
Posts Tagged: 'player:+sc'

Aug. 28th, 2018



WHO: Ian and Lincoln.
WHEN: Flashback to right after Ian's injury, then this week when he got his cast off.
WHERE: Ian's home, local clinic.
SUMMARY: Lincoln is a good friend. Ian is dealing with his issues. Kind of.
WARNINGS: Mentions/discussions of alcoholism, dumb decisions, some swearing.

I have a vegetable. )

Aug. 26th, 2018



WHO: NPC (admin, Corrections Department), Nolan.
WHEN/WHERE: It's paperwork.
SUMMARY: Nolan's Plea.
WARNINGS: Discussion of drug dealing (bureaucracy).

File on Nolan MacLaver )

Aug. 21st, 2018



WHO: Ian (and “Lochan”).
WHEN: A dream, a very long time ago [early August], because SC is the worst and has been very slow and XIII is far too patient with her.
WHERE: Ian’s dreams, awkwardly enough.
SUMMARY: Ian’s subconscious is trying to tell him things he doesn’t really want to hear.
WARNINGS: Internalized homophobia, sexual tension, shiny shiny leggings.

Everything felt warm. )

Aug. 6th, 2018



Flash Reactionary; Friday, August 3rd, 2018.

Usually, Raf would find a reason to stick around Common Grounds a little longer before heading over to finish the night at Last Shot. But since he'd made plans to talk to Ted Lynch, he had to close at a respectable time.

Which meant both dogs were very excited and eager to see him. Anyone expecting coffee after 5pm would be very disappointed. He closed without much warning before heading back to his apartment.

Aug. 2nd, 2018



WHO: Nolan and Marina.
WHEN: 7/30, morning, before the meeting with June.
WHERE: Phone call.
SUMMARY: Nolan has agreed to come in and speak with the police.
WARNINGS: Mentions of crime, nothing else.

Don’t I have to go in, like, now? )



[Text to Camila]
[x]Has Julian talked to you I
[1] I'm guessing you also got a note?
[2] Whatever. Probably a kid or something. We can see what they want, no skin off our teeth.

[Text to Julian]
[1] Have you spoken to her?

[Text to Raf]
[1] So are you going to pointedly avoid me forever?

[Text to Xo]
[1] We've gotta talk about your brother.

Aug. 1st, 2018


WHO: Camila Marple & Ted Lynch.
WHEN: May 27th, after midnight.
WHERE: Road outside Fall City.
SUMMARY: Camila picks up Ted on the side of the road.
WARNINGS: Swearing.

Because sorry but...no. Wait. I’m not sorry. )

Jul. 30th, 2018



June Does Some Police Things

At around 8:00 a.m. this morning, June arrived at BLANCHARD DRUG with a warrant for NOLAN MACLAVER and Moira MacTeer's past and current prescription records. She was helped by MICHELLE ARQUETTE.

At 10:00 a.m. she met with EDDIE WOLFE and EMILIA WOLFE to go over what EDDIE WOLFE had found out about NATHAN GRIGGS during his background checks.

At around 1:00 p.m. June met with NOLAN MACLAVER at the Municipal Building. He came willingly and with legal counsel provided by HENRY MARCH's lawyer.



WHO: Nolan MacLaver & Megan Marple
WHEN: July 5, late evening?
WHERE: The vet office
SUMMARY: Nolan finds a forever home for one of the cats!
WARNINGS: Rated F for Fluff and C for Cute and here, have a break from all the drama and murder and drugs.

We’ve got a lot of cats with personality right now. )

Jul. 29th, 2018



WHO: Nolan and Henry
WHEN: Post-Dance-A-Thon, Henry needs to let off some steam and...is interrupted by Mr. Annoying.
WHERE: The MacLaver Home.
SUMMARY: Elvera calls a plumber, wink wink. Just kidding. Nolan has strong feelings, like, always. And lectures Henry, because of course he does.
WARNINGS: Pretty chill/no warnings.

Mom had finally called a plumber? )



WHO: Ted and Julian
WHEN: 6/27
WHERE: On Ted’s porch.
SUMMARY: Awkward conversations about Camila/Ted/life.
WARNINGS: It’s VERY awkward, but I think that is it.

Did I do something wrong? )



WHO: Alexi and Nolan
WHEN: 7/3 (night, at Mordy’s after the Elvera-pregnancy announcement).
WHERE: Mordy’s house.
SUMMARY: Surrealistic dreams. Really really surrealistic. It’s just...drug delusion dreams.
WARNINGS: None, really? It’s Salvador Dali.

Did you get your wings yet? )

Jul. 28th, 2018



WHO: Nolan and Elvera MacLaver
WHEN: May 27th, late.
WHERE: The MacLaver home.
SUMMARY: Nolan freaks out. Elvera does the best she can with what she has.
WARNINGS: Talk of drugs, talk of death, talk of possible murder, talk of cover-up.

Nolan was more his mother’s son than his father’s in that moment, and Elvera felt a wash of anxiety, edged out only by her need to protect. )



WHO: Ted and Raf.
WHEN: June 18th, 2018. Immediately following THIS.
WHERE: Ted's farm.
SUMMARY: Rupert the chicken is not a chicken! Ted is excited to share this development with Raf. And then there are some questions and some answers that neither of them were ready for.
WARNINGS: Feels. Otherwise, none.

So basically you stole a wild quail, is what I’m telling you. Don’t worry though, he’s now living that cushy domesticated lifestyle. )



WHO: Ted, Quinn, & Raf
WHEN: June 18th, 2018. Dinner time!
WHERE: Ted's farmhouse.
SUMMARY: These three talk over dinner. Raf makes eyes at Ted. Quinn has objections to wearing pants, but gives in. Etc.
WARNINGS: Hm. Maybe language?

The idea of all of them sitting around without pants made him laugh. Olly would probably find it hilarious. )

Jul. 20th, 2018



WHO: Ian McKinnon
WHEN: 4:27 AM 7/19
WHERE: Ian's workshop.
SUMMARY: Ian works on making furniture copies for the Film Crew and stumbles on something.
WARNINGS: Mentions of sexual contact.

The drawer extended out. )

Jul. 16th, 2018



[x] You broke your arm?
[x] Why didn't you tell me you broke your arm? Of course you wouldn't have told me

TO: Ian
[1] So, when you got drunk and jumped off that roof...
[2] Was anyone else with you?
[3] Or did Eli happen to do something else to break his arm?

Jul. 6th, 2018



[The Gang [Eli, Megan, Lochan, Tony]]
[1] So ... who wants to sign my cast?

[2] So I did a thing. That was... maybe not a great idea.



WHO: Ian McKinnon and Elijah Griggs
WHEN: Post-fireworks; 4th of July.
WHERE: Hospital, most likely.
SUMMARY: Ian and Eli rehash what happened following the events of the Mayweather party.
WARNINGS: Drunken rambling, stupidity.

You did not do a backflip. )

Jul. 3rd, 2018



[Texts to Mordor after this.]
[1] can I crash on your couch tonight
[2] trick question I'm maybe going to be on your porch in like 20
[3] I guess I could sleep on your porch if you can't
[4] or bug blaze
[5] idk is it ok??

[Text to Mom after 10pm]
[1] I'm at Mordecai Mendel's house tonight.