
Posts Tagged: 'character:+clea+cox'

Sep. 8th, 2018



Labor Day Weekend at the Cox Farm: a Summary

Labor Day Weekend brings the celebration of Milly and Ronnie's anniversary, so the entire Cox family was invited out to the farm for grilling and an afternoon of relaxing and celebrating Grandpa and Grandma Cox's life together. Hugh and Marceline had discussed telling her family and decided that this would be a perfect opportunity to share the news of their engagement. Marceline has not worn her ring since she has been back, as she has not wanted to accidentally give anything away to customers or around town, if anyone was looking.

They arrived around the time that had been given them with several salads that Hugh had put together and a ring on Marceline's finger that had not existed there before. In typical Marceline fashion, she went to grab a beer and used this as an opportunity to show off that ring, turning to the person nearest her, and announcing off-handedly: "So I'm engaged now."

The moment they arrived, Grandma Cox's eyes zeroed in on the engagement ring because she has discreetly been checking Marce's hand for AWHILE now. Her eyes bugged a little, but then she quickly glanced away in any direction but the engagement ring and got a little too enthusiastic about Hugh's salads. It was a huge relief to her that she did not have to wait long for the announcement, and she spilled one of Hugh's salads, dropping it on the table to go hug Marceline. She hugged Marceline and then she hugged Hugh. Her eyes were a little teary because now ALL her granddaughters have found their Ronald. She thought this was the best possible day they could have made the announcement and is already plotting their wedding quilt. Once the announcement and reactions were over, Milly thought this had become the perfect time to bust out the good liquor, add some music and dancing, and make this an even bigger celebration.

Having talked to Hugh earlier, Ronnie was not surprised by this announcement, but was glad that it was now official, and he took some cigars out after the announcement to congratulate them. Clea was super happy and supportive of her sister's engagement.

Sep. 6th, 2018



WHO: Clea Cox and Tony Troy
WHEN: Evening, some time after the arrest of Nate Griggs
WHERE: Their apartment.
SUMMARY: A peek into Clea and Tony’s home life!
WARNINGS: Shop talk and cuteness.

Neither of us are cool enough to be Red. )

Aug. 30th, 2018



So. It's late. And I'm hungry. Someone (who I at least somewhat know and like) should come share a pizza with me. You know you want to. ;)

[Filtered to June and Val]

So, first of all, I have some epic picnic plans for the kiddies on Saturday if they're available and VAL, I still need to thank you for running to my side in an epic assist when my car died.

But. Also. Any leads on the recent fires? You know you want to tell. C'mon. Tell me.

[Filtered to Max]

I already feel disgusting admitting this, because I'm stone cold, always. But I miss you. And we live, like, two feet away from each other, seriously. We should do something. Especially because it legit seems like you have a lot going on.




Once receiving the news from June about Nat's discovery, Clea and Emilia led the DSD over to the Bellowes Inn to retrieve the cloth from the window. Clea is bursting with excitement but presenting a very professional front. She's eager to get back to the office to get a warrant to test the cloth. Hopefully, this is the break they've been needing!

Aug. 14th, 2018



WHO: Clea Cox and Elijah Griggs.
WHEN: July. A weekish after jumping off of the roof on the 4th of July.
WHERE: Carson's!
SUMMARY: Pretty much just two friends talking about chicken nuggets avoiding the hard things in life.
WARNINGS: Possibly light language?

Eli, why are you hiding behind a cardboard cut-out of a goldfish? )

Jul. 16th, 2018



Police Interviews with Lola Mayweather and Cecelia Reyes )

Jun. 24th, 2018



WHO: Clea & Megan
WHEN: Tuesday June 19, evening
WHERE: Clea & Tony's apartment
SUMMARY: Dia-log: Megan confesses something to her best friend the cop.
WARNINGS: I don't think there's anything?

But you can amend your statement, and I would suggest doing that sooner than later. )



WHO: Clea Cox & Alexi Weiss.
WHEN: Backdated:: 6/6th
WHERE: the Park
SUMMARY: Sleeping in a no sleeping zone
WARNINGS: Lying to the Popo?

A ticket really would not work, considering his German driver’s license and lack of IDP. )

Jun. 16th, 2018



WHO: Clea Cox & Megan Marple
WHEN: Saturday May 27, morning
WHERE: Megan & Eli's apartment, Crow Canyon
SUMMARY: Megan sends out an SOS to her BFF for help figuring something out
WARNINGS: Discussion of poor relationship communication habits?

Once she processed a little more, she’d come up with a reasonable theory other than “men are complete idiots.” )

Jun. 12th, 2018



TO: Tony & Clea
FROM: Megan
[1] Can I crash at your place for a few days?
[2] I just need some space from Eli for a while.
[3] I know you're both really busy with the investigation. You'd hardly know I'm there, except for fresh coffee being made in the morning and also I could make dinner for you guys.

