
Posts Tagged: 'player:+nae'

Sep. 8th, 2018



WHO: Anja & Andrei Weiss
WHEN: Saturday, August 18, after this.
WHERE: At Eliza's reception & then later Anja's apartment.
SUMMARY: Anja and Andrei reconnect after a long time apart.
WARNINGS: Implied sexual content.

We’ll make the best of the time we have.  )



WHO: Sam and Blaze
WHEN: Thursday, August 23. Night.
WHERE: Wolfe Investigations
SUMMARY: Blaze is upset that JJ is sending letters. He tells Sam about the notes and asks her to freeze JJ out until he confesses. Sam goes to confront JJ. Camila is like, the only one in Fall City who doesn’t give Blaze her threatening mail.
WARNINGS: Implied threatening notes. Harassments. Talk of JJ.

Sam raised an eyebrow, thinking Blaze didn't seem entirely himself, but then again, she might be reading too much into it - the heat, after all, was enough to make anyone a little crazy.  )

Sep. 6th, 2018



[text → rhett]
[1] Are you still not filming?

Aug. 26th, 2018



Witness Statements: Saturday, Aug 25

After the fire, June started her investigation by collecting witness statements. She would have interviewed the film crew who had been on set that day, as well as any neighbors in Henley Park. When Wayne King called her, she would have asked him questions about what the fire department knew about the fire and its source.

If you have a character who June would have interviewed, please fill out this form.

Aug. 24th, 2018



WHO Blaze Wolfe & May Ryan
WHEN August 14th, after this
WHERE The woods.
SUMMARY Blaze and May indulge in some mild speculation while they look for Ty.

Read more... )

Aug. 22nd, 2018



WHO: Six ghosts. One unconscious teenager.
WHEN: April 12, 1984.
WHERE: A clearing in Minnesota.
SUMMARY: Why is Rhett Wyatt, actor extraordinaire, so very scared of ghosts? The second half to Rhett's mini backstory mystery. This will not make as much sense unless you've read this log. This was technically for last month's challenge and it's unconventional and NPC perspective, BUT WE ARE DOING MOVIES THIS MONTH, so I think it still fits. :D
WARNINGS: Ghosts. Accidental death. Not so accidental cover-up. Graphic sarcastic quip about a head injury. Implied harrassment.

Six ghosts around a big gnarled tree. )

Aug. 21st, 2018



WHO: Blaze and Lochan.
WHEN: Oh boy, this goes all the way back to early July. So like...over a month ago.
WHERE: The Psychic Shop
SUMMARY: Blaze quits his job.
WARNINGS: Talk of ghosts. Talk of quitting jobs.

Maybe you and your siblings can help me with the historic haunt walk I do in October. )



WHO: Rhett and Xo
WHEN: Afternoon, Saturday the 18th
WHERE: Along the Snoqualmie. :D
SUMMARY: Rhett's shoots his 5,000 dollar picnic lunch before it even begins by asking Xo for a paternity test. What follows is not fun for either of them.
WARNINGS: Paternity, custody, arguments

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to speak to you about.” )



WHO: Lola and Emerald
WHEN: August 10
WHERE: Mayweather House
SUMMARY: Lola’s worst nightmare may be coming for her! DDD:
WARNINGS: Some talk of infidelity. Pregnancy talk.
The others… is self-centeredness an effective method of birth control? Because that rules out Saph. )



Left out front for Blaze Wolfe )

Aug. 20th, 2018



Delivery for Nicholas Wolfe )

Aug. 18th, 2018



Today at around 11:30 a.m., MARCELINE COX and HUGH CHRISTIAN received frantic phone calls from Milly Cox. If they did not answer, she would leave them voicemails to CALL HER BACK IMMEDIATELY. IT IS AN EMERGENCY.

If they picked up, they would have received the message that Milly is completely out of ARNICA!! She desperately needs to create an ointment for one of the horses, but Milly's arnica supply has completely run out. She cannot make the remedy without it. Milly knows where there is some growing in the woods, but she's so swamped that she cannot go out and get it herself. IT IS AN EMERGENCY! PLEASE DROP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND HELP. SHE CAN GIVE YOU DIRECTIONS TO GET THERE. IT SHOULD ONLY TAKE AN HOUR.

