
Posts Tagged: 'player:+sabrina'

Sep. 29th, 2018



WHO: Amita Haham & NPC!Destiny Haham.
WHEN: September 29, 2018, evening.
WHERE: Her home in St. John's.
SUMMARY: Halloween reminiscing.
WARNINGS: Infidelity.

Sometimes she wondered if anyone of her generation - anyone old enough to remember that night, or old enough to remember Alice March - really enjoyed Halloween. )

Sep. 23rd, 2018



WHO: Hugh Christian & Henry March
WHEN: Wednesday, Sept. 19
WHERE: Henry's house
SUMMARY: Hugh takes his father lunch. Father-son bonding.
WARNINGS: I cannot think of anything?

But that's more March family secrets. )

Sep. 18th, 2018



It gets downright cold up here doesn't it?

[Filter: Eliza, Alexi, and after some thought, Harrison]
A number of the online classes I am teaching this quarter are at UCLA not at UC-Berkeley. It seems they have a position that may be opening up, and I am thinking of applying for it.

I doubt we would be anywhere particularly close as large as LA is, but it might be a bit more likely that I could help with Jack if you needed it.

Sep. 14th, 2018



WHO: Hugh & Marina
WHEN: Shortly after this conversation (probably Tues or Weds).
WHERE: The office of Henry's Lawyer.
SUMMARY: A confession.
WARNINGS: Bellowes Inn Party things.

Take me through it, step by step. )

Sep. 12th, 2018



WHO: Hugh Christian & Henry March
WHEN: Monday, September 10.
WHERE: Henry's barn & lands.
SUMMARY: Hugh hasn't slept since Rhett's arrest, Henry finds him and gives him some fatherly advice.
WARNINGS: Bellowes Inn Party things, negative self-talk, rich people.

The expression on Rhett's face was burned into his memory. )

Sep. 10th, 2018



WHO: Eliza Weiss & Anja Weiss
WHEN: Saturday, September 8
WHERE: Eliza's apartment above Common Grounds
SUMMARY: Anja saw her daughter up to something, and she wants to know what, and why.
WARNINGS: Ghosts. Decaf coffee. Weiss Level Emoting.

It sounded a bit like well… something from a horror film, really. )

Sep. 8th, 2018



[text → lochan]
[1] You were on the radio this morning.
[2] Did you hear?
[x] Was the
[3] I don't understand why you were on the radio.

[text → bishop]
[1] I'm still bothered by the radio thing.



WHO: Anja & Andrei Weiss
WHEN: Saturday, August 18, after this.
WHERE: At Eliza's reception & then later Anja's apartment.
SUMMARY: Anja and Andrei reconnect after a long time apart.
WARNINGS: Implied sexual content.

We’ll make the best of the time we have.  )



WHO: Sam Arquette and JJ Mayweather.
WHEN: Thursday, August 23. Following this.
WHERE: Mayweather residence.
SUMMARY: Sam follows up on Blaze's information by telling JJ that he needs to fess up.
WARNINGS: Harassments. Talk of JJ.

You've been sending notes. )



WHO: Sam and Blaze
WHEN: Thursday, August 23. Night.
WHERE: Wolfe Investigations
SUMMARY: Blaze is upset that JJ is sending letters. He tells Sam about the notes and asks her to freeze JJ out until he confesses. Sam goes to confront JJ. Camila is like, the only one in Fall City who doesn’t give Blaze her threatening mail.
WARNINGS: Implied threatening notes. Harassments. Talk of JJ.

Sam raised an eyebrow, thinking Blaze didn't seem entirely himself, but then again, she might be reading too much into it - the heat, after all, was enough to make anyone a little crazy.  )

Sep. 6th, 2018



WHO: Matt Wolfe & Henry March
WHEN: September 6, evening.
WHERE: Matt's Trailer
SUMMARY: Matt and Henry drink beers together, talk about parenting, family, Ed March, Cora March, and the last March party.
WARNINGS: The March family?

I think the last post card was about ten years ago. )



[text → rhett]
[1] Are you still not filming?



[text → group to blaze, marceline, tony]
[1] Setting up that audition for Saturday wasn't the worst idea I've had this week.
[2] They're calling it a wrap on filming, and going to work with the footage they have.
[3] So, I'm officially unemployed I guess.

Sep. 5th, 2018



[text → Lochan (after this)]
[1] There is a clown on your doorstep.
[2] If you don't want it just make it go somewhere else please.

WHO: Sam Arquette and Eddie Wolfe.
WHEN: Early September.
WHERE: Wolfe Investigations.
SUMMARY: Sam decides to seek expert advice on the tape she found.
WARNINGS: None that I can think of.

The book always said there was a tape. )



WHO: Hugh Christian & NPC!Isaac Blumenkrantz (with appearances by NPC! Mrs. Halliday.
WHEN: Wednesday, September 5, around 11am.
WHERE: Isaac Blumenkrantz's Bellevue Office.
SUMMARY: Hugh stops by Isaac's office with the intention of giving him some life updates and he ends up making some decisions.
WARNINGS: Poor family relationships, unhealthy self-talk, and mild emotional manipulation. Use of present tense.

Over the years, he's been trained to expect very little from these sorts of announcements. )

Sep. 4th, 2018



The final work repairs on the window were completed yesterday and to celebrate I am offering a 5% off everything sale for the next twenty-four* hours. Come in tonight, come in tomorrow, see the fine work done to restore the window on the front of the store.

*until closing tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 5.

[Filter: Xo, Ted, Eliot, & Camila]
Do you ever wish your life was completely dif

I saw the first orange leaf yesterday when I was out driving. Or I think it was, and not a flower in a tree. I think we should get a brunch this weekend to celebrate the approaching onslaught of our autumn overlords.

[Filter: Lochan]
I feel as if we've hardly spoken since the car incident and I think that might be my fault. Can we do lunch sometime this week?

Sep. 2nd, 2018



sunday, september 02
Sunday mid-morning, Matt Wolfe was seen walking walking into Mitzi's with a blonde kid that locals will recognize as Matt's son, Rowan. Matt is also definitely smiling, and will be proud to introduce Rowan to basically anyone who comes by, and tell them that he's a Freshman at UCLA and he and Blaze surprised Matt by coming up this weeknd to go to the Foo Fighter's concert in Seattle last night, which was really good by the way.

Matt is both smiling, and surprisingly forthcoming about life, particularly Rowan's, but whatever, compared to his normal self. Rowan's a good natured kid, and will be friendly to just about anyone that comes up to talk to him. Rowan will be hanging out with Matt (or Blaze) most of the next few days until late Monday evening when he's flying back. And Matt will be unusually cheerful with anyone that comes into the gas station for the rest of the week.

Sep. 1st, 2018



PSA: We have those horrid pumpkin candies in the gas station that always sell out way too soon and I'm not certain how, but we've got them and if that's your jam, come in, buy them, and I won't judge.

[Filter: Blaze]
You ready for tonight, kid? I figure we leave mid-afternoon, we can get a bite to eat before the concert.

Aug. 31st, 2018



WHO: Sam Arquette & Bishop Haham.
WHEN: Mid-August (?)
WHERE: Fall City Public Library
SUMMARY: A murder (game) & talk of murder (crime)
WARNINGS: References to murder, arson, etc as would be expected.

Let’s sit down some corner here, just the two of us, and we’ll each share one of the juiciest clues we have. )