Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+username:+5k181232'

Apr. 17th, 2017



SENT FROM: soaring
TYPE: private message to 5k181232 & paced
TIME: April 6th, 8:45am

you have a new private message )

SENT FROM: soaring
TYPE: private message to littlebird
TIME: April 6th, 10am

you have a new private message )

Jan. 8th, 2017



SENT FROM: heykitten
TYPE: Public Post
TIME: January 3rd, 2020 - 2:00PM

Hey Austin,

The Santa Competition went off amazingly and was a great first fundraiser for the Orphanage, so thank you to everyone who came out and showed support for the event and the orphanage! Dr. Whelan has asked me to help them with new fundraising ideas that could happen throughout the year, which I'm extremely excited about. So far a few ideas have been discussed now we’re looking for public opinion on which would hold more interest and/or have more items donated.

Both are auctions of a sort.
  • The first idea was a date auction, though this would require people to be willing to spend an evening with a possible stranger.

  • The second idea is a silent auction. This one would require donations from local businesses of goods or services.

  • I’ve seen both done extremely well and been very successful. So tell me Austin, which would hold your attention more or earn your support?

    Dec. 18th, 2016



    From: mcdreamy
    Type: Public post
    Sent: 12/6, 2pm

    Now that we have a set date to officially open the Austin orphanage (January 2, 2020!), we're super excited to also announce that sign ups are now available for our Big Brothers and Sisters mentoring program! You'll hang out with your Little Brother or Sister at least twice a month though you can definitely chill with them more often if you want. Leave a private comment addressed to mcdreamy, thorns, daddy_daycare, and bellagio and one of us will contact you with a brief application process to figure out if you'd be a good fit for one of our kids. It's gonna be bomb!


    From: mcdreamy
    To: mayz & 5K181232
    Type: Private message
    Sent: 12/6, 2:05pm

    If you guys wanna sign up for the program let me know and I can bring apps over tonight!


    From: mcdreamy
    To: heykitten
    Type: Private message
    Sent: 12/6, 2:10pm

    Good news, we got some government funding for the orphanage! But we probably should start planning the first quarter fundraiser... any ideas?

    Dec. 12th, 2016



    SENT FROM: legallyblonde
    TYPE: private message to mayz & 5k181232
    TIME: December 4, 4:30 pm

    Can you girls spend the night at one of your friends' house tonight?

    Nov. 17th, 2016



    From: mcdreamy
    To: legallyblonde, 5K181232, mayz
    When: November 6, 2019, 9:02AM

    Did someone accidentally leave their copy of "The Notebook" in my briefcase? I have it if so and can bring it back later

    Oct. 31st, 2016



    SENT FROM: houdini
    TYPE: Public post
    TIME: 10/10/19, 8:45PM

    haappy halloween y'lal. thanks for wa damn good hgit.n and watch lout for zomibies!

    SENT FROM: Nathan Posey
    TYPE: Text message to Paige Goodall
    TIME: 10/10/19, 8:47PM

    you have (3) new messages )

    Oct. 8th, 2016



    From: 5K181232
    To: mayz
    Sent: 10/3, 6:45AM
    Type: Private message

    cut for long rambly feelings )

    Sep. 30th, 2016



    SENT FROM: soaring
    TYPE: public post
    TIME: October 1, 9:45am

    so i guess this stuff was supposed to arrive last month but we finally got our shipment of vaccines at the umcb!!! make your appointments to get them and if demand is greater than supply we're def going to be restocking asap!!! definitely recommend a flu shot at the very least bc winter is coming (but not in the game of thrones kind of way) and the flu is different than your common cold, especially affecting children and the elderly. plus, we're living through a zombie apocalypse so i'm pretty sure none of us want to be that person who died from the flu...

    ANYWAY!!! make your appointments and i'm looking forward to seeing you at the clinic! happy october and here's to a healthy austin <3

    Sep. 21st, 2016



    SENT FROM: sweet-tart
    TYPE: Public post
    TIME: 9/7/19, 5:45AM

    Good morning everyone! The Doughnut Hole will be changing our hours of operation temporarily. If you're looking for your coffee or doughnut fix, come visit us between 6AM and 11:30AM. We're sorry for the inconvenience to those who need their afternoon pick-me-up, but we promise it isn't permanent! We'll also be running a special to make up for it! Buy any size drink and you'll get half-off your doughnut purchase!

    Have a wonderful day!

    Aug. 30th, 2016



    SENT FROM: legallyblonde
    TYPE: public post
    TIME: 8/10/19, 3:25pm

    Today has been such a good day. As I was leaving the Capitol building I ran into the office clerk for the commerce department and she told me that my application for the community center has been approved! I managed to get the paperwork before I left for the day which means I can start working on development and construction immediately.

    Since it's an old grocery store the place was entirely picked over and the US Government took all the salvagable appliances, but the bones are good. I think once it's fully cleared out and fixed up it's going to be a really special place.

    There's a lot of work to be done but I'm so excited! Think I'll head over there tonight to get a head start. The building is on 31st & Guadalupe if anyone wants to stop by and take a look!