If they followed Milly's directions to the spot in the woods where the arnica grows, instead of finding Milly's herbs, they'd come to a nice clearing. A big quilt has been spread across the ground and there's a picnic basket stuffed with food and a music player nestled on top of it.

Aug. 15th, 2018



WHO: Hugh and Blaze
WHEN: August 6
WHERE: Wolfe Farm, then the March House
SUMMARY: Hugh wants to explore some March history on his day off. He enlists Blaze to help, first by having Blaze show him some photos and then by asking for a tour. Some talk of ghosts occurs.
WARNINGS: Maybe a ghost story.
He wasn't even entirely certain how he'd ended up here, and yet, he had questions, and Blaze was willing to answer them, and to show him around, and while he knew some of the locations and had been there with Marce, this was different. )

Aug. 14th, 2018



Milly Cox was up and feeding the pigs when she saw the smoke in Cedarwood. Milly ran to her house. After making sure the fire department was already aware, Milly started a phone tree (if you want to say Milly called your character, feel free!). At around 4:25 a.m., Milly arrived on the scene in her truck with food, water, blankets, bandages, people (if you'd have liked Milly to pick you up or have brought you) and burn remedies to see what she could do to help.

When talking to a responder on the scene, she learned that HUNTER TYLER had run off into the woods after being treated for his injuries. After quickly enlisting MARCELINE COX to take Ty's dogs to the Cox farm, Milly organized a SEARCH PARTY [MAY RYAN, ABIGAIL WATSON, BLAZE WOLFE, MATT WOLFE, WYNNIE LLEWELLYN, CYNTHIA NOVAK, GUS ARQUETTE JOY LLEWELLYN](feel free to add your characters to this!) to look for Hunter Tyler in the woods while the fire department continued to work on putting out the house.

HUNTER TYLER was eventually found up in a tree by the search party. Milly Cox and Abigail Watson managed to talk him down out of the tree. She brought him back to Cox Farm with her. She helped him get cleaned up, found some of Seb's clothes for him, and put him in Marceline's old room with his dogs.

Aug. 13th, 2018



WHO: Amita Haham & June Rogers
WHEN: Monday, August 6
WHERE: Fall City Cemetery
SUMMARY: Amita Haham, in the Cemetery, with the Fake Flower

I feel as if someone's been doing some vandalism. )



If you wanted to completely destroy an object in the worst, most destroyed possible way, what would you do?

The object is paper-based if that helps.

Aug. 10th, 2018



WHO: Blaze and Eddie
WHEN: This morning/early afternoon.
WHERE: Wolfe Farm
SUMMARY: Eddie and Blaze make a spiderman cake for Grandpa Wolfe. For Blaze, it’s THE BEST CAKE HE HAS EVER MADE IN HIS WHOLE LIFE. For Eddie, it’s a really good memory for if Blaze gets taken by the fairies in the dead meadow next weekend.

“I saved that punishment for the gingerbread men.”  )

Aug. 9th, 2018



On Wednesday at 1:24 p.m., Wynnie Llewellyn closed Home Cookin'.

The store will remain locked and closed indefinitely.

No baked goods will be available at Common Grounds from Wynnie from Wednesday to Monday.

Melanie Taylor received a call that she was getting some paid time off and Wynnie encouraged her to enjoy the summer.



WHO: Rhett and Xo
WHEN: July 27th, the night before Rhett's birthday.
WHERE: Rhett's place.
SUMMARY: Xo and Effie have a friendship that warms Nae's heart. Also Rhett's mini mystery is mostly revealed. But the bigger point is Xo and Effie have a friendship that warms Nae's heart.
WARNINGS: Ghost story w/some creepiness. Implied bullying/harrassment. Talk of abandonment. People disappearing.

It added an additional bit of information that she wasn't sure what to do with. )



WHO: Sam Arquette & Gus Arquette and Wynnie Llewellyn
WHEN: July 13 & July 27
WHERE: Arquette Residence, and Home Cookin' respectively
SUMMARY: Sam gets multiple perspectives on what happened the night of the Bellowes Inn Party. (I meant to get this up last month and it didn't happen… sorry!)
WARNINGS: Talk of fighting, murder, etc.

You know, typical Nancy Drew-ing )