
Posts Tagged: 'player:+ashley'

Aug. 23rd, 2018



WHO: Mia and Alexi
WHEN: Backdated to July 4th's Mayweather Party
WHERE: Mayweather house
SUMMARY: After catching Mia trying on crowns, Alexi follows after her when they find the wine cellar. Alexi is always prepared.

Wow… they are stocked. )

Aug. 13th, 2018


the day after the picnic auction.

TO: alexi
FROM: mia
[x] thanks for
[x] i'm glad you
[1] you spared me a lunch with the salon gossip girls.

Aug. 4th, 2018


WHO: Mia Bennett and Harrison Exley.
WHEN: The morning of Saturday, August 4.
WHERE: Around and outside of town.
SUMMARY: Harrison requests an Uber.
WARNINGS: Lots of stubbornness, some mildly threatening behavior, language.

He had nothing but endless days filled with limited activities stretching ahead. )

Jul. 25th, 2018


WHO: Mia Bennett and Melanie Taylor.
WHEN: About two weeks ago.
WHERE: The Silver Spoon.
SUMMARY: Planning for the Dance-a-thon.
NARRATIVE DEVICE: Multiperspectivity.

It’s just like four steps or something. Wayyy easier. But I bet it will get us some extra points when people are starting to drop off like flies. )

Jul. 11th, 2018


i'm actually very curious now. who thinks i would have an affair with a married man? be honest. i won't be upset.

Jul. 5th, 2018


so who's going to be my partner for the dance-a-thon? we need to start training now.

Jun. 25th, 2018


it's once again time for my monthly roundup of items left behind in my vehicle.
  • owl scarf
  • fountain pen
  • travel mug - washed, you're welcome
  • phone charger - for an iphone
  • a key - no clue what it's for
  • glasses - for your face, not your mouth CLAIMED
  • star wars encyclopedia
  • tiny stuffed koala
claim what's yours before i toss it or keep it or sell it.

notes to self:
- keep owl scarf. it's cute.
- fountain pen: could be expensive. sell. maybe try to sell as belonging to rhett? get picture of him holding it?
- if nobody claims the travel mug, put lipstick mark on it and try to sell as belonging to moira? find out what shade she wore.
- phone charger will be an easy sell.
- so will the nerd encyclopedia.
- key is intriguing. take off the list?
- delete this section.

Jun. 12th, 2018


i like to think i'm pretty lenient on what flies during my uber trips, but after an incident the other day i'm nixing anything with a pungent smell from entering my vehicle. i've aired my car out and used a ton of febreze and it still reeks.

consider this your one and only warning. the next person who tries this for whatever reason is paying for my car to get professionally cleaned.