Austin Freenet

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

April 2017




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The freenet is a city-wide wifi network -- sans the Internet as we know it -- that survivors use to communicate via message board, call, or text. Freenet users create their own usernames to log in with when they sign up for the Freenet, so a character does not have to post under their real name if they don't want to.

When posting to the Freenet, please specify whether you are posting a text or a public/private message board post.

Posts Tagged: '%23+2018+%5B05%5D+may'

Oct. 21st, 2016



SENT FROM: daddy_daycare
TYPE: public post
TIME: October 7th, 1:30 pm

Greetings Austin! My name is Beau, I'm a new schoolteacher in town and I'm looking for a few businesses, offices, or individuals that would be willing to host some field trips for some very energetic, very eager-to-learn preschoolers. I know having 10-15 little munchkins running around a place of business might not be everybody's cup of tea but if I could get a few of you to humor me, I'd love for my students to be able to experience Austin in a fun and educational way! If you have any questions about what the field trips would entail, or are yourself looking for a preschool or daycare for your own kids, please feel free to reply to this post, or shoot me a private message at your earliest convenience.

Unrelated but equally important, I heard there was a place called The Bar that was looking for part time work but when I dropped by it didn't seem like anybody was home? Did it shutter its doors or did I just drop in at a bad time?

Last thing, I swear. Anybody out there do alterations or tailoring? There's something about this Texas air that's got my three kids growing like weeds. I swear the oldest has shot up half an inch since we've moved here, and it's only been 2 days. If there was somebody who was handy with a needle and thread I'd love to throw some hems their way to be let down.

Sorry this post became a sort of "catch all" to all of my newcomer's the first time I've had more than two minutes to myself since we got to Austin and if I don't get it all my questions out in one fell swoop who knows when I'll have the chance next?

Jun. 10th, 2015



SENT FROM: theshrike
TYPE: Public Post

does anyone think it's possible that any kroliki- rabbits - survive?

Jun. 1st, 2015




May. 31st, 2015



SENT FROM: parts
TYPE: Public Post

I'll cut right to the chase. Mechanic, here. Open for business. Need something fixed for a fair price? Address attached down below. I just got the shop set up.

Enter through the garage. Ignore the dog. Look forward to doing business with some of you.

May. 29th, 2015



From: ~wren
Type: public

I have a thing it is bottleful it flashes and went if u touch it it makes things happen and I took it but I Luvs it so so much and thank u the person called arrange thank you thank you!!!

(ooc: Wren has spellchecker now - it's not working out for him as well as it should)

May. 28th, 2015



SENT FROM: tacokicker
TYPE: Public Post

so i know zombies probably rank as one of the scariest things out there right now but man you should see some of the mannequins lying await for you in the stores they are legit creepy as fuck like chill down your spine madre de dios creepy im not joking

i went into a shop today everything was cool until id reached the back and these jerks were waiting on the other side scared the LIVING SHIT outta me especially when one of them almost fell right on top of me but its alright now because ive covered all of their faces up with boxer briefs

before anyone says anything they were the only things nearby close enough to grab dont judge

SENT FROM: Sparrow (elzorro)
TYPE: Private Post to leaveyouinstitches

friend of mine took a good hit to the eye and needs a good eyepatch. you got one of those lying around at the hospital? i got three d batteries i can trade for it, might be able to find something else.



SENT FROM: Marcus Caravahlo
SENT TO: Dr. Lalita Singh
TYPE: Text

1 new message. )



From: loboferoz
Type: public post

So this shit actually works, huh? People use this thing like motherfucking twitter or is it more craigslist?

May. 26th, 2015



SENT TO: Rodeo
TYPE: Text

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SENT TO: Zhenya
TYPE: Text

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From: icarus
Type: public post

OK, I know this is probably such a fuckin' long shot, but does anyone have an kreteks? Yes, I know, I know, I should be cuttin' back on smoking. Hell, I shouldn't be smoking at all. But if I'm going to risk it and do at least one every now and then, I want it to be something good.

Please tell me one of you weirdos has been hidin' some of the good shit out there.

May. 25th, 2015


SENT TO: Rayanne
TYPE: Text

You have (3) new messages. )

May. 24th, 2015



SENT TO: Sparrow
TYPE: Text

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From: badmoonrising
Type: public

i'm hungry bored drunk starting to get worried about my obsession with bacon. what's something you want back? not that I care




Sent from: Adelaide
Type: Text to Rodeo

>There a day this week that's better for a sister visit?

>Miss you fellas.



TYPE: Public Post

Congratulations, Austin, you're actually better developed than most of the cities I passed through on my way to you. Top hats off to you and all.

But you're missing something good. And I'm bringing it to you. You can thank Zhenya for this. But I'm going to clean up this bar I've been living at for the past couple weeks to make it actually fully functional and running again. You're welcome, Austin.

I need a few things to help me get going:

- Any fabric, foam, or padding you can spare
- Nails
- Screws
- Bolts
- HDMI cable
- Double AA batteries
- Power strip (the more the merrier)
- Old pet cages and fish tanks or fish bowls

May. 23rd, 2015




SENT FROM: Adelaide
TYPE: Text to Lita

>So, how stocked are your 'good will towards fellow (wo)men' stores at the moment?

May. 22nd, 2015


From: feelthelovebitches
Type: public

Marry/bang/kill - Me! Go!

Also feel free to put yourself up for the same question, because what's the net without a little fun times?



SENT FROM: cannella
TYPE: Public Post

What areas should be avoided?