
Posts Tagged: 'narration:+network'

Sep. 25th, 2018



Sorry, team #pumpkinspice, but my favorite part of fall is apple cider.

Sep. 18th, 2018



It gets downright cold up here doesn't it?

[Filter: Eliza, Alexi, and after some thought, Harrison]
A number of the online classes I am teaching this quarter are at UCLA not at UC-Berkeley. It seems they have a position that may be opening up, and I am thinking of applying for it.

I doubt we would be anywhere particularly close as large as LA is, but it might be a bit more likely that I could help with Jack if you needed it.

Sep. 11th, 2018



I just overheard two ladies talking in the library, adamant that Rhett Wyatt can't possibly be a murderer because he's far too handsome and only ugly men murder people, of course. Sounds like pretty solid evidence to me.

Filter: Clea & Tony
How are things going at the department? Need coffee or pastries or anything?

Filter: Lochan
I heard you on the radio the other morning. Sounded like someone recorded you doing a seance for the actress? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you had no idea that was going to end up on the radio.

Sep. 8th, 2018



after this


i have a dilemma

Sep. 6th, 2018



backdated to sept 5

so whoever left your creepy af clown doll in the bathroom at mitzi's i'm gonna do you a favor and take it to an exorcist because we all know what happens otherwise

Sep. 4th, 2018



The final work repairs on the window were completed yesterday and to celebrate I am offering a 5% off everything sale for the next twenty-four* hours. Come in tonight, come in tomorrow, see the fine work done to restore the window on the front of the store.

*until closing tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 5.

[Filter: Xo, Ted, Eliot, & Camila]
Do you ever wish your life was completely dif

I saw the first orange leaf yesterday when I was out driving. Or I think it was, and not a flower in a tree. I think we should get a brunch this weekend to celebrate the approaching onslaught of our autumn overlords.

[Filter: Lochan]
I feel as if we've hardly spoken since the car incident and I think that might be my fault. Can we do lunch sometime this week?



fam [harrison and eliza + hayeses]
sooooooo i have good news

as it turns out, an investment i made like, a million years ago actually made it big and with those dividends plus my other stocks, i have enough to get my own place!!! and i can pay everyone back for things!!!

Sep. 1st, 2018



PSA: We have those horrid pumpkin candies in the gas station that always sell out way too soon and I'm not certain how, but we've got them and if that's your jam, come in, buy them, and I won't judge.

[Filter: Blaze]
You ready for tonight, kid? I figure we leave mid-afternoon, we can get a bite to eat before the concert.

Aug. 31st, 2018



August has always brought me great surprises; I hope that this September will continue the trend. Anyone available on Sunday afternoon is welcome to brunch at my house. I'm happy to host all of my neighbors.

[Wolfe Family]

And how is everyone? I feel like I've lost touch, even with all the celebrations. I hope you've all been keeping busy?



I'm ready for September. I'm ready for fall. I know that there's still a few weeks left of summer, but it's been a pretty terrible one for a lot of people, so I say bring on the autumn colors and hopefully less murder!

[Filtered to Diamond]

Want to do something fun this weekend?

Aug. 30th, 2018



So. It's late. And I'm hungry. Someone (who I at least somewhat know and like) should come share a pizza with me. You know you want to. ;)

[Filtered to June and Val]

So, first of all, I have some epic picnic plans for the kiddies on Saturday if they're available and VAL, I still need to thank you for running to my side in an epic assist when my car died.

But. Also. Any leads on the recent fires? You know you want to tell. C'mon. Tell me.

[Filtered to Max]

I already feel disgusting admitting this, because I'm stone cold, always. But I miss you. And we live, like, two feet away from each other, seriously. We should do something. Especially because it legit seems like you have a lot going on.

Aug. 29th, 2018



I can't believe it's nearly September already. Back to school season always makes me nostalgic, but I must say that retirement tastes sweeter every year. Youth may be wasted on the young, but us old folks do pretty well for ourselves, I'd say.

[Old Folks Club]
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and I find myself very fond of many of you. We ought to get together soon. Anyone want to meet me at the farmer's market this weekend?

Aug. 27th, 2018



[Baby Sis]

How do we feel about speaking to the cops about seeing suspicious activity? Are the cops okay around here?

[Officer Cox]

I need to speak to you about something.

Aug. 26th, 2018



Good morning Fall City. I am sure that by now, everyone has heard about the two house fires that have occurred in our little town in the last couple of weeks. I would like to first note that I am not in any way suggesting that they are connected. However, the fires have brought up concern that it may be time for everyone to have a refresher course on home fire safety, not only in how to prevent a fire from happening in your home but also in how to ensure that your family is able to safely get out of your house in the event of a fire.

I am working with Basma about setting up a free class at the community center on home fire safety. Some of you may have attended the classes I have done on it in the past, but I know there are some who have never attended the class, or haven't in quite a while. I will cover basic fire prevention, as well as how to create a fire escape plan. Once Basma and I have ironed out the details, we will announce the date and time of the next class.

However, if that time ends up not working for you, or if you would prefer a one-on-one class, I am more than happy to set up a time to come to your residence myself and assess your home's safety and help you set up an escape plan.

You may be saying "Oh, but that would never happen to me!" I can guarantee that everyone who has ever been in an accident has said that exact same thing. It is better to be prepared and never have to use your knowledge and preparations than it is to be in a situation and not know what to do to keep yourself and your family safe.

Aug. 25th, 2018



If Basma is listening I think everyone in this town needs some mandatory fire safety lessons. Someone's going to have to be the one who has to make that happen.

I would like to only refer to how far along you are by fruit reference.

[Harrison & Dash]
Do you want to do drinks at Last Shot soon?

Aug. 24th, 2018



thank you to everyone who helped with the fire and getting my dogs. i'm sorry if i scared you. i don't know what happened, but i wish i did. mrs. cox has been super nice to let me stay so long, but i'm going to see about getting an apartment soon. it's been hard to leave th

but yeah, thanks for your concern and everything. i appreciate all the help.

Aug. 23rd, 2018



[Nat (not long after this)]

You wouldn't break into the coffee shop but you'll break into someone's car?



if i wanted to suffer through heat i'd live in the south.

Filter: Isabel
i'm playing hooky today come float on the river with me

Filter: Xo
i need advice

Aug. 22nd, 2018



[Ian, Megan, Amita, And Tony- separately]

I need advice on dealing with two girls that like me.



If you have an anonymous letter like the one Mr. Exley posted that you have not brought to the Deputy Sheriff's Department, please do so as soon as possible.

[Deputy Sheriff's Department]
The letters seem to have reappeared again. I need someone to take the lead on this. We have also received a tip that JJ Mayweather may be involved in sending them.

And of course, welcome to talking about anything about the murder investigation. If any new angles have occurred to you, let me know.

So, I believe you were implying you wanted to get something to eat the last time we got to talk.

[Eddia & Matt]
The three of us should do something fun soon.