
Posts Tagged: 'character:+anthony+troy'

Sep. 6th, 2018



WHO: Clea Cox and Tony Troy
WHEN: Evening, some time after the arrest of Nate Griggs
WHERE: Their apartment.
SUMMARY: A peek into Clea and Tony’s home life!
WARNINGS: Shop talk and cuteness.

Neither of us are cool enough to be Red. )

Aug. 8th, 2018



Today, June Rogers bought lunch for Tony Troy. Fancy Ardente lunch. She spent more on lunch for Tony Troy today than June has ever spent on any lunch in June's life. SHE EVEN GOT HIM DESSERT. A chocolate mouse cake with a fancy frosting flower on it.

Tomorrow, June Rogers will be buying a similar lunch for Eddie Wolfe.

At around 1:30 p.m. June offered Tony a fist bump.

At around six o'clock today, June brought Emilia Wolfe some cupcakes that she'd bought at La Vie En Broche.

As soon as work hours were over, June offered Tony a hug. She does not hug often, so if he would have accepted, it was probably rather aloof. But a hug nonetheless.



WHO: Detective Tony Troy and Serial Killer Nate Griggs
WHEN: Wednesday August 8, afternoon
WHERE: Fall City Municipal Building, interrogation room
SUMMARY: After his arrest this morning, Nate waits to be picked up by Seattle PD but first has to convince the cops that he didn't kill Moira. Tony learns more than he expected to.
WARNINGS: Mentions of violence and murder. Language. Internal self-flagellation. Read this first.

What else did you do, Nate. )

Aug. 1st, 2018



WHO: Tony Troy & Hugh Christian
WHEN: Wednesday, August 1, evening.
WHERE: Hugh & Marceline's loft.
SUMMARY: Beer drinking, teasing, and a tiny bit of serious talk.
WARNINGS: None that I can think of.

That is somehow rude and accurate at the same time. )

Jul. 23rd, 2018



As I missed the danceathon, I hope someone recorded all the funny parts.


I've had some new information brought in on the MacTeer case.

Amita Haham witnessed a red VW bug driving outside town after midnight the night of the party that matched the description of Ms MacTeers. She also recalled seeing a woman behind the wheel without red hair. She believes it was not Ms MacTeer.


Ive also been given some letters that seem to be from prior to the March Fire. It seems they were written by Mr March and an unknown man. I know the March case was never a case on our end, but I think you should look at them.

Jul. 18th, 2018



From the desk of Detective A. Troy )

Jul. 3rd, 2018



Good morning Fall City from your newly minted detective! That's right folks! I've got a shiny shield and everything. Trading in my officer issued pants for detective slacks.

Jul. 2nd, 2018



WHO: Emilia Wolfe & Tony Troy.
WHEN: This morning. Monday, July 2nd.
WHERE: Emilia's Office.
SUMMARY: It's promotion time! (Dialogue Only Log!)

You rang, boss? )

Jun. 28th, 2018



Murder Investigations with Tony and June )

Jun. 25th, 2018



WHO: Tony Troy and Hunter Tyler
WHEN: Friday, June 22nd. Evening.
WHERE: Mitzi’s.
SUMMARY: Ty asks to meet Tony somewhere to talk. He confesses that he doesn’t know what happened the night of the party. Tony gives advice.
WARNINGS: Mentions of death, feelings of guilt and anxiety.

Look, I recommend being honest. And coming in to talk. I also recommend maybe getting in touch with a lawyer if you can. )

Jun. 21st, 2018



WHO: June and Tony
WHEN: June 19th
WHERE: Going over the evidence found in Moira MacTeer’s bedroom.
SUMMARY: This is a whole lot less sexy than it sounds. Don’t worry Clea and Malcolm!
WARNINGS: Talk of Moira and Murder.

His knowledge of the bard was limited to about 15% of what Hugh rambled on about. And now slightly more thanks to those notes.  )

Jun. 16th, 2018




[Text: 🎭👩‍👦 (Mary Christian-Blumenkrantz)]
[1] You looked a little red
[2] Did you get burned badly?

[Text: Tony Troy]
[1] Let me know when the bitterness of being beaten by your far better looking former roommate has passed, and let's go get drinks.
[2] Alternately, I'll buy you one to drown your sorrows.

Jun. 12th, 2018



TO: Tony & Clea
FROM: Megan
[1] Can I crash at your place for a few days?
[2] I just need some space from Eli for a while.
[3] I know you're both really busy with the investigation. You'd hardly know I'm there, except for fresh coffee being made in the morning and also I could make dinner for you guys.

Jun. 7th, 2018



With everything that's going on, thank you for the community support.

And I hope everyone's signing up for softball. For newcomers to town it's always pretty great and hey if you wanna join in I bet the whole wildcard element will make it even cooler.

[Fall City Bros(Lochan, Ian, Eli, Trey)]

One day I'll see Solo. One day.


I love you but also I'm going to crush you in softball.

Unless we're on the same team then I will love and support you as teammates.

But also I think my mind's going to go numb from interviews. Is it just me or does it seem like everyone's hiding something?

May. 31st, 2018



WHO: Tony and Lochan
WHEN: Just after Tony and Clea’s engagement
WHERE: Mitzi's
SUMMARY: Tony asks Lochan to be his lawfully wedded best man.
WARNINGS: Lochan may or may not have thrown a ball at Tony he admits nothing.

I don’t admit to anything, but how can you look at a Tennis Ball and not want to throw it? )

May. 29th, 2018



WHO: Tony Troy and Clea Cox aka Tea
WHEN: 5/17
WHERE: Their home
SUMMARY: They attempt to wedding plan and then get really distracted.
WARNINGS: Sex talk. Ghosts. Lilacs.

Right? Score! )

May. 28th, 2018



WHO: Tony Troy and Trey Waltz
WHEN: Childhood, teenagaers, and then during the storm
WHERE: The Troy-Waltz household and around Fall City
SUMMARY: Tony wants to protect his little brother. But he doesn’t always understand his little brother.
WARNINGS: Mentions of parental death, depression

I’m not scared )

May. 25th, 2018



WHO: Tony Troy & Hugh Christian
WHEN: Friday night, May 18.
WHERE: Last Shot
SUMMARY: The Cox Sisters' men drink beer and discuss the Cox Sisters.
WARNINGS: None that I can think of, outside of Bros being bros.

To the most charming men in Fall City )

May. 17th, 2018



WHO: Marceline Cox and Not Clea
WHEN: Wednesday, May 16th
WHERE: Tony and Clea’s place
SUMMARY: Tony and Marceline … bond?????

Wedding stuff is fine. There's a binder. Possibly more than one binder. )

May. 10th, 2018


WHO: Eddie Wolfe & Tony Troy.
WHEN: May 10th.
WHERE: Eddie's house.
SUMMARY: Eddie and Tony catch up over a box of donuts.
WARNINGS: Nope. It's tame.

You know I feel like most siblings wouldn't get all murdery? )