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January 11th, 2014



[No Subject]

Okay, I need answers.

Who is gonna pay for my guitar? It's totally messed up because I fell when I arrived!



[No Subject]

I think there's been

There seems to have been a shipping error. I have not been delivered to my final destination. Could someone please direct me to my owner?



Private to Logan Echolls.

Too late.



Filtered to Hylla and Jason

Octavian is here.



Blocked from Hayley Marshall.

I know I've mentioned this before, but my friend is pregnant and I want to throw her a shower. I'm not sure on a date yet, but I would love for people to attend. It'll be really fun, and she's going to need a lot of help with getting baby stuff.

We're all stuck here together, so I figure we should show our support. This is no place for a baby, but there is nothing we can do about that.

So who wants to help or attend?



[No Subject]

Everyone be careful. There was a fire at some knickknack store, it's still in flames. No one has been hurt that I know of. But it's dangerous, I heard them say they were having trouble putting it out.

Filtered to Demon!Cas
Have you seen my present yet, handsome?



Filtered to Sam.

I'm going to check out that fire.



[No Subject]

[Filter: SPN Crew]

We've got a case. Missing girl, the phone says her name is Misty Day. I found the room she was being held in, but I got there too late. No clues yet on where they took her, but I did find traces of sulfur. So we've got company, and it could be anybody by now. Meet me in [room # where the 'crime scene' is]... and make sure you're all wearing those rings Charlie made for us.


Just curious if anyone here is friends with Misty Day? She might be in trouble. We're working on it, but if you know anything that might help -- if she's tried to contact you recently, if she mentioned strange phenomena happening around her, if she was worried about something or someone -- any information at all, please let me know. I'd like to find her and make sure she's safe.



[No Subject]


The Gossip of the Day lovelies:

We may have a traitor among us.

The Loyalist demon known as Meg Masters has a very strange and unusual relationship with the Winchester's and my little meatsack here.

I am in the process of testing her motivations. For now though share absolutely no information with this demon because it might get back to the hunters.



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Kara Thrace]
Hey, this is so weird but I think someone left you something at the desk of the Mandalay Bay



[Filtered to Demons and Against Meg]

I found something interesting.



[No Subject]

Well this is cute, but not what I had in mind for a vacation at all.



Voice Post.




[No Subject]

At least Vegas never runs of out booze. Bright side, I'm finding it.



[No Subject]


.... Hey guys? Where... is everybody?



[No Subject]

The true fun is just about to get started!



[Filtered to Castiel]


There's a girl missing. Sulfur in the room. I'm not accusing Meg, but do you think it's worth asking her if she knows anything? Maybe another demon is in the building? A girl has gone missing.



[filtered to Abbie]


I hope the Evening is treating you well. I had wondered if you had Opinions concerning the destructive spate of late, and would be keen to discuss the matter, if you are at Leisure to do so. Kindest Compliments and Regards. Yrs sincerely Ich. Crane.