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Posts Tagged: 'c:+avery+perkins'

Feb. 17th, 2020



-- Good morning, beautiful!
-- How would you and Joy like to come by for lunch today?

Jan. 13th, 2020



Hello, friends! With it being two weeks into 2020, I've been working pretty steadily on my planner and getting all of my exciting dates for the new year sorted out. I like having things to look forward to, especially since I'm packing my last semester of undergrad full of credits, and one of those things I'm looking forward to is this five year anniversary that I will be celebrating in March. Thinking about it has me all full of warm fuzzies and since it's been a while since I did one of these open forum sort of things, now seems like a good time.

So, here's my question! What is your meet cute? AKA how did you meet your partner? Give me all of the heart eyes with your stories, please and thank you.



I have some new designs featuring Australia and a few of their native animals. I was thinking we could add them to the shop with the proceeds going to charities helping the wildfire efforts. Thoughts?

Jan. 5th, 2020



instagram post! )

Dec. 16th, 2019



[posted around midnight]

I was going to text various people, but there's a lot of you so just sending this in one group like this seems quickest when I had a moment. Sorry that this is coming out to you so late, but holy shit we're having a baby. It'll be a while yet and I'll keep you guys updated, but I just wanted to give you all a head's up.

Nov. 24th, 2019



Dear Dunhaven,

I officially cannot find my toes. Please send help in the form of those really great pies I got when I moved here. And/or cookies. And/or Olive Garden's never-ending pasta bowl.


Caty (and Baby Salazar)



Cut for image! )

This weekend has been an exercise in Hallmark. It's the most wonderful time of the year, indeed.

Nov. 23rd, 2019



instagram post! )

Nov. 20th, 2019



instagram post! )

Nov. 19th, 2019



I have so many idea for holiday onesies. Do you have time to meet up this week?

Also, if I were considering reaching out to the others to let them know about Cersei... do you think it would be better to wait until after the new year? Or am I just making excuses to delay?

edited to add:


Hi everyone,

If I haven't met you personally before, my name is Avery Perkins. I'm the director of Picasso art gallery and run an Etsy shop with Caty Norfolk.

I'm reaching out to all of you today to let you know that I've been sharing dreams with someone from Westeros as well- Cersei Lannister.

I hid it for a long time for a variety of reasons. The largest and most important reason being that I know just how much Cersei has hurt all of you. I thought that by keeping her from affecting you here, in this life, that I was protecting you from her in my own small way.

I recently came clean with Caty about everything and she encouraged me to reach out to the rest of you to let you know. I took some time to think about it, and realized that she was right. (She usually is.) So this is me letting you all know.

Please understand that I do not agree with any of the horrendous things that Cersei did within her life. If I could take them back or do anything at all to fix them, I would. So I hope you won't hold them against me, but I also understand if you'd rather not interact with me beyond this.

Nov. 18th, 2019



Based on the conversation we had on here recently, I compiled a list of everyone who is Dreaming--both public and anonymously. Out of respect for your interests, I only included those who specifically commented to be included on the list. In addition to compiling the list, I have also put together a semi-brief document for those who have questions about these Dreams since we continue to have a lot of newcomers who are otherwise unprepared for when these Dreams hit...or are just super confused by at the talk of Dreams on this network.

The resource (which includes the list of Dreamers) can be found here.

I wanted to go ahead an open this post up, as well, for anyone who wants to add their User ID (public or anonymous) to this list, or potentially update their information on the list. I only included Sources that have been discussed publicly on this network, regardless of whether or not I was familiar with a Source existing here. So for anyone listed as Not Disclosed, it is entirely up to you as to whether or not you want that "spoiled" for you.

Which also raises another question which I would like to answer on the list. If you are on this list, do you want a) others to reach out to you and/or b) others to give you information about your Source if they know it? Please answer below, if you can or want to!

Nov. 15th, 2019



[Stones & Perkins]
Now that Thea and I are more or less completely moved in (minus a few boxes, but we just won't talk about that), what would you all say to celebrating Thanksgiving here?

To be clear, I'd definitely need some help cooking, but we've got a nice new kitchen and I can't imagine that anyone with a kid under 1 wants to be hosting much of anything. (No offense.)

Oct. 5th, 2019



Cut for image! )

Hello, fellow pregnant people. I know that you are out there. (That sounds really creepy, sorry.)

Can we maybe have a pregnant people meeting where we drink orange juice and pretend they're mimosas and eat really good food? Because I feel like that should be a thing that I should have been doing the last 31 weeks.

Also, in case you don't already know me, hi. I'm Abby Moore.

Sep. 29th, 2019



I need to talk to you about something and I'm doing it on here because I'm pretty sure I'm in no condition to keep myself from crying instead of talking through my feelings. I had a talk with Avery today. She told me who she's been dreaming about.

I just wanted to reiterate that I love you.

And also tell you that I think we should expand our line to include baby outfits. I meant to tell you that today but I got sidetracked with everything. I think it would be good, though, you know? I was really proud of the things I've made for Asher and Joy.

Sep. 28th, 2019



WHO: Avery Perkins, Caty Norfolk, & baby shower invitees. (Open to anyone, really!)
WHERE: Perkins Farmhouse
WHEN: Saturday, September 28th. 12pm to 2pm.
WHAT: A combined baby shower for Avery and Caty! OOC plotting!


click for more! )

Sep. 23rd, 2019




((ooc: please handwave that these were delivered a few weeks ago.))


Sep. 22nd, 2019



Though he isn't officially 1 for two more days (and I will almost definitely post pictures of him and probably write something sappy that will make me cry then, too), I feel as though it would be a tragedy if this cake picture wasn't shared immediately. Cut for image! )

Thank you to everyone that came to celebrate Yuri's first birthday with us. He is very lucky to have so many wonderful people in his life to love him. ❤️




Do you ever regret telling Lyra and Remy about your dreams?

Sep. 18th, 2019



-- 25 days and counting!
-- Also, we're going to attend Yuri's birthday party on Sunday afternoon.
-- Also also, when did pickles become the most disgusting food on the planet?

Sep. 17th, 2019



Cut for image! )

Don't even get me started on just how many feelings this gives me.

But please come, if you're free! We'll have food, all sorts of lovely things, and we'd really just love having all of you under the roof at one time to celebrate our boy two days early. (Also don't get me started on how I can't have a party on a weekday, because I'm old and tire easily.)