
Posts Tagged: 'character:+emilia+wolfe'

Sep. 19th, 2018



WHO: Emilia Wolfe and Elliot Haham.
WHEN: A little over a year ago.
WHERE: Elliot’s house.
SUMMARY: Emilia and Elliot have an argument. This time, they don’t make up.
WARNINGS: Brief allusions to emotional infidelity? Sads. Lots of sads.

I’m just not sure I’m the person you imagine the rest of your life with. )

Sep. 8th, 2018



Flash Reactionary - The Sunday Arrest

At approximately 5am Sunday Morning Emilia received a call saying that the blood on Rhett’s Wyatt’s shirt was a match to Moira MacTeer’s blood. Any observation town folk may have noticed that she never appeared for her usual Sunday run from her house, to the river path after which she usually makes a stop at Common Grounds.

TONY TROY, who was on duty at the time, received a call from her. Emilia explained that she was on her way to his house in Henley Park and they needed to go there now too in order to assist her arrest of Mr. Wyatt.

When they arrived, along with CLEA COX who had just been coming in for their shift when the call came in, Emilia was about a block away, waiting for back up. They pulled up to Rhett’s house and Emilia indicated for one of them to stay out here in case he made a run for it. She knocked on the door, “Deputy Sheriff's Department, open up!”. The knocks go unanswered. After some inspecting they determine he’s not here.

Emilia takes TONY TROY to Main Street with her while instructing the other to call someone in for back up and pay visits to Cecelia and other people close to Rhett to see if he’s with them.

It’s near Common Grounds that she spots Rhett’s Lincoln town car that sticks out like a sore thumb. Especially this early in the morning when most parking spots are still open. VOLUNTEER #3, completely oblivious to the seriousness of the situation, makes an attempt to chat with either Emilia or the other officer who walk briskly past them.

Once inside they quickly spot Mr. Wyatt putting sugar in his coffee in the relatively quiet shop. But there were lots of people around that could cause an issue if he tried to make a run for it. Emilia instructed the officer to stay near the door while she went over to speak with him. “Mr. Wyatt,” she addressed him. Once he turned around so that he was facing her she took out her handcuffs. “You’re under arrest for the murder of Ms. MacTeer.”

Sep. 2nd, 2018



Flash Reactionary: Deputy Sheriff's Department

On Monday, September 3rd, following the lead they got earlier in the week, a couple representatives from the Deputy Sheriff’s Department return to the hotel again. They are still waiting on getting results back from the prints they took in the room the last time they visited. This time they have warrants to search the wardrobe’s of people who were living at the hotel the night of the fire.

Though not with the others at the hotel CLEA COX arrives at the dry cleaners with a warrant for records of any repairs to clothing done between now and the party at the Bellowes Inn.

But don’t think you’re out of the woods if you don’t still live in the hotel! Or those of you who were mentioned in interviews to have gone elsewhere in the hotel (Marce, Blaze & Lacey). You were followed up with right after they finished in the hotel.

Aug. 30th, 2018




Once receiving the news from June about Nat's discovery, Clea and Emilia led the DSD over to the Bellowes Inn to retrieve the cloth from the window. Clea is bursting with excitement but presenting a very professional front. She's eager to get back to the office to get a warrant to test the cloth. Hopefully, this is the break they've been needing!

Aug. 25th, 2018



WHO: Teenage Emilia & Eddie Wolfe.
WHEN: Around sophomore year for Emilia and senior year for Eddie.
WHERE: The hallways of Fall City High School.
SUMMARY: Eddie wants Emilia to open up and talk about her feelings about The Divorce.


Aug. 22nd, 2018



WHO: Emilia Wolfe and Elliot Haham.
WHEN: Throughout the past year.
WHERE: All over!
SUMMARY: Some important moments in Elliot and Emilia’s relationship.
WARNINGS: None, I don’t think.

I’m sure my Dad ran a background check on you when we started dating. )



If you have an anonymous letter like the one Mr. Exley posted that you have not brought to the Deputy Sheriff's Department, please do so as soon as possible.

[Deputy Sheriff's Department]
The letters seem to have reappeared again. I need someone to take the lead on this. We have also received a tip that JJ Mayweather may be involved in sending them.

And of course, welcome to talking about anything about the murder investigation. If any new angles have occurred to you, let me know.

So, I believe you were implying you wanted to get something to eat the last time we got to talk.

[Eddia & Matt]
The three of us should do something fun soon.

Aug. 10th, 2018



WHO: Emilia Wolfe, Xo & Olly Valdez
WHEN: August 10th.
WHERE: At Carson's.
SUMMARY: Olly wants to convince his Mom they can race down the aisles. Emilia and Xo are torn between not speaking and trying to speak to one another.

Miss Emilia! )

Aug. 8th, 2018



Today, June Rogers bought lunch for Tony Troy. Fancy Ardente lunch. She spent more on lunch for Tony Troy today than June has ever spent on any lunch in June's life. SHE EVEN GOT HIM DESSERT. A chocolate mouse cake with a fancy frosting flower on it.

Tomorrow, June Rogers will be buying a similar lunch for Eddie Wolfe.

