Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+username:+soaring'

Apr. 17th, 2017



SENT FROM: soaring
TYPE: private message to 5k181232 & paced
TIME: April 6th, 8:45am

you have a new private message )

SENT FROM: soaring
TYPE: private message to littlebird
TIME: April 6th, 10am

you have a new private message )

Feb. 21st, 2017



From: mcdreamy
To: UMCB staff (soaring, leaveyouinstitches, littlebird, bellagio, thorns)
Type: Private post
Sent: 2/7/20, 12PM

Just heard one of the higher-ups mentioning the Denver doctors are arriving in a couple of hours, like yesterday's email said. I have my hands full with orphanage stuff right now but I was curious if anyone was gonna be helping with their research while they're here? I'm gonna donate blood though, because why not?


From: mcdreamy
To: legallyblonde
Type: Private message
Sent: 2/7/20, 12:05PM

Maizie asked about the fostering process when I dropped them off at school today. Somehow I'm not sure she's getting the message that it's not an option yet. Might want to talk to her about that.

Dec. 20th, 2016



From: cherryontop
To: bellagio, soaring, 3dani
Sent: 12/7/19, 5PM
Type: Private message



From: cherryontop
To: pikachu
Sent: 12/7/19, 5:05PM
Type: Private message


Sep. 30th, 2016



SENT FROM: soaring
TYPE: public post
TIME: October 1, 9:45am

so i guess this stuff was supposed to arrive last month but we finally got our shipment of vaccines at the umcb!!! make your appointments to get them and if demand is greater than supply we're def going to be restocking asap!!! definitely recommend a flu shot at the very least bc winter is coming (but not in the game of thrones kind of way) and the flu is different than your common cold, especially affecting children and the elderly. plus, we're living through a zombie apocalypse so i'm pretty sure none of us want to be that person who died from the flu...

ANYWAY!!! make your appointments and i'm looking forward to seeing you at the clinic! happy october and here's to a healthy austin <3

Aug. 25th, 2016



FROM: burgerqueen
TYPE: public post
WHEN: 8/9/19, 11am
Hello Austin! From the minds and cooks who brought you Burger, She Wrote, I'm pleased to announce the opening of a brick and mortar restaurant that can be found in the Barton Creek Greenbelt: Rest in Peas.

With more than a truck at our disposal, we're able to offer a greater menu variety. Feel free to stop by the grand opening today! Or come on by another day - we'll be here. This doesn't mean the end of the truck, but it won't be out full time anymore. We are still open to requests, as we're here for you. If you want us somewhere, we'll see what we can do to make that happen. Don't be afraid to ask.

Come visit Rest in Peas! We would love to feed you.

smoked jalapeño poppers;
bacon, spinach, and four cheese-stuffed mushrooms;
cajun shrimp guacamole bites

roasted tomato soup (with optional grilled cheese crostini);
rotating soup of the day (today's is a corn bisque with beef brisket "croutons")

wedge salad with gorgonzola and bacon;
couscous salad with roasted butternut squash;
mexican street corn salad

regular burger;
cheeseburger - cheddar, swiss, or provolone;
chili pepper burger;
green eggs and ham - has a fried egg, bacon, basil mayo;
sweet potato black bean burger.
*Add beef brisket to any burger to do it up Austin style!*

french fries, onion rings, roasted vegetables

spiced apple pie;
toasted s'more milkshakes (limited supply!)

Aug. 24th, 2016



SENT FROM: sweet-tart
TYPE: Public post
TIME: 8/8/19, 6:00AM

Good morning Austin! All your coffee and sugary doughnut needs have been solved!
The Doughnut Hole in the UMCB district will be open for business starting this morning!
So, if or when you’re on your way to or from Walker’s you should stop in!


Chocolate Old-Fashioned & Assorted Cake with Sprinkles

Passion Fruit Poppy Seed (Raised) & Boston Creme

Every purchase of a doughnut comes with a free tall drink of your choice today.

Aug. 17th, 2016



From: 5K181232
Type: Public post
When: 8/6/19, 7:30PM

It's my birthday!!! Savannah ordered a cake mix and frosting from Oklahoma as a test of that catalog thing and we had a family party thing, no big deal. Here's a video she took of me

I can't believe it's been another year but life goes on and stuff and even though people try to bring us down with super rude negativity and like bombs and stuff our spirits cannot be contained!!! So suck on that, outlaws!!!!!!


From: 5K181232
To: mayz, soaring, heykitten
When: 8/6/19, 7:35PM

OMG i cannot wait to celebrate for real with you hot skanks!

Jul. 27th, 2016



From: 5K181232
To: Public Post
Sent: 7/9, 7AM



Jul. 4th, 2016



From: yolo
Type: public post
When: 7/1, 8pm

took my official id card n everything earlier today. i look like a fuckin potato

guess it could be worse. besides, i got a real house and everything now. ain't gonna complain too hard.


