
Posts Tagged: 'character:+valentine+montanga'

Aug. 26th, 2018



Good morning Fall City. I am sure that by now, everyone has heard about the two house fires that have occurred in our little town in the last couple of weeks. I would like to first note that I am not in any way suggesting that they are connected. However, the fires have brought up concern that it may be time for everyone to have a refresher course on home fire safety, not only in how to prevent a fire from happening in your home but also in how to ensure that your family is able to safely get out of your house in the event of a fire.

I am working with Basma about setting up a free class at the community center on home fire safety. Some of you may have attended the classes I have done on it in the past, but I know there are some who have never attended the class, or haven't in quite a while. I will cover basic fire prevention, as well as how to create a fire escape plan. Once Basma and I have ironed out the details, we will announce the date and time of the next class.

However, if that time ends up not working for you, or if you would prefer a one-on-one class, I am more than happy to set up a time to come to your residence myself and assess your home's safety and help you set up an escape plan.

You may be saying "Oh, but that would never happen to me!" I can guarantee that everyone who has ever been in an accident has said that exact same thing. It is better to be prepared and never have to use your knowledge and preparations than it is to be in a situation and not know what to do to keep yourself and your family safe.

Aug. 7th, 2018



Because it's a discussion Leo and I were having before bedtime (aka that time when he asks me questions to stall), I have a question to pose to everyone.

If you could have one super power, what would it be?

Leo decided he wants to be Spiderman because Spiderman would probably win American Ninja Warrior. If that's not allowed, he wants to talk to animals.

And since I've already got super strength and amazing fire-fighting powers, I'm going with the ability to heal people.

Jul. 30th, 2018



WHO: Val & Leo Montagna
WHEN: Monday July 30, late afternoon
WHERE: Their house
SUMMARY: Leo drew a picture of their house and family for his dad. Which is totally 100% true-to-life.
WARNINGS: Your ovaries might explode. You have been warned. Also, I may or may not have been inspired by my own five-year-old running up to me with a picture he drew. >>

Look at this picture I drawed! )

Jul. 26th, 2018



This morning at breakfast, Leo informed me that he'll hold me in his heart forever and ever. Until the zombies come.

Good kid, already understands you don't let emotional attachments get in the way of doing what's needed when someone turns.

Jul. 15th, 2018



Sent Leo to play out in the backyard this morning while I fixed myself some coffee.

What's the one thing I told him not to play with? The hose.

What was he playing with when I got outside with my coffee? The hose.

So now I have a whiny and damp five-year-old up in his room (not his ROOM with all his TOYS!) claiming he "forgot" he wasn't supposed to play with it.

Anyone wanna buy a five-year-old? Housebroken, occasionally comes when called, will eat anything except vegetables. Knows most of the lyrics to "Everything is Awesome!"

Jun. 25th, 2018



This morning in "Shit My Five-Year-Old Does" Leo decided he's going to be an American Ninja Warrior, which basically means just not wearing a shirt and climbing on, then jumping off, everything.

I told him that American Ninja Warriors eat their vegetables. He doesn't believe me.