
Posts Tagged: 'general:+the+weekly+tea'

Sep. 9th, 2018



Salon Lady Texts

TO: Matt
FROM: Cherise

[1] matt
[2] Matt
[3] MATT!

TO: Anyone who wants to be told the latest news from a salon lady
FROM: Salon Lady Roulette (Or pick one in the header if you have a preference. :D)

[1] omg. did you hear?!!!!!!!!!!

Jul. 25th, 2018



The Weekly Tea

If you came into the salon any time during this week, you could have heard the Fall City Gossip League chatting about any of the following:

Salon Gossip )

Jul. 10th, 2018



If you came into the salon any time during this week, you could have heard the Fall City Gossip League chatting, mostly about the 4th of July party:

Salon Gossip )

Jun. 19th, 2018



If you came into the salon any time during this week, you could have heard the Fall City Gossip League chatting about any of the following:

Salon Gossip )

Jun. 2nd, 2018



The Weekly Tea: 🔪 MURDER EDITION! 🔪

If you came into the salon any time after Wednesday this week or attended their slumber party on Friday, you could have possibly maybe heard the Fall City Gossip League whispering about MURDER!!!

Did you hear the news?" "Found. In the river. So awful. It's all anyone's talking about." "Just like Cora." "Exactly like Cora." "It's so creepy to think that the murderer is walking around town right now." "Someone we know." "Could be someone in this very room" "*gasp* Don't say that." "Who do y'all think did it? If you had to say somebody?"
I think it was... )

May. 21st, 2018



The Weekly Tea

If you came into the salon any time during this week, you could have heard the Fall City Gossip League chatting about any of the following:

Salon Gossip )

May. 10th, 2018



The Weekly Tea

If you came into the salon any time during this week, you could have heard the Fall City Gossip League chatting about any of the following:

Salon Gossip )