
Posts Tagged: 'player:+holly'

Jul. 13th, 2018


If anyone knows a babysitter looking for a regular job this summer please let me know.

Alright, let's talk candidates for the office job. I'd like to hire someone Monday.

WHO: Harrison Exley & Blaze Wolfe.
WHEN: During their high school careers.
WHERE: Health class.
SUMMARY: Harrison & Blaze are given eggs to test their parenting skills. The inevitable happens.

We might be bad parents. )



WHO: Mitch and Wynnie
WHEN: 4th of July evening.
WHERE: The Mayweather House
SUMMARY: Mitch and Wynnie steal soap and then celebrate their victory. In front of the whole town.
WARNINGS: Theft of soap.

“Red alert, red alert.” )

Jul. 10th, 2018



WHO: Camila Marple and Jacob Wolfe.
WHEN: Sunday, July 8th, 2018.
WHERE: Phone Call!
SUMMARY: A chat to schedule an appt with Rhett Wyatt.

I’d like to set a time to go over a few additional questions with Mr. Wyatt. )



WHO: Maxine Ryan & Hugh Christian.
WHEN: Shortly after Max arrived in Fall City.
WHERE: The Bellowes Inn.
SUMMARY: First meeting! Dialogue only challenge.

Just think, if you need someone to give an official interview, you know where to find me. )

Jul. 6th, 2018


WHO: Harrison Exley & Eliza Weiss.
WHEN: A couple of days ago.
WHERE: Their apartment.
SUMMARY: A fight over ... pickles and peanut butter.

You should have already thought I was serious! )

Jul. 3rd, 2018



WHO: Blaze and Eddie
WHEN: June 22nd. After Melanie drops off some lemon bars.
WHERE: Wolfe Farm
SUMMARY: Blaze rants about stupid dumb girls and their stupid dumb lemon bars and why are those even a thing. Eddie tries to make it better.

“Melanie Taylor is the worst girl alive.” )

Jul. 2nd, 2018


WHO: Eddie Wolfe & June Rogers.
WHEN: Friday, June 29th.
WHERE: Wolfe Investigations.
SUMMARY: June wants to hire Eddie, they haggle.

If this case keeps going the way that it has, we’re going to need Baker’s Street Irregulars. )

Jul. 1st, 2018



WHO: Mitch Dorfman & Xo Valdez Munroe, with bonus Olly.
WHEN: Sunday July 1st.
WHERE: The Farmers Market.
SUMMARY: Xo thinks Mitch has a secret crush.

Running won’t change your love! )



WHO: Eddie Wolfe and Xo Valdez Munroe
WHEN: July 1st, evening
WHERE: The Wolfe Household
SUMMARY: Xo heard the rumor and is extra as Xo is.
WARNINGS: Discussion of horror movie tropes

One. Two. Kick! )



WHO: Rhett Wyatt and Camila Marple
WHEN: Monday, June 25, night
WHERE: Last Shot
SUMMARY: Rhett runs into Camila at the bar. He ends up encouraging her to apply to be his assistant.
WARNINGS: Alcohol.

“I’ll get you a resume first thing tomorrow.”  )

WHO: Elvera Aquette and Eddie Wolfe
WHEN: 1988
WHERE: Fall City High School
SUMMARY: Eddie and Elvera pass notes. This is an example of the 'nontraditional log' style.
WARNINGS: None! The cut below is fake, however, and will lead you to a neocities site.

( That shirt is totally choice, Eddie! )

Jun. 30th, 2018



TO: Marples (Mom, Dad, Eva)
[1] Is it possible for you two to go on one of your weekend trips in July?
[2] We want to have a girls night.

TO: Eva, Sofia, Ziva, Clea, Amita, Jess, Ruto, Xo, Megan
[1] Hey!
[2] Eva and I are thinking of having a girls night sometime in July. Before we got too far into the planning stages we wanted to check and see who would be interested/when you're free?

Jun. 29th, 2018



To: mr. wolfe
From: ty
[1] i think i made a mistake
[2] i probably don't need the lawyer now
To: blaze
From: ty
[1] i told tony
[2] and then another person. i can’t remember her name. I just know i talked to her
To: teddy; danny (separately)
From: ty
[1] i have to talk to you at some point

Jun. 27th, 2018



WHO: Eliza Weiss and Harrison Exley
WHEN: June 20th
WHERE: Vegas
SUMMARY: Some snippets from what Eliza and Harrison did on their spontaneous trip

Ta-da! )

Jun. 25th, 2018



email from hunter tyler to eddie wolfe )



WHO: Ted and Camila
WHEN: 6/20, late afternoon.
WHERE: Common Grounds
SUMMARY: Ted and Camila talk about the continuing troubles - and solidify their ...agreements.
WARNINGS: No real warnings, mentions of the Moira situation.

So -- I wanted to ask if you’re still okay... )

WHO: Camila Marple & Rafael Valdez.
WHEN: Sunday June 24th.
WHERE: Out walking.
SUMMARY: Fang knocks Camila over and conversation happens from there!

I’m pretty good at walking when I don’t have a husky dog tripping me every five seconds. )

Jun. 24th, 2018


I'm back, if you're interested in a Vegas souvenir and think I might have brought you one, let me know.

We're back, we got married in Vegas, and we're moving into the apartment above Common Grounds on Wednesday.
Brought you something.
I still think it would have been more fun not to tell them.

Jun. 23rd, 2018


WHO: Harrison Exley & Anja Weiss.
WHEN: Backdated to a week or so ago.
WHERE: The Bellowes Inn / Common Grounds.
SUMMARY: They get coffee!
WARNINGS: Apart from awkwardness I can't think of any!

Anja gifted him with a smile at his attempt, at least. )