
Posts Tagged: 'player:+whitney'

May. 31st, 2018



WHO: Adalyn Mayfair and Rafael Valdez.
WHEN: Early May, late April? Shortly after the store changed owners.
WHERE: Common Grounds.
SUMMARY: They talk about work and Raf offers her a raise and a promotion.

I really think I’ve been able to get the other baristas on board, and besides, it costs a company six to nine months of an employees salary to hire someone new… so, I hope you’ll consider letting me stay. )

May. 30th, 2018



Flash Reactionary: After Press Conference

Addie heard about the press conference during her shift at Common Grounds. She immediately went into detective mode, prompting patrons with conversation like, "Crazy news, today, right?" and just letting people talk. She's really keen on listening, to see if anyone actually knows anything.

If anyone asks her what she thinks happens, she'll say she was convinced that it was the next phase of method acting, and keeps thinking somehow it's all a farce, but it would be awfully hard to fake a body.

Feel free to have your character speculate, share information, or share their opinions!

May. 22nd, 2018



Did you know that a family of peafowl is called a bevy, but a group of them is called a party? Also, their feathers aren't really multicolored, but are covered in optical-illusion-creating microscopic crystal like structures?

Also also, the peacock has been observed faking copulatory calls so that peahens think that they're more sexually active, and thus, more desirable? They very literally fake it until they make it.

...The more you know.