
Posts Tagged: 'narration:+summary'

Sep. 8th, 2018



Labor Day Weekend at the Cox Farm: a Summary

Labor Day Weekend brings the celebration of Milly and Ronnie's anniversary, so the entire Cox family was invited out to the farm for grilling and an afternoon of relaxing and celebrating Grandpa and Grandma Cox's life together. Hugh and Marceline had discussed telling her family and decided that this would be a perfect opportunity to share the news of their engagement. Marceline has not worn her ring since she has been back, as she has not wanted to accidentally give anything away to customers or around town, if anyone was looking.

They arrived around the time that had been given them with several salads that Hugh had put together and a ring on Marceline's finger that had not existed there before. In typical Marceline fashion, she went to grab a beer and used this as an opportunity to show off that ring, turning to the person nearest her, and announcing off-handedly: "So I'm engaged now."

The moment they arrived, Grandma Cox's eyes zeroed in on the engagement ring because she has discreetly been checking Marce's hand for AWHILE now. Her eyes bugged a little, but then she quickly glanced away in any direction but the engagement ring and got a little too enthusiastic about Hugh's salads. It was a huge relief to her that she did not have to wait long for the announcement, and she spilled one of Hugh's salads, dropping it on the table to go hug Marceline. She hugged Marceline and then she hugged Hugh. Her eyes were a little teary because now ALL her granddaughters have found their Ronald. She thought this was the best possible day they could have made the announcement and is already plotting their wedding quilt. Once the announcement and reactions were over, Milly thought this had become the perfect time to bust out the good liquor, add some music and dancing, and make this an even bigger celebration.

Having talked to Hugh earlier, Ronnie was not surprised by this announcement, but was glad that it was now official, and he took some cigars out after the announcement to congratulate them. Clea was super happy and supportive of her sister's engagement.

Jul. 14th, 2018



Elliot Haham's Suspect Interview Report )

Jul. 6th, 2018



[911 transcript: July 7th, morning] )

Jul. 3rd, 2018



Elvera Tells the Kids She's Pregnant: A Summary

Bringing all the kids to have a sit down dinner is always A Feat, not in that it's hard to get her family together, but rather that the MacLavers tend to eat and multitask.

Nolan was more like his mother than father at the table, on edge but noticeably less so than he has been in recent weeks. Jules was happy to be there and Rosie was texting on her phone most of the time.

Elvera didn't beat around the bush because she believes in a mostly honest approach. She let them know she was pregnant, how far along she was, and who the father was.

Jules was a little shocked, being that her mother is older and it's all unexpected. She doesn't mind that the father is Henry-- inwardly, she's actually pretty glad it's not Chip.
Nolan was less receptive and began to withdraw and clam up, as he does. After dinner, he rebuffed his mother's attempt to have a heart to heart with him, and instead decided to bounce to a friend's house.

Elvera spent the rest of the night with Jules and Rosie for as long as they wanted to.

May. 30th, 2018



Hugh and Marceline's birthday summary

Today is Marceline's birthday, so Hugh woke up early-ish, left the Inn and headed to Common Grounds to pick up a coffee for both of them which he took by Feed and Seed sometime around 9am, promising to come back when she was ready to do her delivery to Henry March.

Around noon, Hugh came back with lunch for both of them and they rode out together to Henry's so they, but in particular Hugh, could take a look at the loft in Henry's barn that they could possibly rent. On the way over Hugh told Marce about his only concern was how far out of town it was, she pointed out that 'out of town' wasn't that big of a deal in Fall City, which okay, point conceded, Farmgirl. When they arrived, she let them in as Henry had said she could, and looking around the completely furnished loft pretty much only sold Hugh on the fact that they were not going to find anywhere else half as decent possibly anywhere within driving distance. (Certainly not that he could afford on his current NON-Hollywood star salary). He asked her if she'd be happy there, and she gave him a kiss, and that's good enough for him. Let the Lawyer write up paperwork!

He had her drop him off at the house his mother is renting in Preston, where he spent the rest of the afternoon baking up a cake for later that evening. He headed back over to the Feed and Seed around closing - and popped into the Inn to pick up both presents for her. (The former, clearly worn-in because that's how she wants hoodies from him). After cake they would decide how to spend the rest of the evening.

