
Posts Tagged: 'player:+brandi'

Sep. 25th, 2018



Sorry, team #pumpkinspice, but my favorite part of fall is apple cider.

Sep. 11th, 2018



I just overheard two ladies talking in the library, adamant that Rhett Wyatt can't possibly be a murderer because he's far too handsome and only ugly men murder people, of course. Sounds like pretty solid evidence to me.

Filter: Clea & Tony
How are things going at the department? Need coffee or pastries or anything?

Filter: Lochan
I heard you on the radio the other morning. Sounded like someone recorded you doing a seance for the actress? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you had no idea that was going to end up on the radio.

Sep. 6th, 2018



backdated to sept 5

so whoever left your creepy af clown doll in the bathroom at mitzi's i'm gonna do you a favor and take it to an exorcist because we all know what happens otherwise

Sep. 5th, 2018



WHO: Lincoln Mayfair & Megan Marple
WHEN: idk probably sometime mid-August? Though the first part is from Lincoln's first year as a teacher / Megan's junior year
WHERE: FCHS, Common Grounds, Bellowes Inn
SUMMARY: Poor new teacher Lincoln has to give advice to one of his teenaged students. Who then gives him a hard time about it many years later before murdering him with a toy TV. This was also supposed to be posted in August for the challenge. >>
WARNINGS: Fake murder.

Lame, Lincoln. Super lame. Disney-level cheese. )

Sep. 2nd, 2018



WHO: Gus Arquette (brief blurbs from Michelle, Sam, and npc!daughter Andrea)
WHEN: Through the years
WHERE: Various places, mostly bars
SUMMARY: A look back at a slow descent into addiction, then the battle to overcome it. (And I totally meant to post it Friday so it'd count for the challenge. Whoops.)
WARNINGS: Drinking, alcoholism, addiction. I mean, this is literally chronicling Gus' descent into alcoholism, so massive gigantic content warning for that.

But I need to stop. I need to be here for my wife and our daughters. )

Aug. 29th, 2018



WHO: Megan Marple
WHEN: August 29, late
WHERE: Her apartment
SUMMARY: Megan continues to struggle with the desire to leave vs the practicality of staying. Also has a prologue for the challenge.
WARNINGS: idk probably none?

It's a nice thought, at least. )

Aug. 26th, 2018



Good morning Fall City. I am sure that by now, everyone has heard about the two house fires that have occurred in our little town in the last couple of weeks. I would like to first note that I am not in any way suggesting that they are connected. However, the fires have brought up concern that it may be time for everyone to have a refresher course on home fire safety, not only in how to prevent a fire from happening in your home but also in how to ensure that your family is able to safely get out of your house in the event of a fire.

I am working with Basma about setting up a free class at the community center on home fire safety. Some of you may have attended the classes I have done on it in the past, but I know there are some who have never attended the class, or haven't in quite a while. I will cover basic fire prevention, as well as how to create a fire escape plan. Once Basma and I have ironed out the details, we will announce the date and time of the next class.

However, if that time ends up not working for you, or if you would prefer a one-on-one class, I am more than happy to set up a time to come to your residence myself and assess your home's safety and help you set up an escape plan.

You may be saying "Oh, but that would never happen to me!" I can guarantee that everyone who has ever been in an accident has said that exact same thing. It is better to be prepared and never have to use your knowledge and preparations than it is to be in a situation and not know what to do to keep yourself and your family safe.



fall city daily article )

Aug. 23rd, 2018



if i wanted to suffer through heat i'd live in the south.

Filter: Isabel
i'm playing hooky today come float on the river with me

Filter: Xo
i need advice

Aug. 22nd, 2018



WHO: Lochan & Lacey
WHEN: Wednesday, August 15
WHERE: Lochan's shop
SUMMARY: Lacey has decided it's time to just outright ask Lochan what he wants. But first a card reading, which just leads to more confusion. Poor poor Lochan.
WARNINGS: A return of the eerily accurate Oracle cards.

Well, I was hoping for some insight into what to do about a situation I've found myself in. )

Aug. 20th, 2018



WHO: Gus Arquette
WHEN: Monday, August 20; early afternoon
WHERE: Fall City Daily office
SUMMARY: Gus receives a… unique advice-seeking letter.
WARNINGS: idk if there's any?

