
Posts Tagged: 'the+media:+americana+arcana'

Jul. 17th, 2018




Bonus 1
So Much Room For Activities (7.17.18)

Dark and twisty or no, Fall City is a Community. Become a Patron to hear more about Summer in Fall City one week early.

Jun. 26th, 2018



Americana Arcana: Episode One


I. Fall City, WA (6.30.18)

No town is without a dark spot in its history. Not all towns have that dark spot become a national bestseller. Released in the Spring of 2017, One Hundred Thousand Lightning Bugs was the latest addition to the pantheon of the Anglo-American true crime obsession; a morbid fascination that dates back to the Victorian Period. A once-thought-accidental death turned potential murder mystery by a faceless author–a mystery wrapped in an enigma. How does a tiny town grapple with their personal tragedy being turned into an international sensation? Our very own Theo Blumberg returns to his old stomping ground to tell his hometown's story.