May. 13th, 2018



Mother’s Day at the Cox Farm: A Summary

The Coxes and their respective plus ones had dinner at the Cox Farm. Literally everyone loves Jane, as she (and Clea, who is her mother’s daughter), are the beacons of light and joy in their family. As such anyone who was not there would probably have gotten words from James.

This was Hugh’s first time sitting at dinner as Marceline’s boyfriend. Marceline was fairly nervous about it, introducing him with a too casual, “so, yeah, this is Hugh,” before going to the fridge to grab a beer because she was going to need it.

Hugh was the epitome of chill on the outside, dying on the inside, and was really keen to make a good impression. Jane was friendly and sweet, as she does, and the two bonded over being from Seattle, leading Hugh to help her with dinner!

He had less luck from James, whose Spirit Animal is a Troll. He enjoyed using his Stoic Face to the max and enjoyed taking what opportunities he could to dial up the Awkward Dial, and at a point even made a point to ask Hugh if he is, “enjoying the town? The Weather? THE FAIRE??”

At which point Marceline gagged and choked on her drink. Hugh did not pick up on the uptake, but because of Marceline’s reaction knew he had missed SOMETHING.

There was general chatter throughout the night and Hugh really tried to bond with Marce’s family: he asked Clea how wedding plans were going. He asked Seb if he got an Instant Pot.

They were all together as the power went out, at which point most of the Coxes put on some practical work clothes to get to work moving around the animals and doing damage control with the crops. Hugh borrowed a pair of boots, but the right footwear did not give him the knowledge he needed to act with skill. He floundered, but was happy to take direction.

He ended up falling in the mud at one point, ruining his Nordstroms Jeans.

After the chaos was over with, Marceline tried to be The Most Slick and brought up the fact that Hugh probably shouldn’t be driving in this weather. It’s unsafe.

To which Jane said he is definitely welcome, and James added that the couch in the den is very comfortable.

May. 2nd, 2018


Summary: Bellowes Inn

Another short summary for anyone staying at the Bellowes Inn. Around 8 PM on May 2nd, Camila Marple, Jess Schnitzler, and Gene Kim, could be seen talking to Cecelia Reyes in a common area of the Inn.

They briefly told her about the notes they’d received, when and how they had received them, and that Hugh had spoken to the police about it/they intended to do the same. They stressed the point that it was probably a prank but that they thought she should know anyway. Cecelia seemed very zen and thoughtful about the whole thing. She thanked them for telling her.

In the early morning before shooting started for the day, Cecelia asked Savannah Tierney to make an appointment with the Inn manager so that she could discuss this issue with him.

May. 1st, 2018



summary: Monday April 30

On this episode of The Addams Family....

At around 7:00 p.m., Blaze met Marceline at her house and they walked over to the March house together. There, they met up with Harrison and Eliza and broke into THE MARCH HOUSE to explore. The Spooky Gang found evidence of a sand circle and a fire. They also found candle wax and detected a strange smokey floral scent. Eliza was sad she couldn't find blood.

After they were done at the house, they went over to Blaze's house and looked at the creepy light picture he took. They pretty much spent all night together and discussed theories that included:

1. A group of people really wanted to summon a ghost, so they performed some weird ritual. Whatever it was scared them and they screamed and ran away.
2. Since the film crew is gonna come to the house and there's all this new interest, someone wanted to destroy something before anyone found it. Then they set up the creepy ghost ritual stuff as a coverup to them burning the evidence.
3. Someone murdered somebody in the house. They screamed. Then the person cleaned up the scene of the crime and then set up the ghost ritual thing as a coverup.
4. Some people wanted to summon ghosts. They did summon ghosts. They screamed and were either possessed or sucked up into some kind of ghost dimension a la Poltergeist.

Marce, Eliza, and Blaze agreed that #1 was most likely and #3 was least likely, but they should be on the lookout for signs of #4. Harrison was highly entertained. Marceline and Eliza were both really disappointed no one seemed to be dead, but really intrigued by the spooky stuff. Marceline and Eliza swapped phone numbers and might be on the path toward becoming ghoul friends.