
Posts Tagged: 'character:+lacey+morris'

Sep. 6th, 2018



backdated to sept 5

so whoever left your creepy af clown doll in the bathroom at mitzi's i'm gonna do you a favor and take it to an exorcist because we all know what happens otherwise

Aug. 23rd, 2018



if i wanted to suffer through heat i'd live in the south.

Filter: Isabel
i'm playing hooky today come float on the river with me

Filter: Xo
i need advice

Aug. 22nd, 2018



WHO: Lochan & Lacey
WHEN: Wednesday, August 15
WHERE: Lochan's shop
SUMMARY: Lacey has decided it's time to just outright ask Lochan what he wants. But first a card reading, which just leads to more confusion. Poor poor Lochan.
WARNINGS: A return of the eerily accurate Oracle cards.

Well, I was hoping for some insight into what to do about a situation I've found myself in. )

Aug. 13th, 2018



here's your bizarre story for the day.

driving home from work today same as always

right after this truck passed me, a fish fell out of the sky onto the truck's windshield

and then a bird came diving down from the sky at the truck

i think he lost his dinner and was trying to get it back

this has been your bizarre story of the day. i hope it has made your day just that much weirder like it did to mine.

Aug. 5th, 2018



so who wants to go see The Meg with me next weekend? aka jason statham vs megalodon.

they actually have a budget and real writers, but i won't even hold that against them.

Aug. 1st, 2018



WHO: Lacey Morris and Lochan Madan
WHEN: July 2nd
WHERE: Lochan's apartment above the bookstore
SUMMARY: Apologies, discussions, Kavya

What was your original plan?. )

Jul. 19th, 2018



TO: Xo
[1] xo help
[2] i'm freaking out

TO: Lochan
[1] you meditate and it helps you not think about stuff right?
[2] can you teach me?



WHO: Emilia Wolfe & Lacey Morris
WHEN: June 19, mid-afternoon
WHERE: Mac's Garage
SUMMARY: After getting new information from Marce, Emilia came to the garage to talk to Lacey about her toolbox and tools.
WARNINGS: Be sure to read the above-linked log first!

So, what can I do for you, Deputy Sheriff? )

Jul. 13th, 2018



WHO: Lacey Morris
WHEN: Brief snippets throughout the years
WHERE: Various places
SUMMARY: The different kinds of tools that Lacey has held throughout the years, and a lot of firsts. Leitwortstil narrative challenge.
WARNINGS: Mentions of teenage hooliganism?

She liked the way the tools fit in her hands. )

Jul. 11th, 2018



just going on the record here that jj and i are not a thing we've never been a thing we'll never be a thing

i'd rather date a crocodile

so obviously his baby is not mine

but apparently science is really doing great things these days

Jul. 1st, 2018



WHO: Monster (f Lacey Morris)
WHEN: His girl is home
WHERE: The place with the comfy places to sleep
SUMMARY: A puppy's perspective of his girl.
WARNINGS: Monster will totally fight Olly for the title of Most Adorable NPC

Head scratches! HAPPY. )

Jun. 30th, 2018



WHO: Lochan Madan, Lacey Morris, and Kavya Dayal
WHEN: 6/22
WHERE: Psychic, LLC
SUMMARY: Kavya walks in on Lacey and Lochan making out. Passive Aggressiveness ensues between the girls.
WARNINGS: Making out, Awkwardness. Passive Aggressive Girl Fight.

I’m sure she does a lot of things.. )

Jun. 18th, 2018



WHO: Lochan Madan & Lacey Morris
WHEN: June 2nd
WHERE: Lochan's apartment
SUMMARY: Lacey goes to not-check-on Lochan following the news of Moira's death
WARNINGS: Sharktopus is an actual real movie, and this is the scene Lacey reenacted for Lochan.

We can start with the beers and charming company. )

Jun. 16th, 2018



well it was still a fun game anyway

would've been better if i hadn't sprained my ankle that time i slid into third base tho

Jun. 11th, 2018



anyone else getting the urge to watch clue?

Filtered to: Dad & Danny
either of you seen my monkey wrench lately? i haven't been able to find it all month. at first i thought monster might've hidden it but i've checked all his usual hiding places and it's starting to drive me nuts that i can't find it.

Jun. 7th, 2018



you know how in those old cartoons someone gets hit in the head and then there's all those stars and birds and whatever swirling around their head?

hypotheically speaking i don't think that's too far removed from what really happens

unrelated but cold soda cans make a good ice pack in a pinch

May. 26th, 2018



WHO: Lacey Morris (guest appearance by Elvera MacLaver)
WHEN: Saturday May 26 during the party
WHERE: Bellowes Inn, specifically upstairs in the bathroom shared by the Cherry, Red, and Gable rooms.
SUMMARY: While taking a breather from the party, Lacey is given a quick job to do: repair a pipe in a bathroom upstairs

There’s a pipe upstairs. There’s water everywhere and I could really use your help. )

May. 20th, 2018



WHO: Xo Valdez Munroe & Lacey Morris
WHEN: Thursday, May 10
WHERE: Xo's house
SUMMARY: Lacey ends up at Xo's house for some mothering.
WARNINGS: S for Sad. But it includes Olly, so also S for Sweet.

So, are you ready to tell me why you came over? )

May. 18th, 2018



Eva Marple's Birthday Party

Eva Marple's 28th Birthday Party )

May. 16th, 2018



I'm so glad that the storm and the weekend is over. Monster wasn't a fan of the thunder or of trying to go for our usual run in the middle of the storm.

But did anyone else feel like we were in the middle of a disaster movie?