
Posts Tagged: 'narration:+narrative'

Sep. 29th, 2018



WHO: Amita Haham & NPC!Destiny Haham.
WHEN: September 29, 2018, evening.
WHERE: Her home in St. John's.
SUMMARY: Halloween reminiscing.
WARNINGS: Infidelity.

Sometimes she wondered if anyone of her generation - anyone old enough to remember that night, or old enough to remember Alice March - really enjoyed Halloween. )

Sep. 13th, 2018



WHO: Eva Marple and Alice March
WHEN: October 31, 1997. Recess.
WHERE: Timberline Academy
SUMMARY: Two young friends share a rebellious moment.
WARNINGS: Irresponsible use of fire.

''Show me another one.'' )

Sep. 5th, 2018



WHO: Hugh Christian & NPC!Isaac Blumenkrantz (with appearances by NPC! Mrs. Halliday.
WHEN: Wednesday, September 5, around 11am.
WHERE: Isaac Blumenkrantz's Bellevue Office.
SUMMARY: Hugh stops by Isaac's office with the intention of giving him some life updates and he ends up making some decisions.
WARNINGS: Poor family relationships, unhealthy self-talk, and mild emotional manipulation. Use of present tense.

Over the years, he's been trained to expect very little from these sorts of announcements. )

Sep. 2nd, 2018



WHO: Gus Arquette (brief blurbs from Michelle, Sam, and npc!daughter Andrea)
WHEN: Through the years
WHERE: Various places, mostly bars
SUMMARY: A look back at a slow descent into addiction, then the battle to overcome it. (And I totally meant to post it Friday so it'd count for the challenge. Whoops.)
WARNINGS: Drinking, alcoholism, addiction. I mean, this is literally chronicling Gus' descent into alcoholism, so massive gigantic content warning for that.

But I need to stop. I need to be here for my wife and our daughters. )

Aug. 30th, 2018



WHO: Elijah Griggs.
WHEN: August 27th.
WHERE: His home.
SUMMARY: It's a non-traditional narrative. Elijah is currently filling out the paperwork to legally change his name, but he's having trouble finishing it.

Cut for size! )

Aug. 29th, 2018



WHO: Megan Marple
WHEN: August 29, late
WHERE: Her apartment
SUMMARY: Megan continues to struggle with the desire to leave vs the practicality of staying. Also has a prologue for the challenge.
WARNINGS: idk probably none?

It's a nice thought, at least. )



WHO: Nat Rogers, June Rogers, NPC grumpy old lady
WHEN: Wednesday, August 29, around noon
WHERE: Wolfe Investigations, outside the Benbow Inn
SUMMARY: Nat finds a photo at work, which leads her on a lunchtime stroll, which leads her to A Clew
WARNINGS: Glib and blatant BSing

That room was locked up *tight*. )

Aug. 28th, 2018



WHO: Gregory Marple
WHEN: 8/27
WHERE: The Marple House
SUMMARY: Gregory finds a thing
WARNINGS: It's something he shouldn't have.

Beneath that was a small decoration that Eva must have made. )

Aug. 27th, 2018



WHO: Joy Llewellyn and Arthur Llewellyn (NPC)
WHEN: August 10, morning
WHERE: Their home in Cedarwood
SUMMARY: What to do when your former son-in-law is on the news and your grandson is staying in the spare room
WARNINGS: Joy busts out her teacher voice

Eli was asleep in the spare room, and Joy was cooking. )

Aug. 25th, 2018



WHO: Sam Arquette
WHEN: Friday, August 24.
WHERE: Her residence in Preston.
SUMMARY: After deciding to do some volunteering at the Fire Dept. Sam's uncovered something… interesting.

It was definitely a child's voice, old enough to speak clearly, but young enough to still have a child's tone and lilt. )

Aug. 24th, 2018



WHO Blaze Wolfe & May Ryan
WHEN August 14th, after this
WHERE The woods.
SUMMARY Blaze and May indulge in some mild speculation while they look for Ty.

Read more... )

Aug. 20th, 2018



WHO: Gus Arquette
WHEN: Monday, August 20; early afternoon
WHERE: Fall City Daily office
SUMMARY: Gus receives a… unique advice-seeking letter.
WARNINGS: idk if there's any?

But his gut told him it was about the murder investigation. )

Aug. 13th, 2018



WHO: Nate Griggs, to Wynnie Llewellyn
WHEN: Written July 17; arrived with her mail on August 13
WHERE: Written in Nate's house; arrived with Wynnie's mail at her house
SUMMARY: Wynnie said he could have one letter. So this is his letter to her. No return address, but it was sent in a thick, padded envelope through the Fall City post office.
WARNINGS: Read all the other stuff that happened with Nate last week first (this, this, this, and this).

If you have this, though, it's because my past has finally caught up with me. )

Aug. 10th, 2018



WHO: Nate Griggs; plus NPC ADA Samantha Campbell and NPC Lieutenant Benjamin Dover
WHEN: August 10, 2018; afternoon
WHERE: Seattle PD, interrogation room
SUMMARY: Nate Griggs, serial killer, makes a deal: a full confession to all his past crimes, in exchange for his family being left out of everything.
WARNINGS: Read everything else first (this, this, and this). Also, multiple mentions of murder. Mentions of capital punishment.

He would rather die than drag them down with him. )

Aug. 9th, 2018



WHO: Nate Griggs and a teenage runaway boy
WHEN: April 27, 1991; early evening
WHERE: Bellevue, Washington
SUMMARY: A serial killer's very first murder.
WARNINGS: Implied murder.

Someone who wouldn't be missed. )

Aug. 6th, 2018



WHO: Nate Griggs and a homeless woman
WHEN: Monday August 6, around lunchtime
WHERE: Fall City to Seattle and back
SUMMARY: Surprise, motherf**ker. Nate Griggs, serial killer, goes into Seattle to release some stress (by finding someone to kill).
WARNINGS: Implied murder.

He pointed the truck in the direction of Seattle. )

WHO: Indiana & Dory Wolfe.
WHEN: About a year ago.
WHERE: Wolfe farm.
SUMMARY: Are pod people a thing we should worry about? Who the hell is Lucas? AKA Holly has fun writing NPC's.

How do you know if you’re a pod person? )

Jul. 31st, 2018



WHO: Michelle Blanchard
WHEN: Monday, July 30th
WHERE: Blanchard Drug
SUMMARY: Michelle finds privacy to deal with the emotions arisen by the police officers' visit.
WARNINGS: Sadness? None really.

Her fingers flew over the screen, as she scanned the thumbnails, until she found what she was looking for. )

Jul. 30th, 2018



WHO: Val & Leo Montagna
WHEN: Monday July 30, late afternoon
WHERE: Their house
SUMMARY: Leo drew a picture of their house and family for his dad. Which is totally 100% true-to-life.
WARNINGS: Your ovaries might explode. You have been warned. Also, I may or may not have been inspired by my own five-year-old running up to me with a picture he drew. >>

Look at this picture I drawed! )

Jul. 29th, 2018



WHO: Amita Haham &   REDACTED  
WHEN: May 27th, 12:12am or thereabouts.
WHERE: Road outside Fall City
SUMMARY: Amita almost gets run over by a stolen (?) red bug.
WARNINGS: Bad life choices, cursing people, and drunk driving.

She'd even managed to not do anything particularly rash or stupid. )