.

Fuck. That.

Nov. 8th, 2022



[No Subject]

When a supposed Regent Lord invites you back to his room to get away from the world's most boring charity gala, I didn't expect him to have roommates.

Or pets.

Or a standard room for that matter.

I also didn't expect to not find him anywhere in said room or within a five-mile radius. What? He's a diplomat. They're tracked. Look it up.

The fact there's no room service is pretty shitty, too.

[EDIT] What the actual fuck is a Jeff??

[EDIT] Okay, can I just get another apartment or something? One with less people in it?

Oct. 25th, 2022




The station has an abundance of swag bags and I asked if I could take a box full for "giveaways on the street" - the station manager thought this was a great idea, gave me too many boxes, and now I have three problems:
1. I need help getting these from the station to, well, The Station (sorry, Hope, there's going to be a mess while I sort through boxes for a few days) - anyone have a car I can borrow? Either to take alone or you drive to/from with me. I don't want to inconvenience too much. But these are not a public transportation situation and Uber/Lyft is stupid expensive.

2. I have way too much so I am going to invite people from here to take a look and take some of this off my hands. I don't expect 20 people to take a KFOX 98.5 branded baseball hat but I'd love to get rid of a few. There are also some small-venue concert tickets, band posters and shirts, some lanyards, a variety of random things... So feel free to drop by on Saturday between 11am and 2pm - Apartment 411

3. Anyone want to help me hit the streets to hand these things out? I can't pay you in cash but I'll buy us the time-appropriate meal(s)? It's honestly an intern position that usually does stuff like this and this is just me being bored and wanting company while I do this. You can help me come up with fun ways to let people win the prizes. Like weird trivia. It'll be over the course of a week, probably, so tell me which day(s) and I'll definitely need multiple people. I don't expect any single person to volunteer for it all... if at all!

In unrelated news, the November Full Moon is a super-moon. Might get weird out there!

[ filtered; SAM WINCHESTER ]
You, me, a weekend away starting after a Friday shift? I can drive since I'll still be buzzing, you can sleep. Maybe something nearby anyway like Napa. Wine country. Maybe the weekend after next? Or is that too soon?

Oct. 10th, 2022



[No Subject]

You know what's fun? When all you want is to go home and get a drink and curl up on the couch, possibly with one of your roommates' pets, and be depressed, but you can't because some idiot forgot how to drive and now traffic is backed up by about an hour and you're the lucky photographer who gets to go cover it because people have never seem giant traffic jams before, clearly.

That was the worst run on sentence of all time, Diana would have my head.

Oct. 6th, 2022



Oct 6 | Net | Kate Bishop

Sunday is International Pizza and Beer Day or maybe it's Beer and Pizza. Whatever.

Impromptu pizza party on the roof that day? Root beer for the kiddos.

Bonus points if one of you magical types want to like portal or teleport or whatever to New York and get us some real pizza.

Sep. 30th, 2022



[No Subject]

With all this talk of Halloween already anyone thinking about what this place might do for it? The bears turning up were cute but I don't want to wake up to the z-word.

There's a museum that does an after hours thing on Thursdays, want to go?

Aug. 27th, 2022



[No Subject]

What the hell did I miss?

Aug. 19th, 2022



Network: Albus Potter

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Be careful. I'm sorry.

Aug. 9th, 2022



[No Subject]

Cool, thanks, I hate it. Kory, Dawn, you can show up any time now, thanks.

I'm popping a handful of ibuprofen (Again. Seriously) and going back to bed before I do something stupid.

Richard John Grayson (is it still John in your world?), you had better damn well still be here before I start throwing a tantrum. And these poor people don't deserve that.



[No Subject]

Jamie's gone...


Love you, big bro.

Just thought I would say it.

Aug. 2nd, 2022



[No Subject]

I would like to put into motion an official change to Taco Tuesday.

I think we should move to call it "Taco Thorsday".

Mostly because Jeff decided to eat all the stuff to make said tacos plus the take-out I'd brought back with me.

This might also be my attempt at trying to lighten the air because what happened definitely sucks and I don't do well in situations like this so I'm sorry for all the not-great events.

Aug. 1st, 2022



[No Subject]

[Filter: Alex Summers, Dick Grayson, Lily Potter, Clark Kent]

Warning, you're all coming to karaoke tonight. My new roommate is dragging me so I'm dragging you. Someone has to stop me from getting drunk enough to sing Don't Stop Believin.

((ooc: this is backdated to Saturday, it isn't Donna's fault her player is EXHAUSTED))

Jul. 31st, 2022




I think Hope Mikaelson is gone. She didn't show up for breakfast after my shift and I can't find her. At all.

Incoming. I'm sorry in advance. My entire pack is gone. Again. I can't do-

[ ooc; posted early morning August 1. Lena is canon-bumping! ]

Jul. 28th, 2022



[No Subject]


Anyone know a DESTUHNEE?

I got a message from them and...I guess someone had a good time with them at some point?


Karaoke this weekend. You're coming.

Jul. 21st, 2022



[No Subject]

If you happen to come across a baby landshark who answers by the name of Jeff, he doesn't bite! I mean, he does bite but only if provoked. And by provoked I mean dangling food in front of his face. He's never actually bitten anyone, though.

...Okay, not completely true. Just bad guys. Like real bad guys. Terrible super villains. Like Road Rage. Or the Mole King.

Anyway -- if you find Jeff, let me know? I'll come to collect him.

Hi, I'm Kate Bishop and you've been informed.

Jul. 15th, 2022



Network: Clint Barton

I walked out of the house in my circus costume today.

Not my current one, oh, no.

No, I'm talking the vintage one with the tunic/skirt. And miles and miles of purple spandex.

No wonder everyone kept trying to take my picture on the bus. Need more coffee than currently exists in this reality.

Jul. 9th, 2022



[No Subject]

If anyone who has family who recently disappeared... if I have pictures of them from the Fourth of July event, or any other shoot, I will be more than happy to give them to you free of charge.

"Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is."
--- Gustave Flaubert

Jul. 5th, 2022



[No Subject]

I barely got to know her, but I'm going to miss Lia anyway. You'd think loss would eventually get easier to bear but I guess it doesn't, does it?

Jun. 30th, 2022



NEXT GEN: Cass Summers

[FILTER: Donna Troy & Alex Summers]

Do you want to let Lily take our picture?

Jun. 18th, 2022



Network: Quinn Granger-Weasley

Hello. I am Quinn Granger-Weasley. My parents are Ron and Hermione Granger-Weasley. I understand several of us are now here so I thought I would post an entry in which we can all reconnect with parents we are looking to find. Feel free to comment below.

[OOC: I'm posting all mine to this entry as it is easier for me to track.]