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Posts Tagged: 'c:+dorothy+darling'

May. 2nd, 2020



BBQ at my place tonight. BYOB, I'll handle the rest. Come by any time after 6.

(( ooc: he wants to do something in honor of the BoH, but won't say it outright. Anyone who knows him well is free to figure it out, though. 💜 ))

Feb. 14th, 2020



Instagram Post! )

Feb. 9th, 2020





It's still weird not to be able to go down the hall and tell you all something. Everyone is really busy no

We should all get together for dinner or something soon to celebrate the fact that you're going to be Aunts. I mean, Tessa, you're already an Aunt twice over, but this is new for Abby.


I'm telling my sisters about Pancake.

Feb. 6th, 2020



Instagram Post )



WHO: Dottie & Duncan Darling
WHEN: Thursday, February 6, 2020
WHERE: Their Home
SUMMARY: Dottie Knows Something
BINGO: Good Parents

While the kitchen sometimes didn't have enough ingredients to put together a proper dinner, there were almost always enough supplies for baking and sweets. )

Jan. 23rd, 2020



Today is a most auspicious day, because not only is it that classic weekly holiday of Throwback Thursday on the social medias, but it is also the anniversary of the day my sweet Galadriel came into my life. And so, while this is not Instagram, I'm still using it as a space to show my girl's glow up -- though, let's be quite honest, she was glowing pretty much from the start.

A little background: I adopted Galadriel the January before my first book in my current series was released. I was bartending and one of the waitresses had a cat that had kittens and she was giving them away. Between working at the bar (and waitressing at another restaurant) to pay my rent and trying to meet deadlines on my book, I really didn't see much outside of the room I was renting and it was pretty lonely. So, I took one of the kittens and it ended up being one of my best decisions. I like to think of her as my good luck charm, because I've had some great things happen since she came into my life.

Anyway, the reason we're all here. Cut for kitty photos! )

And now I very much would like to see your pets and hear some stories behind them! I'm very much a cat person and have no problem admitting it, but I am accepting of all the rest of the pets out there. Bonus points if you include baby and current pictures.

PS: I would be remiss not to mention Arwen (as for me and my house, we will stan elves of all kinds), so here is a video from literally 45 minutes ago when she decided it was time for Mom to stop working.

[ooc - pls pretend the video is on Esther's instagram ty]

Jan. 20th, 2020



Instagram Post! )

Jan. 13th, 2020



Hello, friends! With it being two weeks into 2020, I've been working pretty steadily on my planner and getting all of my exciting dates for the new year sorted out. I like having things to look forward to, especially since I'm packing my last semester of undergrad full of credits, and one of those things I'm looking forward to is this five year anniversary that I will be celebrating in March. Thinking about it has me all full of warm fuzzies and since it's been a while since I did one of these open forum sort of things, now seems like a good time.

So, here's my question! What is your meet cute? AKA how did you meet your partner? Give me all of the heart eyes with your stories, please and thank you.

Jan. 5th, 2020



I won't be heading back to my place tonight. Theo thinks it's better safe than sorry and I am not all that inclined to argue considering what I get to be snowed in with. Are all of you home safe?



-- I had a panic attack this afternoon while you were out.
-- The room is kind of a mess. I'm so sorry.
-- Are you coming back soon?
-- I did this, Mags. The storm.
-- It's Elsa's powers.

-- Please let me know when you're home safe.
-- I think I messed up, Mo. I had another dream...a bad one.
-- I was having a panic attack and when I opened up my window all this ice shot out of my hands.
-- This storm is because of me.

-- Hope you're both safe and warm.
-- Just wanted to check in and make sure you're both okay.

Dec. 25th, 2019



Instagram Post! )

Nov. 26th, 2019



Dottie and I have been married for a month today, so, checking in as promised.

Yep, definitely still glad we did it. Especially without all the froufrou in advance. 🤷‍♂️

One month! 🙌🙌

Mo finally did text me back, by the way. I guess she was [...] upset that I'd taken your name, and hadn't told her about it. Thought that it meant I was disowning her and Maeve? 🤦‍♂️ I think it's all sorted, though. Back to our regularly scheduled ambivalence.

[Darlings + Partners]
I've been texting Mama Darling, and she and I have got Thanksgiving covered this year. I mean, if there's something you have a special desire to cook, yourself, let me know, but otherwise- we'll get the rest. I figure it's the least I can do in thanks for you all accepting me into the family.

I did invite my sisters to join us, though I doubt Mo will. Maeve might, depending on what she might be doing with her school friends. She's much tamer than Mo. Not that that's saying much.

I assume you're sticking with Hannah and Cerys, but if you need (or want) a place to go for Thanksgiving, you're welcome to join the extended Darling group.



instagram post! )

Nov. 25th, 2019



Instagram Post! )



So I know there were a lot of false alarms the last couple of weeks, but they just actually admitted me and gave me a hospital gown so apparently this is actually happening this time. I'm skeptical, because I'm sure I'm meant to be pregnant forever.

But just in case the doctor isn't playing a cruel prank, we wanted to let you know. 🙆🏼‍♀️

Nov. 24th, 2019



instagram post! )

Nov. 13th, 2019



Instagram Post! )

Nov. 5th, 2019



Instagram Post! )

Nov. 4th, 2019



sent at 2:26AM

-- Hi.
-- In case you weren't getting weird shared triplet pain, I wanted to let you know that Leo and I are going to the hospital.
-- I know it's early/late, so I'm sorry about that.
-- But apparently these kids wanted to get a head start on keeping me up forever.
-- I say that as though I have been sleeping properly for months.
-- Anyway.
-- 👍
[sent at 10:25AM]
-- Sorry, guys.
-- I just really want to not be pregnant. 😭

Nov. 3rd, 2019



Instagram Post )