But his gut told him it was about the murder investigation. )

Aug. 13th, 2018



here's your bizarre story for the day.

driving home from work today same as always

right after this truck passed me, a fish fell out of the sky onto the truck's windshield

and then a bird came diving down from the sky at the truck

i think he lost his dinner and was trying to get it back

this has been your bizarre story of the day. i hope it has made your day just that much weirder like it did to mine.



WHO: Nate Griggs, to Wynnie Llewellyn
WHEN: Written July 17; arrived with her mail on August 13
WHERE: Written in Nate's house; arrived with Wynnie's mail at her house
SUMMARY: Wynnie said he could have one letter. So this is his letter to her. No return address, but it was sent in a thick, padded envelope through the Fall City post office.
WARNINGS: Read all the other stuff that happened with Nate last week first (this, this, this, and this).

If you have this, though, it's because my past has finally caught up with me. )

Aug. 11th, 2018



Tommy gave me a ride to Seattle today, where he very kindly helped me find a decent used car. I figured it was time for me to have my own car instead of always borrowing someone else's or catching rides if I needed to go somewhere out of town.

Aug. 10th, 2018



WHO: Nate Griggs; plus NPC ADA Samantha Campbell and NPC Lieutenant Benjamin Dover
WHEN: August 10, 2018; afternoon
WHERE: Seattle PD, interrogation room
SUMMARY: Nate Griggs, serial killer, makes a deal: a full confession to all his past crimes, in exchange for his family being left out of everything.
WARNINGS: Read everything else first (this, this, and this). Also, multiple mentions of murder. Mentions of capital punishment.

He would rather die than drag them down with him. )

Aug. 9th, 2018



WHO: Sam Arquette & Gus Arquette and Wynnie Llewellyn
WHEN: July 13 & July 27
WHERE: Arquette Residence, and Home Cookin' respectively
SUMMARY: Sam gets multiple perspectives on what happened the night of the Bellowes Inn Party. (I meant to get this up last month and it didn't happen… sorry!)
WARNINGS: Talk of fighting, murder, etc.

You know, typical Nancy Drew-ing )



WHO: Nate Griggs and a teenage runaway boy
WHEN: April 27, 1991; early evening
WHERE: Bellevue, Washington
SUMMARY: A serial killer's very first murder.
WARNINGS: Implied murder.

Someone who wouldn't be missed. )



A reminder from your friendly neighborhood librarian: if I can hear you gossiping talking from all the way across the room, you're being too loud and you'll be asked to be quiet or leave. And if you're going to gossip about Mr. Griggs, you can just leave.

Filtered to Tony & Clea
Is it true? Was Eli's dad arrested for murder? I've been hearing gossip about it all morning at the library. Some people apparently didn't get the memo that we broke up and have asked me how he's doing, as if I would talk about him anyway. Others said it was a good thing we broke up because he's probably like his dad and I actually wanted to punch them for that.

Aug. 8th, 2018



WHO: Detective Tony Troy and Serial Killer Nate Griggs
WHEN: Wednesday August 8, afternoon
WHERE: Fall City Municipal Building, interrogation room
SUMMARY: After his arrest this morning, Nate waits to be picked up by Seattle PD but first has to convince the cops that he didn't kill Moira. Tony learns more than he expected to.
WARNINGS: Mentions of violence and murder. Language. Internal self-flagellation. Read this first.

What else did you do, Nate. )



flash reactionary: Wednesday August 8

Around 10:30 am on Wednesday, August 8, CHERISE is talking to MATT WOLFE outside of Hank's Hardware. A cop car pulls up and parks right in front of the store, and JUNE ROGERS and TONY TROY get out and head into the store. CHERISE follows because obviously this is very important. Gentleman he is, MATT also follows to keep CHERISE safe if things go sour (and keep her out of the way).

Inside the store, the officers find NATE GRIGGS near the back of the store, stocking some shelves. JUNE informs NATE that he is under arrest for the murder of a homeless woman in Seattle. She reads him his rights while TONY cuffs his hands behind his back. Although he glowers angrily at JUNE, NATE doesn't put up a fight but goes willingly as the officers march him out of the store, load him into the back of their car, then take him to the municipal building.