At around 1:30 p.m. June offered Tony a fist bump.

At around six o'clock today, June brought Emilia Wolfe some cupcakes that she'd bought at La Vie En Broche.

As soon as work hours were over, June offered Tony a hug. She does not hug often, so if he would have accepted, it was probably rather aloof. But a hug nonetheless.

Jul. 27th, 2018



WHO: Eddie & Emilia Wolfe
WHEN: Earlier today, July 27th.
WHERE: At their respective homes.
SUMMARY: It's a cliffhanger! (And a dialog all at once!)

Change of topic. Change of topic. )

Jul. 19th, 2018



WHO: Emilia Wolfe & Lacey Morris
WHEN: June 19, mid-afternoon
WHERE: Mac's Garage
SUMMARY: After getting new information from Marce, Emilia came to the garage to talk to Lacey about her toolbox and tools.
WARNINGS: Be sure to read the above-linked log first!

So, what can I do for you, Deputy Sheriff? )

Jul. 18th, 2018



WHO: Emilia Wolfe & Marceline Cox.
WHEN: Sometime after 7pm on July 18th.
WHERE: At the municipal building.
SUMMARY: After Tony submits this report in the morning, Emilia follows up on the intel.

Yeah? I think so? I was pretty f-- yanno. Drunk. )

Jul. 8th, 2018



Definitely wasn’t expecting an all European semi-final for the World Cup. But I think I’m rooting for Belgium to make it all the way. Who is everyone else rooting for?

[Deputy Sheriff’s Department]

Happy Sunday! I’m going to list assignments here because I won’t be in until Monday evening since I have to do my annual check in with the Kings County sheriff office in Seattle.

Tony - Were you able to get information on the drugs that were found in Moira’s room yet?

Jacob - Please interview Rhett Wyatt. You can partner up with anyone who is free when Rhett is free but I imagine you’ll want to try to work around his busy schedule first before figuring out who is free at the same time. Also keep in mind that he came in this weekend with a threatening letter. This adds to our list of letters that people in the Film Crew and Lola have gotten. You should be able to get a quick debrief on that from Tony who was taking the lead on that issue before the murder took place.

Clea - Were you able to get an interview scheduled for either Lola or Cecelia yet?

June - I’d like to put you in charge of leading a discussion about the information we’ve gathered from interviews and who the leading suspects seem to be at this point or if we can clear anyone. I think it’d be best if we tried to do this closer to the weekend in the hopes that a few more interviews have been completed by then.

Malcolm - I can’t find any reports about the search for Moira’s car saying they did a sweep of the forest. Would be great to double check there. Please take someone with you.

And please feel free to bring up any questions or concerns you have here.

If there’s anything you want me to pick up while I’m in Seattle speak now or forever hold your peace.

Jul. 3rd, 2018



WHO: Emilia Wolfe, Henry March & his lawyer.
WHEN: This afternoon. Tuesday, July 3rd.
WHERE: At the municipal building.
SUMMARY: Henry Interview Part Two: Henry shares information with Emilia that just makes him look like a bigger suspect in her eyes.

My client has a vested interest in the material. )

Jul. 2nd, 2018



WHO: Emilia Wolfe and Rafael Valdez
WHEN: June 23rd, 2018
WHERE: Common Grounds.
SUMMARY: Two friends just chatting about life and work.

I get what it means, of course, but it seems silly. Who do you know that ever wears bells? )



WHO: Emilia Wolfe & Tony Troy.
WHEN: This morning. Monday, July 2nd.
WHERE: Emilia's Office.
SUMMARY: It's promotion time! (Dialogue Only Log!)

You rang, boss? )

Jul. 1st, 2018



TO: Wolfe Family - Dad Group (Dad, Eddie, Blaze)
FROM: Emilia
[1] Dad has news he hasn't shared with any of us.



WHO: June and Emilia
WHEN: June 26th, evening.
WHERE: Municipal building. Emilia’s office.
SUMMARY: June has a proposal.
WARNINGS: none that i can think of? Police things? Mentions of people lying to June (she says if people lying to June triggers people, you all need to leave the game.) Nate Griggs is mentioned.

There was only so much that June and Tony could do in a day. )

Jun. 28th, 2018



WHO: Emilia Wolfe & Henry March.
WHEN: This afternoon. Thursday, June 28th.
WHERE: On their phones.
SUMMARY: Henry Interview Part One: Henry gives Emilia the runaround.

Goats could probably eat a cell phone. But they might not give him another goat if he started feeding them electronics. )

Jun. 27th, 2018



Flash Reactionary: The Autopsy Report

At 4pm everyone in the Deputy Sheriff’s Department would have been distributed a copy of the autopsy report, only a couple minutes after it officially arrived. All the detective and officers were instructed NOT to distribute this to any individuals outside the department or the press yet.

Content Warning: Mentions of violence, physical trauma, drug use )

Emilia asked that everyone keep these facts in mind as they work on the interviews they signed up for earlier in the week. (OOC: If your character works in the DSD and hasn’t picked two characters yet, please do ASAP!)