
Posts Tagged: 'character:+juliet+maclaver'

Jul. 27th, 2018



WHO: Jules MacLaver
WHEN: After the estate sale
WHERE: Jules' apartment
SUMMARY: Jules finds a piece of history which is kind of eye opening to the Marchs
WARNINGS: none really

Wait. Did she read that right? )

Jul. 3rd, 2018



Elvera Tells the Kids She's Pregnant: A Summary

Bringing all the kids to have a sit down dinner is always A Feat, not in that it's hard to get her family together, but rather that the MacLavers tend to eat and multitask.

Nolan was more like his mother than father at the table, on edge but noticeably less so than he has been in recent weeks. Jules was happy to be there and Rosie was texting on her phone most of the time.

Elvera didn't beat around the bush because she believes in a mostly honest approach. She let them know she was pregnant, how far along she was, and who the father was.

Jules was a little shocked, being that her mother is older and it's all unexpected. She doesn't mind that the father is Henry-- inwardly, she's actually pretty glad it's not Chip.
Nolan was less receptive and began to withdraw and clam up, as he does. After dinner, he rebuffed his mother's attempt to have a heart to heart with him, and instead decided to bounce to a friend's house.

Elvera spent the rest of the night with Jules and Rosie for as long as they wanted to.



Getting a dog, best decision. I have someone who is happy to see me when I get home and it is not so empty and quiet. Granted I've got Sam too...

I need more storage for my place. Suggestions of what to get?

Jun. 17th, 2018



[To] Nolan
[From] Jules
[1] Did you contact him?
[2] I didn't.
[3] Does that make me horrible daughter?



WHO: Levi Arquette and Jules MacLaver
WHEN: June 1, 2018, waiting for the Fall City High School graduation ceremony to start.
WHERE: The FCHS gym.
SUMMARY: Some niece and uncle bonding time.
WARNINGS: None that I can think of?

Always pity people who peaked in high school. )



WHO: Sam Arquette & Jules Maclaver
WHEN: Sunday, July 17, Afternoon
WHERE: SeaTac and then en route to Fall City.
SUMMARY: Jules and Frank play Uber for Sam to get home sweet home.
WARNINGS: None that I can think of!

You chose an interesting time to come home. )

Jun. 8th, 2018



WHO: Jules MacLaver & Harrison Exley
WHEN: Back in high school
WHERE: Behind the school
SUMMARY: Jules stumbles upon the Harrison
WARNINGS: none really

I hope this isn’t going to turn into an anti-smoking lecture. )

Jun. 7th, 2018



Instagram from June 7 )

Jun. 2nd, 2018



Congratulation to my little bro on graduating! Only one more sibling to go!

MacLavers & Arquettes
Thoughts? I am considering getting a pet. In put? I am considering a dog.

Jun. 1st, 2018



To: teddy; danny (separately)
From: ty
[1] hey
[2] you okay?
To: jules and nolan
From: ty
[1] hey
[2] you guys okay
[3] congrats again, nolan. it's a big accomplishment
To: blaze
From: ty
[1] hey
[x] i kind of
[x] i might have a problem

May. 27th, 2018



TO: JJ (accidentally)
FROM: Jules
[1] What is going on?
[2] You see the news?
[3] Wanna go get food?



TO: Mom
FROM: Jules
SENT: After evening news
Cut for spoilers )

May. 25th, 2018



WHO: Jules and Nolan
WHEN: Day of the blackout/Jules’ injury - post-Ty visit.
WHERE: Jules’ Apartment
SUMMARY: Family sticks together. With snacks.
WARNINGS: Past foot injury, nothing else.

Nolan had a flashlight, his phone, a back-up battery for his phone, and his snacks. )

May. 17th, 2018



WHO: Amita Haham & Juliet Maclaver
WHEN: Friday, May 11.
WHERE: Wonderlust Books
SUMMARY: Jules stops by for an audiobook recommendation. Amita is more than happy to help her out!
WARNINGS: some negative self-talk, and favoritism towards audiobook aps :o

Maybe, since rain seemed to be forecast most of the weekend, she could do a quick display of 'Rainy Day Reads' by the cash register. )

May. 14th, 2018



TO: Mom
FROM: Jules
[1]Not sure you will get this
[2] how is the power outage going for you?
[3] hurt my foot
[4] but promise okay and all sorted



Flash Reactionary; Sunday, May 13th, 10:15ish PM

Following THIS, Hunter Tyler hiked from his house in Cedarwood over to Hashtag Houses. Instead of taking the usual 15 minutes or so, it took him nearly an hour. By the time he got to Juliet MacLaver's apartment, he was completely soaked, despite his attempt at an umbrella and his raincoat, and covered in mud (from having fallen several times.)

He was let into her apartment where Ty helped Juliet back to the couch and then proceeded to inspect her foot. After mindfully pulling out the shard of glass, he cleaned her foot, made sure that the cut wasn't too deep, and then superglued her skin together. :| He bandaged/wrapped her foot.

Then he passed off the flashlight, extra bandages, and a power bank for her phone. He also left her with a bag of cookies because those always make him feel better when he's not feeling great.

After Ty left Jules' place (still covered in mud), he headed for Mitzi's to see if Kennedy needed help.

May. 13th, 2018



TO: Nolan & Ty
FROM: Jules
WHEN: After this
[1] One of you come here
[2] phone at 10%
[3] stepped on glass
[4] don't tell mom nolan
[5] send help
[6] not mom don't want her worried
[7] i can be an adult



WHO: Jules MacLaver
WHEN: May 13, 9pm
WHERE: Jules apartment
SUMMARY: One Shot - the moment the lights went out
WARNINGS: Swearing, accidental cut, broken glass

Well, wasn’t she screwed? )



Happy Mother's Day Mom! Sorry is a rainy mess.

May. 10th, 2018



I scored a three day weekend. So, who wants to go out for food with me to start my three day weekend off right?

Also good luck to prom goers