
Posts Tagged: 'character:+eliza+weiss'

Sep. 10th, 2018



WHO: Eliza Weiss & Anja Weiss
WHEN: Saturday, September 8
WHERE: Eliza's apartment above Common Grounds
SUMMARY: Anja saw her daughter up to something, and she wants to know what, and why.
WARNINGS: Ghosts. Decaf coffee. Weiss Level Emoting.

It sounded a bit like well… something from a horror film, really. )

Sep. 8th, 2018



[Text to Hugh]

[1] Did you hear the radio this morning?

[Text to Marceline, Harrison, and Eliza]

[1] Did you hear the radio this morning?

Sep. 5th, 2018



Flash Reactionary

Today Eliza decided to spend some time wandering around Fall City.

Clowns have also decided to start popping up around Fall City.

Lacey just wanted to go to the bathroom. A friend was waiting for you in the bathroom of Mitzi's.

Amita picks up a book in Wonderlust only to meet this little guy right behind it.

Nat sees Eliza with a doll at Carson's. She hands it to you and walks away.

Volunteer Four runs into Eliza and they begin to chat. She offhandedly mentions that some clowns have gone exploring.

Volunteer Five finds this lonely little one sitting outside Mena's.

Aug. 21st, 2018



Flash Reactionary

This morning Eliza arrived on set with an ice machine and a cooler full of a large amount of lemonade ingredients. Throughout the day she made lemonade for the cast and crew, though she also would have been on call for other duties.

Hugh somehow ends up on lemonade duty when Eliza gets called off to help with sound.

Rhett swears they hear Eliza say "Its poisoned" but when confronted Eliza just seems confused.

Volunteer three brings fruit. Now you have flavors!

Aug. 17th, 2018



WHO: Invited Guests, Plus One’s, and Gate Crashers (BASICALLY! FEEL FREE TO JOIN IN IF YOU WANT!)
WHEN: Saturday August 18th.
WHERE: The Dead Meadow.
SUMMARY: Harrison and Eliza have a wedding reception. It’s probably weird. Let’s find out!

IC/OOC: Harrison & Eliza’s Reception )

Aug. 7th, 2018


WHO: Versions of Harrison Exley & Eliza Weiss.
WHEN: Does time have meaning in dreams?
WHERE: It's anyone's guess.
SUMMARY: What happens when two mythic/folklore creatures have a baby?
WARNINGS: Could be considered a little creepy in parts.

The air was filled with the scent of life, of death, of everything in between.  )



WHO: Eliza Weiss and Blaze Wolfe
WHEN: 7/31
WHERE: A treehouse in the woods
SUMMARY: Eliza and Blaze find an abandoned treehouse and talk about life and love
WARNINGS: talk of death

What would be the best story? )

Aug. 5th, 2018



WHO: Anja and Eliza Weiss
WHEN: 8/5 afternoon
WHERE: Just in Time
SUMMARY: Anja wants to help pick some stuff out for the reception.
WARNINGS: There’s discussion of fairies kidnapping children. Taxidermy. Hugs. Horror Movies

So something like this? )

After this.

TO: 🎥 🔪 (this is Eliza)
[1] guess what i found in the woods.
TO: 💅 🙃 (this is Effie)
[1] so in college or whatever, did you ever have a friend who was dating a real asshole?

Aug. 1st, 2018



What are people favorite local myths around here? I've heard some interesting ones.

[Mama and Alexi]

We are having a wedding reception on the 18th in the park. Please come.


I'm having a wedding reception on the 18th at the park. I think you might be doing to food or something?

You're also invited.

[Film Crew]

So I got married. A month or so ago. We're having a reception on the 18th at the park if any of you want to come.


Now I'm done too.

Jul. 22nd, 2018



TO: 🎥 🔪 (this is Eliza)
[1] so if we actually have a reception thing, who would you want to invite?

Jul. 21st, 2018



WHO: Anja and Eliza Weiss
WHEN: Throughout their lives and Wednesday
WHERE: All over.
SUMMARY: Mother and daughter have not always seen eye to eye and sometimes have difficulty communicating. But not always.
WARNINGS: Difficult family relationships

I'll have the pancakes please )

Jul. 6th, 2018



WHO: Eliza Weiss & Melanie Taylor.
WHEN: Friday Evening.
WHERE: The River, again.
SUMMARY: Melanie notices that Eliza isn't wearing weather appropriate clothing. Eliza insinuates that either of them could be the murderer. This is how a normal friendship blossoms.

If you keep following me to crime scenes, I might start to think you like me. )

WHO: Harrison Exley & Eliza Weiss.
WHEN: A couple of days ago.
WHERE: Their apartment.
SUMMARY: A fight over ... pickles and peanut butter.

You should have already thought I was serious! )

Jun. 30th, 2018



WHO: Lochan Madan and Eliza Weiss
WHEN: June 4th
WHERE: Lochan's Apartment
SUMMARY: Eliza feels the need to checking up on Lochan.

You'd be the last suspect. You're the fourth person to visit. )

Jun. 27th, 2018



WHO: Eliza Weiss and Harrison Exley
WHEN: June 20th
WHERE: Vegas
SUMMARY: Some snippets from what Eliza and Harrison did on their spontaneous trip

Ta-da! )

Jun. 19th, 2018


WHO: Harrison Exley & Eliza Weiss.
WHEN: June 19th sometime after 5PM.
WHERE: A sidewalk somewhere in the middle of town.
SUMMARY: A talk about smoking takes a random turn into something else.
WARNINGS: Discussion of smoking while pregnant, illness, and impulsive decisions.

It’s like I can barely breathe without it being the wrong thing. )



WHO: Alexi and Eliza Weiss
WHAT: Sibling Outing
WHEN: 6/15
WHERE: The Graveyard
WARNINGS: Mentions of sex, death, and haunting refrigerators.

You will not be using my child as a cellphone. )

Jun. 17th, 2018


After this.

TO: 🎥 🔪 (this is Eliza)
[1] can i use you as an excuse to leave the fathers day celebration with the flores family early tomorrow?

Jun. 10th, 2018



WHO: Melanie and Eliza
WHEN: 6/8, afternoon
WHERE: The River
SUMMARY: Melanie finds Eliza and then they go to a crime scene
WARNINGS: Lots of talk of death and murder

Well, I guess, our situation being traveling to a murder scene )