Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+2018+%5B07%5D+july'

Aug. 9th, 2015



SENT FROM: andgridigut
TYPE: public post

never thought there would be internet at the end of the world
priorities am i right?

Aug. 1st, 2015



Sent From: Marcus
Type: Text to Rodeo
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Sent From: Marcus
Type: Text to Adelaide
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Sent From: Marcus
Type: Text to Noa
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Sent From: Marcus
Type: Text to Teagan
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Jul. 31st, 2015



From: slapinthefarce
Type: Public

I was recently mucking about and creating a book bundle and thinking of some of my favorite quotes from each but of course, then I started to think of favorite quotes in general.

I am curious to know what your favorites might be. Don't scrimp.

Books|Songs|Films|Uncle Shorty

Pull them out and share!

Jul. 30th, 2015



From: badmoonrising
Type: filtered to Dog Park people

i've been working on something. don't care who says i'm crazy, some of you lard asses need a good workout on the daily. and after seeing some of you pathetic idiots doing what you think is hand to hand... a lot of you need a refresher that ain't bruce lee movies.

so i've been gathering some equipment, just some ropes and weights and a couple mats for now because i don't want any of you to whine because your back is bruised up from being thrown around but we'll be having a gym at the park soon. if i get some shit together we might even have a ring, so those that know what they are doing all five of us can use that too.

all others... maybe we can teach you are thing or two. no roundhouse kick attempts or i will break your fucking neck.

Jul. 29th, 2015


SENT FROM: Sparrow (elzorro)
TYPE: Public Post

alright fuck it i'm done

women are terrible and most of the dicks around the subway belong to a bunch of fucking junkies.

is there anyone in austin who can just fucking spread their legs and shut their fucking mouth? anyone. i will literally take anyone. heartbeat and shut mouth, my only requirements. let's fucking go.



SENT FROM: parts
TYPE: Public Post

I sometime wish my helper was a Minion. He would be far cuter. I might even get more business that way. Who wouldn't come all the way out here to watch a small, yellow pill-shaped organism fix electronics? I would. But, if I could choose to have a Minion, I'd want Bob and I don't think I could put that little guy to work. So, I guess I'll just have to settle and keep who I have now.



SENT FROM: cannella
SENT TO: elzorro
TYPE: Private Post

How long does it take to catch a serial killer or have you just not been trying?



FROM: sangue
TYPE: Public

I just realised something. Does anyone know what date it is? I might have missed my birthday -- not that these things mean very much anymore. All of the days have blurred together and I admit I got very bad about keeping track of them, for a while.

The one thing that I very much want is a garden. I'm new here -- has anyone else had any success with growing anything in Austin?


TO: Olivia
TYPE: Text
2 messages )

Jul. 28th, 2015



From: queenofharts
Type: Public

Would anyone from the medical center (or anyone with a medical background, really) be willing to come to the Capitol for a house call? One of my friends isn't feeling very well and I really think he would benefit from a doctor's opinion.

Please let me know at your earliest convenience.




From: Vic Scherbatsky
To: Zhenya Whittaker
Type: Text

4 New Messages )


From: Vic Scherbatsky
To: Rodeo Hawkins
Type: Text

6 New Messages )



From: codemonkey
Type: Public

So, not to burst anyone's bubbles or trample on anyone's childhood dreams, but I'm pretty sure I just saw the shambling corpse of John Stamos outside the UMCB. Anyone at the hospital, check it out, he's by the South entrance, hanging out with a cool posse made up of what looks like decomposing Craig T. Nelson, a surprisingly lively torso, and something that looks like the spitting image of Barbra Streisand, only if she were melting.

Aw...Mom would have loved to see Barbara at least once, even if it was as the legend shuffled past her hospital window before being blown to smithereens by the Capitol guards. Do you think if I blasted "The Way We Were" from my window, she'd turn around? See, this is the stuff I'll miss when I find a new place.

From: Max
Type: Text to Zhenya

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From: Max
Type: Text to Vic

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Jul. 27th, 2015



I had the strongest craving for borshch today which is weird because the last time I had that I was a teenager. Too bad there aren't any beets around to make it.

So Austin, what is one food you miss most?

[Dog Park Residents]
Are we still on lockdown? The assholes who beat me up stole also all my shit before I got here so I have exactly one outfit to wear. Not that I don't love sitting around half-naked while I wash my only clothes and wait for them to dry, but it might be nice if I could go look for something else to wear.



FROM: Joshua Castillo
TEXT TO: Lita Singh

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FROM: Joshua Castillo
TEXT TO: Nadia Costa

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From: Something
Type: Public

Does anyone know anything about animals - birds particularly? Found a crow with a broken wing? I think. I've boxed him/her.

Read more... )

Jul. 26th, 2015



Texts sent on Nadia Costa's behalf (that were posted in the wrong place before)

From: Olivia Jensen
To: Josh Castillo

3 messages )


From: Olivia Jensen
To: Lalita Singh

4 messages )

Jul. 23rd, 2015


FROM: Gray Wolfe
TO: Maizie Wolfe
POST TYPE: Text message

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FROM: Gray Wolfe
TO: Day Hunter
POST TYPE: Text message

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FROM: Gray Wolfe
TO: Savannah Posey
POST TYPE: Text message

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FROM: Gray Wolfe
TO: Rodeo
POST TYPE: Text message

You have (5) new messages. )

Jul. 21st, 2015



From: quidproquo
Type: Public post

Don't you just love summer in Austin? It's weeks like these, when it's hot as heck and the humidity's starting to make itself known, that I start thinking that maybe the conspiracy theorists are right. Maybe the gas did burn up the ozone layer a little bit.

I think I'd give just about anything right now for a dip in a pool.

So oblige me, Austin Freenet -- what's your best cold-related story?

I'll start, of course. Once upon a time before zombies swarmed the earth, I was living out east in Philadelphia. I swear the winters were getting worse each year, but my last year there was the worst. Got caught out in a snowstorm on my way home, fell into a snowbank on the side of a busy urban road, and lost my wallet. I went through all the steps you need to take to replace all your things, of course, credit cards and identification and everything, and then when spring came and the snow melted I got a call from a stranger saying he'd found my wallet in front of a 7-11.

Your turn.


From: Nina Clarke
To: Adelaide Hawkins
Type: Text

1 message )

From: Nina Clarke
To: Demi Rafferty
Type: Text

1 message )

From: Nina Clarke
To: Isaac Callahan
Type: Text

2 messages )

Jul. 18th, 2015



From: LickMyGlock
Type: text to @RoboJoeFriday

<< Pretty sure your pal Frost went to the UMCB, today, and didn't come back.
<< you know.

<< just fyi...

<< Positive that if anyone tried to kidnap him or kill him, they'd change their mind and give him back.
<< so there's that.

Jul. 15th, 2015



SENT TO: Rodeo
TYPE: Text

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TYPE: Text to Adelaide

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TYPE: Text to Zhenya

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TYPE: Text to Lita

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TYPE: Text to Noa

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TYPE: Text to Teagan

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