Jun. 3rd, 2018



TO: Camila, Clea, Eva
FROM: Megan
[1] How about some good news in the middle of all the chaos?
[2] Eli's home.

May. 30th, 2018



TO: Camila
FROM: Megan
[1] Are you ok?
[2] Do you need anything?

TO: Clea
FROM: Megan
[1] Coffee? Aspirin?
[2] Anything I can do to help?
[3] Delivery of a gigantic box of donuts to give you guys the strength you need for this?
[x] It's like 1997 all over again except this time we're old enough to really understand

TO: Eli
FROM: Megan
[1] Will you PLEASE talk to me?

May. 29th, 2018



WHO: Tony Troy and Clea Cox aka Tea
WHEN: 5/17
WHERE: Their home
SUMMARY: They attempt to wedding plan and then get really distracted.
WARNINGS: Sex talk. Ghosts. Lilacs.

Right? Score! )

May. 18th, 2018



texts: sent around 1:30pm

TO: Clea
FROM: Megan
[1] Sneak!
[2] How long have you and Eli been in cahoots?

TO: Camila
FROM: Megan
[1] I'm afraid you're going to have to distract Eva on your own.
[2] Apparently Eli is whisking me away to New York City for the weekend!

May. 13th, 2018



Mother’s Day at the Cox Farm: A Summary

The Coxes and their respective plus ones had dinner at the Cox Farm. Literally everyone loves Jane, as she (and Clea, who is her mother’s daughter), are the beacons of light and joy in their family. As such anyone who was not there would probably have gotten words from James.

This was Hugh’s first time sitting at dinner as Marceline’s boyfriend. Marceline was fairly nervous about it, introducing him with a too casual, “so, yeah, this is Hugh,” before going to the fridge to grab a beer because she was going to need it.

Hugh was the epitome of chill on the outside, dying on the inside, and was really keen to make a good impression. Jane was friendly and sweet, as she does, and the two bonded over being from Seattle, leading Hugh to help her with dinner!

He had less luck from James, whose Spirit Animal is a Troll. He enjoyed using his Stoic Face to the max and enjoyed taking what opportunities he could to dial up the Awkward Dial, and at a point even made a point to ask Hugh if he is, “enjoying the town? The Weather? THE FAIRE??”

At which point Marceline gagged and choked on her drink. Hugh did not pick up on the uptake, but because of Marceline’s reaction knew he had missed SOMETHING.

There was general chatter throughout the night and Hugh really tried to bond with Marce’s family: he asked Clea how wedding plans were going. He asked Seb if he got an Instant Pot.

They were all together as the power went out, at which point most of the Coxes put on some practical work clothes to get to work moving around the animals and doing damage control with the crops. Hugh borrowed a pair of boots, but the right footwear did not give him the knowledge he needed to act with skill. He floundered, but was happy to take direction.

He ended up falling in the mud at one point, ruining his Nordstroms Jeans.

After the chaos was over with, Marceline tried to be The Most Slick and brought up the fact that Hugh probably shouldn’t be driving in this weather. It’s unsafe.

To which Jane said he is definitely welcome, and James added that the couch in the den is very comfortable.

May. 5th, 2018



[1] Hey, so Jess said some shit that made me think someone broke into something at the Inn.
[2] She wouldn't tell me exactly what happened and she refuses to go to the cops.
[3] Have you heard anything?

[1] Great job with the spoons.

[Additionally, GROUP TEXT: COX FAMILY]

May. 2nd, 2018



I'm still blown away by all of the support the community has given the sheriff's department. We will do you proud, Fall City.

If you have a moment, please consider stopping by our dunking tank! Proceeds go towards Charity: Water, with the added satisfaction of getting to dunk Fall City's finest for the cause!

You won my lip-reading lessons! When do you want to redeem them?

Apr. 29th, 2018



WHO: Tony Troy and Clea Cox
WHEN: April 24th, 2018, bedtime, after the faux dognapping.
WHERE: Their apartment.
SUMMARY: Tony and Clea put their heads together to try and go over what they know.

It’s like something’s bubbling and I don’t like it. )

Apr. 21st, 2018





Apr. 19th, 2018



Group text to Tony, Clea & Eva
>> Why? Why do we have to go through this?
>> They should just leave it alone.
>> It would be different if it was centuries old but we knew her.
>> She was our friend and they expect us to be okay with them digging everything up again?
>> God I hate whoever it was that wrote the book
>> Come over for drinks. Talking face to face might be better?
>> Plus I have a bottle of wine open. I probably shouldn't drink it all myself.