From: yolo
Type: private post to the Greenbelt as well as jurisdoctor, journeyman, and paced
When: 7/1, 8:10pm

before any rumors get outta hand yes it's true. about twenty of our patches up and left earlier. were gonna keep on keeping on in the meantime but anyone who sees these turncoats you let us know. abandonment ain't something to take lightly and they'll be answering for it as far as im concerned.

May. 20th, 2016



SENT FROM: soaring
TYPE: private message to heykitten, mayz, 5K181232
TIME: May 7th, 11:01 am

you have a new private message )

SENT FROM: Bea Rodríguez
TYPE: text message to Sasha Whittaker
TIME: May 7th, 11:08am

you have (5) new text messages )

SENT FROM: Bea Rodríguez
TYPE: text message to Dani Diaz
TIME: May 7th, 11:11am

you have (2) new text messages )

Apr. 5th, 2016



Private post

From: 5K181232
To: mayz, soaring, & heykitten
When: 4/2, 7:49PM

We miss you guys now that you live with The Man so I wanted to say hi since it's been like three days since the last time we all talked which is not cool, so what's up?

Feb. 6th, 2016



SENT FROM: soaring
TYPE: private message to heykitten
TIME: 1/5, evening, after this phone call with Pete

soooooo i just got off the phone with the hottie doctor pete and since i'm interested in learning about medicine and stuff i'm gonna move there and shadow him for a while to see if i really like it

Jan. 28th, 2016



a series of unfortunate PMs sent 1/8

From: 5K181232
To: legallyblonde, minipig (group message)
When: 9:30AM

okay so are we SURE it's unsafe outside because i have a doctors appointment.


From: 5K181232
To: leaveyouinstitches
When: 9:37AM

i'm not allowed to go out apparently but surely there must be a way i can take this off myself?


From: 5K181232
To: parts
When: 9:38AM

i can't go today :( :( :( because i live with totalitarian dictators.


From: 5K181232
To: heykitten, soaring, mayz (group message)
When: 9:42AM


Dec. 10th, 2015



FROM: meepmeep
TYPE: public post
TIME: December 4th

If anyone requires decorations for the holidays, I've found one hell of a stash. Personally it feels like dressing up a corpse.

FROM: meepmeep
TYPE: PM to callahan
TIME: December 4th

I'm back by the way. Didn't die or anything.
Would suggest against leaving Austin though or at least avoid going west.

Nov. 7th, 2015



november 2, midday.

SENT FROM: dkwon
TYPE: Private post to Fox Grove residents
hey guys.

so. round up. who's setting off on that scouting expedition tomorrow? do we have any particular requests for supplies? stuff for the babies, vitamins maybe?

also take care of bryce, he's lactose intolerant. does powdered milk even do that anymore? important questions of 2018 brah.

TYPE: Text to Etty
except you. you're not allowed to go.

TYPE: Text to E
with bryce gone you're paired with me for the next salvage run. sorry.

TYPE: Text to Jason
my multi day hangover is finally over. sorry i was such a zom grouch. how did your supply trip to the dog park go?

Oct. 28th, 2015



SENT FROM: parts
TIME: 10/9, 12:56 AM
TYPE: Private Post to Greenhouse Volunteers

I'll be going out of town soon. If any of you are interested, I could use all the help I can get. It might take a couple of days or more to gather the last of the supplies for the greenhouse, so let me know if you want to tag along for the ride.

Oct. 24th, 2015



SENT FROM: soaring
TYPE: public post
TIME: October 8th, 11:11am

EVERYONE MAKE A WISH!!!!!! i mean you probably shouldn't tell me what your wish is otherwise it won't come true (and even if you don't believe that, why jinx it??) but this is your friendly reminder to do so <3

[Filtered to Fox Grove]
everyone get psyched because we're having a halloween party!!! this lockdown blows and we need something fun to do so it's totally gonna be a thing!

i've already got most of the decorations done but if anyone feels like pitching in to make more or volunteering for set-up that would be super awesome and helpful! and if anyone has song suggestions for the playlist, let me know. i'm still working on the music and want to make sure that everyone has at least one song they want to dance to!

theater kids, if anyone needs help with costumes can you do it??

if anyone has any other suggestions just let me know because i want this to be fun for everyone!!!! ♥

Oct. 10th, 2015



SENT FROM: mrblake
TYPE: Public Post
TIME: 10/3, 10:33pm

Okay, so something big is definitely on fire, out to the south.

TYPE: Text
TIME: 10/3, 10:35pm

You have (3) new messages )

Oct. 7th, 2015


TYPE: Filtered Message
TO: Only Fox Grovers
TIME: 3 October, 2018; 10:18 PM

Remind me again what day it is. I misplaced my calendar.

Also, remind me as to why I don't visit the roof more often. I should go up to the roof more often.

Oct. 6th, 2015



From: panahedan
Type: filtered message
To: Only Fox Grovers
Time: Oct 2

you have (1) new message )