    SENT FROM: Savannah Posey
    TYPE: text message to Art Jenner
    TIME: 8/10/19, 3:55pm, after this conversation with Maizie and Olivia

    you have (2) new message )

    Aug. 24th, 2016



    SENT FROM: Littlebird
    TYPE: Public post
    TIME: August 8th, 2019 - 6:00PM

    Fair warning to anyone thinking they might want to visit Walker’s. You may want to be prepared to see some walkers in the process. Who knew that a trip to the grocery store would require you were up on your cardio. That was definitely not the early evening activity I had in mind for my day off.

    Also I hate calling people out publicly so I won't use your name, but to the woman who became my running partner, I hope you're doing okay.


    SENT FROM: Ria Otieno
    TO: Amanda van Eeden
    TYPE: Text
    TIME: August 8th, 2019 - 6:15PM

    You have (4) new messages )

    SENT FROM: Ria Otieno
    TO: Delia Wallace
    TYPE: Text
    TIME: August 8th, 2019 -6:30PM

    You have (3) new messages )

    SENT FROM: Ria Otieno
    TO: Yvie Devkopa
    TYPE: Text
    TIME: August 8th, 2019 - 6:35PM

    You have (3) new messages )



    SENT FROM: sweet-tart
    TYPE: Public post
    TIME: 8/8/19, 6:00AM

    Good morning Austin! All your coffee and sugary doughnut needs have been solved!
    The Doughnut Hole in the UMCB district will be open for business starting this morning!
    So, if or when you’re on your way to or from Walker’s you should stop in!


    Chocolate Old-Fashioned & Assorted Cake with Sprinkles

    Passion Fruit Poppy Seed (Raised) & Boston Creme

    Every purchase of a doughnut comes with a free tall drink of your choice today.

    Aug. 17th, 2016



    From: 5K181232
    Type: Public post
    When: 8/6/19, 7:30PM

    It's my birthday!!! Savannah ordered a cake mix and frosting from Oklahoma as a test of that catalog thing and we had a family party thing, no big deal. Here's a video she took of me

    I can't believe it's been another year but life goes on and stuff and even though people try to bring us down with super rude negativity and like bombs and stuff our spirits cannot be contained!!! So suck on that, outlaws!!!!!!


    From: 5K181232
    To: mayz, soaring, heykitten
    When: 8/6/19, 7:35PM

    OMG i cannot wait to celebrate for real with you hot skanks!

    Aug. 6th, 2016



    SENT FROM: captaining
    DATE: August 2nd, midday

    If I were to offer community classes in health and first aid, would there be any interest?

    Jul. 27th, 2016



    From: 5K181232
    To: Public Post
    Sent: 7/9, 7AM



    Jul. 15th, 2016



    SENT FROM: captaining
    TYPE: Public
    TIME: 1400, July 5th

    Why are there reporters here? And why do they want to talk to us? The last I checked, I'm just a nurse.

    Also, they get testy when you say you've got more important things to do than take pictures.

    Jul. 12th, 2016



    From: houdini
    Type: public post
    When: 7/4/19, 9:15PM(ish)

    happy 4txh y'axll. kiss a servicemen if you see on.e yor me, if you see me. am at the barr.

    Jun. 23rd, 2016



    From: Olivia Jensen
    To: Nick Choi
    Type: Text Message
    Sent: Backdated to 6/7, 8:15 AM

    > i know we've been lying low ever since the president showed up and said taking stuff was a crime now
    > but i'm pretty much getting the sense that scouting is so 2018
    > so if you need me for anything i'll be in the oval office ruing the day i decided not to do anything else with my life besides run and like, shoving supplies in a backpack


    From: 5K181232
    To: 3dani
    Type: Private Message
    Sent: Backdated to 6/7, 8:19 AM

    Funny how stuff works out but apparently you were right and scouting is pointless, especially nowadays, so idk I just thought maybe you'd want to know that you won.


    From: Olivia Jensen
    To: Bea Rodríguez
    Type: Text
    Sent: Backdated to 6/7, 9:29PM

    > hey boo
    > busy?

    Jun. 22nd, 2016



    FROM: burgerqueen
    TYPE: public post
    WHEN: 6/8/19, 11am
    Who loves burgers and fries? If you're in the Barton Creek Greenbelt, it's your lucky day! Announcing the opening of Burger She Wrote - your soon to be favorite place to grab a bite to eat. Stop by and say hi, we'll make sure you don't walk away hungry.

    Look for the big yellow truck, you won't miss it. Menu and location will always be evolving, so if you want us to come to your area just let us know. We'll do our best to oblige.

    FROM: burgerqueen
    TO: jurisdoctor, journeyman, and paced
    WHEN: 6/8/19, 1pm
    Hello! Olivia told me to get in contact with you all regarding a food truck potentially coming to LBJ tomorrow. My name is Violet, my partner Ryan and I have a truck where we make burgers. We're in the Greenbelt today but can be anywhere tomorrow and LBJ was suggested.

    May. 20th, 2016



    SENT FROM: soaring
    TYPE: private message to heykitten, mayz, 5K181232
    TIME: May 7th, 11:01 am

    you have a new private message )

    SENT FROM: Bea Rodríguez
    TYPE: text message to Sasha Whittaker
    TIME: May 7th, 11:08am

    you have (5) new text messages )

    SENT FROM: Bea Rodríguez
    TYPE: text message to Dani Diaz
    TIME: May 7th, 11:11am

    you have (2) new text messages )